

Feedback on External Training/Seminar/ Conference

(Between 200 to 300 words)

1.  Name of Official who attended the event:

Swarup Mukherjee

2.  Topic:

3rd Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (3rd CTRG) –

Traffic& Transportation Management, Road Safety, Travel behavior etc are some of the topics covered

3.  Date(s)s and duration of the event

18th and 19th December 28, 2015

4.  Venue


5.  Brief profile of the faculty/panelists

Professors of US/UK Universities, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi and IIT Guwahati and Traffic & Transport professionals

6.  Major topics covered

Activity based travel demand modeling, Travel behavior study, road safety, urban freight, traffic flow and operation, transport economics planning and policy, pavement material and design, financing of transport project, sustainable development and environment etc.

7.  Lessons learnt

Professors, Research scholars and professionals from universities of USA, UK etc presented their works on traffic and transportation topics. Prof Dr Pendyala from Georgia Tech University USA presented that real time traffic information is processed and activity based travel demand model calibration is run and model output is disseminated to road users for a certain interval of time of a day.

Directions of research for Travel behavior modeling, traffic control systems, quantification of road safety cost are discussed. Issues in PPP model for financing road project, urban freight issues and possible solutions are elaborated and well delivered in the conference and these can be used in our daily professional activities.

8.  Applicability /relevance of the lessons learnt in the context of ICT

Relevant and useful information discussed in the conference are collected and will be used while developing methodology of traffic and transportation study of existing and future projects. Use of new software is also relevant in travel demand modeling field, which can be used in future ICT projects and proposals.

9.  Remarks including suggestions, if any

CTRG is the most important conference in traffic and transportation field in India. ICT’s traffic and transportation staff need to attend similar conference to be updated in the industry.