Access Programme for Cultural Venues


Scoring Matrix

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Scoring Matrix

The following Scoring Matrix has been developed for the Access Programme for Cultural Venues.

Name of Organisation:

Reference Number:


/ Max Score
Q3. Please outline the top three priority access improvements required to increase engagement and participation from the pan disability community.
·  Are the proposed improvements clearly based on an independent access audit?
·  Would the proposed improvements create significant access improvements within the venue?
·  Are the proposed improvements consistent with access best practice? / 5
Q4. If successful, what impact will this investment make with regards to patrons and visitors from the pan disability community?
·  Are they able to reference any relevant primary or secondary research to inform the potential impact of these changes?
·  Have they detailed both the scale and scope of the potential impact (e.g. Quantifying potential audience increase from pan disability community, development of future programming capacity, utilisation of venue by new user groups etc.) / 5
Q5. If successful, how will you measure the impact of this investment on your patrons and visitors from the pan disability community?
·  Have they committed to establishing or established a baseline from which they can measure impact?
·  Have they developed a working relationship with Access and Inclusion Officer within DCSDC?
·  Have they outlined a robust and reliable methodology for measuring impact?
·  Have they detailed relevant performance indicators to measure impact?
·  Do they have a monitoring and reporting regime to inform their organisation and DCSDC of the impact achieved? / 5
Q6. Please explain how your organisation is committed to continuous improvement with regards to access and inclusion.
·  Have they engaged with DCSDC Access and Inclusion project including participation on the Cultural Venues Working Group?
·  Are they committed to securing disability charter mark status for their venue?
·  Are they involved in other initiatives relating to driving improvements in access and inclusion?
·  Have they committed to implementing the Access for All Scheme for their venue
·  Are they committed to the development of a database in line with Data Protection Act (1998) to capture participation in arts and culture activity within venue from pan disability community? / 5
Q7. Please demonstrate how your organisation employs good practice in terms of governance and financial management.
·  Do they demonstrate good governance and robust financial, health & safety, procurement and management systems
·  Have they outlined reporting management processes and procedures
·  Have they identified key personal as well as relevant expertise and experience / 5
Q8. Please detail proposed capital/equipment expenditure.
·  Are the breakdown of costs well defined and realistic?
·  Is the proposed expenditure related to the top three priority areas within their access audit?
·  Is the amount required from Derry City and Strabane District Council value for money and eligible?
/ 5

Assessment Score

/ Max 30

Derry City and Strabane District Council – Access Programme for Cultural Venues

Scoring Matrix

Ref No: ______

Scoring Matrix

Responses to each of the questions will be scored based on the table below.

The Total score will be determined by adding the score provided (from 0 – 5) for each of the responses.

Band / Comments
5 / Fully detailed proposal and evidence provided, very minor concerns on detail, relevance or complexity
4 / Detailed proposal and evidence provided, some concerns on detail, relevance or complexity
3 / Reasonable proposal and evidence provided, lacking in detail, relevance or complexity
2 / Limited proposal and evidence provided, significant concerns on detail, relevance or complexity
1 / Little or no proposal and evidence provided, very significant concerns on detail, relevance or complexity
0 / Failed to submit details or to address question

Derry City and Strabane District Council Access Programme for Cultural Venues

2017/18 - Scoring Matrix

Page 4