Accelerated Math (AM) Information

This year in math class, we are using a computer program called Accelerated Math. Here is basically how it works:

1.  Students scan 2-3 practices and receive a score of 80 or above.

2.  Then students receive a TEST.

3.  If the student does well on the test, they can potentially MASTER at least 5 objectives from the 1 TEST.

In order to receive an AM grade of 100 students should master the following number of objectives for the specified quarter: (due dates will be announced and posted in class and on my website)

1st Quarter Goal – Master 25 objectives – 8 by first progress report, 16 by second

2nd Quarter Goal – Master 25 objectives – 8 by first progress report, 16 by second

3rd Quarter Goal – Master 30 objectives – 10 by first progress report, 20 by second

4th Quarter Goal – Master 30 objectives – 10 by first progress report, 20 by second

Ø  Calculators may be used for Accelerated Math.

Ø  Students should complete and scan a minimum of 1 practice per week. It is highly recommended that they scan 2-3 times per week.

Ø  Students are encouraged to scan early in the week because they are not given additional time if they are absent at the end of the week and chose to not scan at the start of the week.

Ø  Parents are encouraged to check the date at the top of their child’s practice if they are concerned about them scanning weekly.

Ø  Students are expected to complete AM outside of class in addition to completing other homework assignments and projects. During first quarter, students will be provided 5-10 minutes of class time each day to work on AM. After first quarter, students will be responsible for completing these assignments outside of class.

Ø  Practice & Test scores are not averaged into the final math grade.

Ø  Students will receive a participation grade for AM every 2 weeks. If they scan a practice both weeks (and receive a passing grade), they will receive a participation grade of 100. Scanning 1 out of 2 weeks will result in a grade of 50 and not scanning for 2 weeks will result in a zero.

Ø  The only grades that will be averaged in are the 4 participation grades and the 2 grades based upon how many objectives the student has mastered at midterm and at the end of the quarter. Students are expected to master ½ of the objectives by midterm.

Ø  Accelerated Math counts for 15% of each student’s math grade!

Ø  Students can earn up to 15 extra credit points by mastering additional objectives. For each objective over the requirement students receive one extra credit point.

EX: If 1st Quarter Susie masters 32 objectives – This is 7 objectives over the requirement so Susie would receive a grade of 107.


I understand what is expected to get a grade of 100 on Accelerated Math assignments. I realize that if I do not complete AM, the best grade I can get in math class is a C.


Student Name (Printed) Parent Name (Printed)


Student Signature DATE Parent Signature DATE