School council Minutes March 10th, 2015
6:33 pm start
Steph Richardson, Alicia Purcell, Dean Sadler, Tom Wormald, Laura Leclaire, Corrie Mackenzie, Candace Scevartley, Trish Felker, Deb Adjeleian, Kyra Streight, Karen Bryan, Colleen Fitzpatick, Hollie MacDonald, Lusanna O’Shea, Natash Luff, Caroline Inkpen, Lesley Wollenschlager
Acceptance of agenda—Deb motioned and Trish seconded
Minutes of previous accepted by Trish and seconded by Deb
Staff update from Tom Wormald and Laura Leclaire—
Admin report-
- Tiles in the junior hall and other places will be replaced over March break Learning commons is currently being rejigged. Painting on the March break. Large stacks removed. Lab will be perimeter with extra computers going to classrooms. Books have been culled according to board protocol for the life cycle of a book. Dated books ,not circulated for some time and any books that are modelling inappropriate content and/stereotypes.
- Siding will be started in June on the west side. Starting in June will hopefully allow us to start September with completed building
- Bbal is in full swing. One tournament tomorrow one in April
- Badminton still happening and many clubs on the go
- Staffing change in grade five Mrs Horsfall is in Perth her teaching component is being staff temporarily while staffing process occurs
- Field trips have been booked. Lots of great opportunities thanks to your funding
- Kinder numbers are good for next year. We should have same number of kinders next year as this year
- We will be getting our class make up shortly. Near Easter. I suspect we will have many splits
Financial Report
Trish presented report—no funds out nor in so report the same as last time. Usual lunch order funds
600.00 for nutrition was given for last meeting request
300.00 Scientist in the schools—Kyna’s Pro Grant
8200 left to spend
- 370 for scientist in the classroom for a workshop for the grade 5’s
- 300.00 to support grade 6 celebration
- 2000.00 request for Early Literacy Intervention program
Deb to motion the funding request for the reading program,voted and Approved
Motion for 300.00 for the grad—voted and approved
Motion for 375 for the scientist in classroom—voted and approved
Kyna –scientist may 19th and 20th---send the forms home—first come first serve basis—PRO Grant
New pro grant is due by May 19—send out short list prior to next meeting. Everyone is great to have Kyna do next year’s pro grant application—she will send out ideas via email
Plant and Bake sale—
- May 9th 9-12 pm—silent auction---will need someone for the silent auction, bake sales Rebecca,Deb plants---Lusanne, Baskets—need help.
- Scholastic book sale during this time
- Trish is the floater volunteer
- Gym tables and custodian are booked
- Contact Jennifer Graham if you can help—or have any questions
- Corrie will do the raffle…
- Jen to get the license
- Letters to family and items back by april 27th for baskets
- Info coming for teachers—will give to Karen
- Pots, seedlings, yogurt containers
- Volunteers are needed
- Candace raised some questions about some changes—she will email jen as we recognize that her hard work cant be spread thin….discussions to occur
Fiona –Steep Tea
-shared order form, each student gets a form, everything is 12.00 prior to tax. Fiona tallies, all students materials will be tallied in a bag. Two weeks to sell, two weeks to come in and sort it, 12 teas and three infusers, What happens if you don’t make the 500.00 mark—you still get the stuff but you get 25% not 40% . New fundraiser for schools. Mother day we need 24th of April to get in for Mother’s day. Two weeks is long enough.
Make it Sew—march 23rd and back April 7th–its on!!-send home right away—Corrie needs up sorting
Discussion—are we hitting our families too much? Should tea be at the Plant and Bake sale to give samples? Trish pointed out the finances. Motion from Corrie….are we going forward with steep tea?….vote—For =3, opposed = 5.
Moving forward for next year…forecast the big fundraisers and have some smaller ones in the background. Help families plan which fundraisers they want to be involved in.
Candace is compiling a fundraiser of information in case someone takes it on –that way the info is available for all
Next Meeting april 14th
Motion to adjourn---Trish, seconded by Deb?
Adjournment :8 pm