Shipley and Westcliffe Patient Participation Group Meeting 07.05.2015
1) Welcome and Apologies:
Mary Cuthbert, Jackie Devereux, Claire Fox, Colin Harris, Denise Hibbert, Paul Russell, Brenda Shields, Emma Stafford (chairperson), Anne West, Julie Winterbottom
Manda Bean, Nick Hayward, Kirsty Hogg, Diane West
2) Minutes of last meeting:
3) Draft CQC reports:
JW reported that CQC draft reports are not yet available for our practices, apart from Cowgill Surgery , which was rated “good”
4) Review of PPG Report:
Not discussed. To be carried forward to next meeting’s agenda
5) Website- Update & Working Group:
CF led discussion on feedback from members comparing ease of use of Shipley and Westcliffe websites. Westcliffe website deemed difficult to navigate, and contained a lot of information but too much text. Information was out of date and important information missing eg opening times at Bank Holiday. Plan is to alter Westcliffe website format so it is the same as other member practices in the group
Shipley website deemed more user-friendly and compatible with mobile phones and tablets.
Discussion ensued about potential to include virtual surgery tours and video clips to promote self-management of minor ailments by patients.
A Working group will be set up with 2 representatives from PPGs of each of the member practices in the group. ES and AW were proposed as representatives of SWPPG with CF and MB leading at practice level as Patient Service Managers.
6) Newsletter:
It was felt that reinstatement of practice newsletters was a priority for the PPG. Aim is to produce a newsletter for July 2015, then quarterly. MB and CF to lead at practice level as Patient Service Managers. CF agreed to look into ready -made templates online. It was felt that the newsletter should include introductions to new staff, updates on new services, a topical clinical section, interviews with staff to explain roles or “A Day in the Life Of…” section. MC volunteered to be interviewed for first newsletter. The newsletter should fit on 2 sides of A4 paper and should have some parts common to both practices but other parts will vary in details between practices.
A sub-group of SWPPG members (JD, CH, DH, PR, ES, BS, AW) agreed to meet informally in the near future to discuss a draft newsletter to present to the next formal SWPPG meeting in 2 months. It was agreed that as many available members as possible would attend the informal meeting.
7) Shortage of appointments:
JW and MC led discussion regarding national shortage of GPs due to retirement, changes in pension arrangements, lack of recruitment into GP training, and emigration of newly qualified GPs. This is putting huge pressure upon GPs and impacting on availability of appointments. Discussion ensued about how to inform patients about self-help and use of other health professionals eg pharmacists and specialist nurses. The PPG newsletter was seen as a useful vehicle to explain the roles of different health professionals. There was discussion about videos promoting self help of minor ailments on the website and promotion of Pharmacy First Service
AW produced a draft poster RESPECT, summarising factors influencing the booking of a GP appointment by patients
8) Promoting the PPG:
ES circulated a draft poster she has produced aimed at encouraging patients to become involved in SWPPG. This was approved and members agreed to consider any additional points needing inclusion in the poster.ES also circulated a poster illustrating how the PPG works with the CCG. It was agreed that these posters should be displayed in GP practices. The poster inviting patient participation could also be displayed in local buildings in Shipley used by patients eg library, playgroups etc.
In an attempt to engage more young people to become involved in SWPPG ES has set up a Twitter account, attracting 17 followers to date.
AW suggested that SWPPG might promote itself at a local family-orientated event eg Norman Rae Gala or at Kirkgate Community Centre, which is used by families for playgroup facilities.
9) AOB:
BS and ES have attended 2 PPG training sessions at Cellar Project, which were enjoyable and informative.
CF informed the group of a small bequest from patient at Shipley HC, to be used for benefit of patients. A wheelchair which could be used in emergencies had been suggested by NH, who also suggested a wristband monitor for patients with cardiac conditions. Other suggestions to be sent to CF as no agreement was reached in the meeting.
10) Next meeting dates:
Informal meeting: Tuesday 12.05.2015 at 16.30 hrs at Westcliffe Medical Centre (Subgroup-see item 6)
Formal meeting for whole group: Thursday 02.07.2015 at 16.30 hrs at Westcliffe Medical Centre
Meeting closed at 17.50 hrs Dr Mary Cuthbert 07.05.15