Academies of Nashville

Student Ambassador Program

Mission, goals and outcomes - To maintain a cohort of Academy student representatives who exhibit and can articulate key aspects of their academy and The Academies of Nashville and who provide leadership in their academy and a student voice and perspective in its growth and improvement.

Program Overview - The Academies of Nashville Student Ambassador Program recruits, trains, organizes and supports student ambassadors who represent their various academies at local and district events and participate in their academy’s Advisory Board. Each academy will have a minimum of two ambassadors from different grades. Depending on the size and nature of an academy, additional ambassadors may be advisable.

Opportunities for Ambassadors

•Practice and improve their presentation and professional skills

•Develop networking skills with their peers

•Engage with the larger Nashville community

•Interact with business and education stakeholders from around the state and country

•Advocate on behalf of their fellow students

•Add a significant experience and skill set to their resumes

Calendar of Core Program Events for Ambassadors

•Annual training of new ambassadors and refresher training of returning ambassadors the beginning of each school year

•Refresher and additional training and reflection conducted at least once every nine-week reporting period.

•Assisting as hosts and guides for the annual Career Exploration Fair

•Providing a student voice and perspective in their academy’s Advisory Board meetings

•Attend, as appropriate, academy team meetings to add student perspectives and to develop a deeper understanding of their academy and its program

•Attending periodic meetings with fellow ambassadors at their school and across the district

•Serving as hosts and guides for the Academies of Nashville Showcases

•Assisting in the recruitment of ambassadors

•End-of-year celebrations and awards ceremonies for ambassadors

Application and Selection Process

•Each academy should be represented by ambassadors from multiple grade levels.

• Ninth graders will be recruited at the beginning of the school year to serve for one year as ambassadors for their Freshman Academy.

•Ambassadors should represent the diversity of their academy and their school’s population.

•Administration, faculty and existing student ambassadors should be included in the selection process.

•Final selection of ambassadors for the next school year should be completed by May 15.

Roles and Responsibilities

Student Ambassador Program Coordinator

•Ensure all academies have at least the minimum number of trained ambassadors

•Determine when ambassadors are an essential element of a district-sponsored event

•Communicate expectations for student ambassador participation in district-wide events or those involving more than more school

•Organize district-wide networking and recognition events for student ambassadors including an annual awards celebration

•Establish uniform grounds for acceptance and dismissal of an ambassador

•Establish and maintain uniform policies and procedures for ambassadors’ absences and permissions from classes for ambassador events

Academy Coach

•Conduct recruitment campaign spring for ambassadors for their school

•Organize ambassador training and refresher at the beginning of the school year

•Maintain a consolidated calendar of events and meetings where student ambassadors are expected

•Communicate the student ambassador calendar to all academy teams

•Provide opportunities for student ambassadors in all their academies to network

•Coordinate an annual review of the ambassadors in their school

•Maintains files for all ambassadors at their school

•Share information on surplus and needed blazers with other academies

Academy Lead

•Assist in the recruitment and interviewing of student ambassador candidates for their academy

•Coach their academy’s ambassadors in the effective execution of their roles and responsibilities

•Ensure the academy’s ambassadors are fully briefed on specifics of their academy’s pathways and programs

•Monitor their ambassador’s grade point average and eligibility each reporting period

•Assist in the review of their academy’s ambassadors

•Include as appropriate in team planning

Academy Ambassador

•Maintain eligibility requirements to serve as an ambassador

•Commit to participate and assist in academy, school and district functions which showcase their academy and the Academies of Nashville

•Attend as appropriate Academy team meetings to provide student perspectives and voice in their planning

•Serve on the Advisory Board for their academy, providing student voice and representation

•Attend periodic meetings and ongoing training of ambassadors

•Mentor new academy ambassadors

•Assist in recruiting new ambassadors

•Secure and maintain clothing items specified for and consistent with the image of The Academies of Nashville

Advisory Board Chair

Ensure meetings are scheduled far enough in advance and at times which will allow participation by student ambassadors

Include the student voice and perspectives brought by the ambassadors in the board deliberations and planning

Involve student ambassadors as leaders and agents of change in their academies

Provide resource as needed from the Advisory Board to assist in ambassador training

Assist in the review of their academy’s ambassadors

Components of Ambassador Training - Ambassador training begins with an initial orientation session combined with equipping the ambassadors for their core duties. Southwestern Training materials will serve as a core component of ambassador training. Refresher and additional training and reflection is conducted at a minimum once every nine-week reporting period.

Core Components of Ambassador Training

•Modeling professional skills

•Effective public speaking

•Dressing professionally

•Basics of business and social etiquette, including introductions and dining

•Facts on the demographics and facilities of their overall school and specific features of their academy, its programs and pathways

•Training and practice in conducting tours

•Mentoring new ambassadors

•Developing and telling their story and the story of their academy

Optional Topics

Successful Practices - As the high schools and their academies implement and evolve their ambassador programs, there will be lessons learned and successful practices noted which could benefit other schools. Examples of such include:

•Before including ambassadors as part of an academy or school event, it should be determined if their role is essential.

•Periodic reminders and refresher training coupled with periodic “perks” will help maintain a high level of motivation and professionalism among the academy’s ambassadors.

•A scripted and rehearsed tour narrative of the school and its academies will aid the ambassadors in their role as hosts and guides.

•A closet of shirts and other clothing items needed for use as an ambassador can ensure that they maintain a professional appearance regardless of circumstances or amount of notice. White shirts should be considered the norm for all ambassadors.

•Ambassadors should be given the opportunity to practice their stories by presenting to members of the school’s staff, e.g. the Registrar.

•In determining the number of ambassadors required for an academy, all of an academy’s pathways should be represented by its ambassadors.


•Sample ambassador application forms

•Ambassador interview rubric

•Sample acceptance letters and permission forms

•Sample orientation and training agendas

•Questions every ambassador should anticipate

•Sample ambassador story

•Sample from a school tour narrative