Time-codes / Dialogue
00:00:03:11 / Presenter
Hello, I’m going to demo the Acas Model Workplace. The Acas Model Workplace is a free interact tool that is available on the Acas website and it’s designed to be used by everyone who’s got a responsibility for people management. It will help you assess the effectiveness of people management in your organisation, it will give you some practical guidance on how you can improve that and it will also link you to useful resources. So if you use it you can either register up here and if you do that that means that you can save your results, return to them later or you could print them as PDFs. And you could also access other Acas services. If you’ve already registered with us, say you've booked a course, you can use those existing registration details.
00:00:46:06 / Presenter
I’m short on time though so I’m just gonna try it by filling in a few questions here.
00:00:52:18 / Presenter
So my organisation has 200 employees, is not part of a bigger organisation, we’re in the private sector, the nature of our business is manufacturing. I’ll just type in the post code now.
00:01:10:20 / Presenter
I’ve already read the terms and condition so I tick here and then I’m ready to start. If you need instructions details on how to use the tool are at the bottom of every page. So I’m ready to go now.
00:01:23:08 / Presenter
Here’s all the modules. There’s ten of them and they cover a variety of employment related subjects. I’m gonna go for discipline and grievance this time.
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There’s an introduction to each module before you begin and another opportunity to save by clicking here.
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There’s a little bit of guidance on each question and I can choose from multiple choice.
00:01:49:24 / Presenter
So I’m gonna work through the questions now.
00:02:00:10 / Presenter
As you see there’s guidance on each one.
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If I decided that I wanted to go back and review an earlier question or change what I’ve said that’s fine, that’s not a problem to do that.
00:02:29:12 / Presenter
At the end I’ll get a rating, seems like I’m not doing so well on this particular subject matter. So I read the rating and the guidance that I get as a result of it and see that there’s links also to further advice. So these are on the Acas website but not all of them are, they come from a range of sources. If I’d registered I could also download a summary PDF.
00:02:53:12 / Presenter
I can also see all my results by going to the My Results page.
00:03:01:00 / Presenter
If I’d done other modules they’d also appear on this page. This won’t be saved because I haven’t registered but you could always register at this point and then it would be. I’m gonna go back to the questions.
00:03:13:11 / Presenter
You’ll see that my rating appears on that module. I could always go and back and do it again. All the other modules are here and I could choose another subject to move on to or I could just do that one cause I think that’s most relevant. If you’d like to have a go at the Acas Model Workplace go to
00:03:39:00 / CUT