Minutes of Invicta East Kent Athletic Club Management Committee Meeting July 19th 2017

Venue: Victoria Hotel, Canterbury

1.  Members present: Ralph Noel, Rex Strickland, Stephen Burt, Laura Reichhelm, Claire Battersby, Glenn Mousley, Peter Mullervy

2.  Apologies for absence: Michaela Clay, Sarah Hotham, Michale Gallyer-Barnett, Rachel Harding

3.  Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and accepted. Proposed by Stephen Burt and seconded by Peter Mullervy.

4.  Matters arising from the Minutes:

Following last month’s meeting the website was discussed further and it was generally agreed that The Croydon Harriers website was the favourite website in terms of a fresh, modern and easy to access information approach that Invicta’s website could aspire to. With a vote of 4 to 2 abstentions it was agreed that work could start on moving forward on creating a new website for Invicta. Steve and Steve’s brother have offered to help with this.

It was agreed that the new website would need to provide:

·  A ‘Shop window’

·  Easy and quick access of information/ease of use,

·  A link to the existing membership database

·  Easy uploading content to authorised site administrators (i.e. Peter downloading photos)

·  Active links to Facebook ,Instagram and Twitter feeds.

In addition, Steve has asked everyone to define specifically what they would like to see in a new website that is relevant to them. ACTION: Everyone to send two or three bullet points to Steve as soon as possible

ACTION: Michael, Ralph and Steve to talk to the Junior Reps about their role. Carrried forward

ACTION carried forward: Laura to complete u11s letter regarding code of conduct Carried forward.

ACTION carried forward: Ralph/ Rachel/Sarah to format an induction letter for review which states what is to be expected from the athlete and that it is made clear that by joining the club that parents automatically accept the clubs’ terms and conditions. Carried forward

5.  Canterbury 10:

Glenn gave an update on the arrangements which are all ‘on track’. The flyers are printed and now need to be distributed. Glenns’ last year as race director for the event will be 2019 by which time a designate will need to have been found. Steve notified everyone that the Herne Bay 10 for 2018 will be on 1st July.

6.  Secretary’s Report:

There have been 7 new member enquiries (two under 11s, three 12-15s, and a senior 34yr old 10k runner)

In the last meeting Steve raised the issue of the need to keep the membership database details up to date. It was agreed that it is the individual coaches’ responsibility to ensure that the database of their athletes is current and to provide this information to Sarah on a quarterly basis. It was also agreed that Sarah would help coaches do this by giving coaches a printout for coaches to review with athletes (on a quarterly basis). ACTION: Steve to notify coaches by email and Sarah. Carried Forward and to be addressed in September’s coaches meeting.

7.  Treasurer’s Report - Absent

8.  Membership Secretary’s Report: 1 new member (George Colyer) and 1 FOI (Sadie Colyer) were elected. Proposed by Stephen Burt and seconded by Ralph Noel.

9.  Child Welfare Officer’s Report: -Absent

10.  AOB

Rachel is to visit all coaching groups and report back to MANCOM regarding and health and safety or child welfare issues. Carried Forward.

Concerns were raised in last month’s MANCOM meeting that this had not been completed. James’ group was the only one that had not yet been assessed. Ralph is to chase Rachel so that a risk assessment is done by the end of the first week back at term and a written report submitted shortly thereafter. Depending on the outcome an action plan may be needed. If health and safety issues were not being met there could be a requirement (perhaps only temporary) for training at the field near the track rather than offsite.

ACTION: Ralph/Rachel/Michael

This was Laura’s last MANCOM as Secretary, having resigned from the post due to a year’s leave in Australia. A handover file was given to Ralph to give to the new secretary when appointed.

The meeting finished at 8.00pm