Ch. Korol

Kharkov, Ukraine

Academy of the Interior Troops of the MIA of Ukraine

Fifth-year undergraduate


The practice of military translation currently impossible without deep knowledge of the theory and understanding of the complexity of the translation process. Understanding the translation process equips translator with search technique required the equivalent of correspondences defines a principled approach to the implementation of the translation, allows us to approach the solution of practical problems is more rational way and thus saves translator’stime. Thus, theory and practice are closely interconnected and amplify with each other [3, p. 84].

Military translation is entirely separate linguistic discipline because of the high demands for quality and accuracy of the translation, errors in which, at best, lead to arbitrary and subjective interpretations of the text and misunderstandings in the negotiations and the worst may cost someone’s life or cause serious material costs. It requires not only impeccable ownership of foreign military terminology, but also the adequate Russian military terminology, which is regularly updated through the introduction of new types of weapons, of innovation in the field of materials and equipment, the emergence of new strategies and methods of warfare. In addition, the translator must have deep knowledge of cultural character, as the approach to military affairs in different countries is quite different, which is manifested in the structure of military regulations, and in the style of presentation. Military translation covers all forms and methods of translation, translation of manuals and documents to interpretation during the radio traffic, not excluding the two-way translation when talking about the war, and interpretation [2].

To military materials in the broadest sense of the word, with which an Interpreter has to deal, usually related to military and art supplies, military and journalistic and political-military materials, military, scientific and military-technical materials, acts of military command and control (various military documents). By proper military materials accepted to scientific and technical materials and acts of controls associated with the life and work of troops and military establishments of the armed forces. Military-fiction, militaryjournalism and military-political materials have the traits that are generally common to all the socio-political, journalistic and literary texts [2].

All military materials are different from any other material by richness of special military vocabulary, extensive use of scientific and military terms, both directly related to military affairs, and to the various areas of technology, which is used in the military, stable combinations that are unique to the military sphere of communication, an abundance of military nomenclature and special abbreviations and symbols used only in military materials.And from the point of view of syntax - the extensive use of elliptic (especially for War Documentation) and stereotyped structures, temporary alleviation of verb forms, a compressed form of expression, the use of a single sentence in multiple parallel structures expressed infinitive and participial are also frequently used in the military documents. All this is connected with a particular functional load that characterizes the military sphere of communication: conciseness, clarity and concreteness of language, accuracy and clarity of presentation that provides a logical sequence of sentence structure, a clear demarcation of the thought of the other, the ease of perception of the information. Language of military regulations is less specialized. This is due to the content of the statute defining the nature of the relationships between military personnel, units and formations, as well as the rights and duties of the army, and so on [1].

Basic translation principles, methods and techniques in general, and in particular, are typical for the military translation. However, due to a communicative-functional direction this type of translation has specific features associated with the peculiarities of style, vocabulary, and grammar of the foreign military materialslanguage. In the military translationaccurateis very important, as translated material can serve as a basis for making important decisions, military operations, etc. Therefore, if the military materials translation involves not only the accurate transmission of the materialcontent, but also a thorough its structural formtransfer, the order of the parts and arrangement of the material, the sequence of presentation and a number of other factors that may seem unnecessary, formal, but of importance to the military expert [2, 4].


1) Galperin I.R.Text as an object of linguistic research. - Moscow: Nauka, 1981. - 139 p.

2) Nelyubin L.L.Explanatory translators’ dictionary. - 3rd edition, revised. - M. Flint: Nauka, 2003.

3) Strelkovsky G.M. Theory and practice of military translation: German. - Moscow: Military Publishing, 1979. –P. 272.

4) ShiryaevaO.Graduate work on "Transfer Features specific military lexicon from English into Russian (for example, the U.S. Army Field Manual)." Teacher c.p.s., Associate professor M.A.Pahnotskaya. - Togliatti, 2011.