Artifacts for Study, Reflection and Planning
Amy E’s “Top 10” Playlist
(or just move on to the longer list below)
Concept(s) / Artifact Name/Description / Artifact Type etc.Non-Cognitive / 1. Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners
The role of Non-cognitive Factors in Shaping School: A Critical Literature Review
Chapters 4-5 are recommended to read first / Downloadable/web-readable PDF
Grit / 2. Angela Duckworth TED Talk on Grit
Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. Here, she explains her theory of "grit" as a predictor of success. / Video TED Talk (6:13)
Longer TED Talk also available (18:38):
Character / 3. KIPP’S Approach to Teaching and Developing Character (multiple links - see right-hand column) /
Web page text plus 2 videos
Web Page Text & video
1 page PDF
Grit / 4. What if the Secret to Success is Failure? / New York Times Article (PDF google doc)
Growth Mindset /
5. The research of Carol Dweck on growth mindset
/ YouTube video (4:11)Stereotype Threat /
6. A short video about stereotype threat featuring Claude Steele
/ YouTube video (2:59)Stereotype Threat- Social Belonging /
7. Stanford psychologist Gregory Walton explains how a relatively small psychological intervention can help improve student achievement and workplace environments.
/ YouTube video (6:33)Hope/
Optimism /
8. A short article called “Research-Based Practice: Building Hope in Our Children” by researchers Susana C. Marques and Shane J. Lopez
/ article published on-line by NASP (National Association of School PsychologistsHope/
Optimism /
9. The Science of Hope: an interview with leading researcher Shane Lopez
/ IMPORTANT: from this link, click on VIDEO link, then scroll down to The Science of Hope video (9:41)Longer videos also available on this page
Gratitude /
10. Researcher Robert Emmons sharing practices for cultivating gratitude
/ YouTube video (5:43)MORE MINDSET ARTIFACTS
Concept(s) / Artifact Name or Description / Artifact LinkNon-Cognitive / 11. Non-Cognitive Ability, Test Scores, and Teacher Quality: Evidence from 9th Grade Teachers in North Carolina / Study by C. Kirabo Jackson, Northwestern University, shared as google doc
Resiliency / 12. The Mindset of Teachers Capable of Fostering Resilience in Students / Article from Canadian Journal of School Psychology, shared as google doc
Grit / 13. Promoting Grit, Tenacity, and Perseverance: Critical Factors for Success in the 21st Century / Publication from the US Department of Education - Office of Educational Technology
Grit / 14. NBC news 10 minute segment on teaching Grit / Video (9:19)
Power of the Non-Cognitive / 15. Re-thinking the Notion of Non-Cognitive (David Conley in Education Week) / Article shared as google doc
Stereotype Threat / 16. A short article from CNN.com on the Importance of social belonging and its impact on first-year college grades and other outcomes. / article shared as google doc
Growth Mindset / 17. Short article from NPR about Growth Mindset featuring the work of Carol Dweck / Short article available on NPR website
Gratitude & Belonging / 18. The benefits of passion and absorption in activities: Engaged living in adolescents and
its role in psychological well-being
Concept of “Engaged Living” – having a passion to help others / Article published in the Journal of Positive Psychology and available on-line
Growth Mindset / 19. Growth Mindset article from the Stanford News featuring the work of Carol Dweck / Stanford News article available on-line (2007)
Growth Mindset / 20. Two teachers’ blog postings of mindset data from their classes
(2 links shown in next column) /
Grit / 21. Learning from Mistakes is Harder than We Think / Article published in Time On-Line (2011)
Grit /
22. Teacher-Written article: “Don't Prevent Students' Mistakes, Prepare for Them”
/ Article published in Education Week Teacher blog (2012)Zest /
23. Teacher TEDX Talk on zesty, student-directed learning titled “How to Learn? From Mistakes!”
/ Ted Talk (10:06)Grit /
24. Scientific American article about “Getting It Wrong” discussing research that concluded that learning becomes better if conditions are arranged so that students make errors.
/ Article published in Scientific American (2009)Stereotype Threat /
25. A lesson plan for teaching about stereotype threat
/ Lesson plan teacher-self--published on web (2011)Stereotype Threat /
26. A review of Whistling Vivaldi, researcher Claude Steele’s newest book about Stereotype Threat
/ Book review published in Harvard Educational Review (2011)Stereotype Threat /
27. “Stereotypes Can Pose Threats” - article from on Claude Steele and his research and findings about Stereotype Threat
/ Article published on-line from the Cornell Daily Sun (2013)Locus of Control /
28. Article about Locus of Control and classroom strategies for developing internal locus of control, associated with better academic and life outcomes
/ Article published in Teacher Plus (2011)Growth Mindset /
29. Graphicshowing the key aspects of Carol Dweck’s growth vs. fixed mindset framework and implications for academic achievement
/ 1 page graphic - PDFGrit /
30. Angela Duckworth and the research on Grit
/ Published by American Radio Works - American Public Media (2012)Growth Mindset /
31. Website of Mindset Works, a US DOE funded on-line platform designed to support educators and students in creating and sustaining a growth mindset culture to boost student motivation and achievement.
/ Website with multiple growth mindset resourcesResiliency /
32. Resiliency and the Three Principles
/ YouTube video (2:36)Grit /
33. Paul Tough on Grit: “Testing Grit to Identify Future Success”
/ YouTube video (3:15)Growth Mindset /
34. Professor Carol Dweck (Stanford) discusses her recent research as part of a briefing for nonprofit and corporate leaders at "The Science of Getting People to Do Good" conference at the Center for Social Innovation of the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
/ YouTube video (6:22)Stereotype Threat /
35. Claude Steele on Stereotype Threat: Steele discusses his research on stereotype threat and how it affects academic achievement.
/ YouTube video (5:55)Stereotype Threat /
36. Stereotype Threat: Social Psychology in Action
This short video includes Claude Steele discussing stereotype threat as well as video of some of the key stereotype type research experiments in action.
/ YouTube video (3:08)Character /
37. The VIA Inventory of Strengths is a survey that measures the 24 character strengths identified by Seligman and Peterson
/ Registration page for 240 item surveyCharacter Virtues /
38. Printable list of the 24 character virtues identified and promoted by Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson
/ PDF available on-lineHope/
Optimism /
39. The Trait Hope Scale is a short survey for use with adults that assesses one’s optimism about the future.
/ PDF available on-lineAdditional background information:
Optimism /
40. The Children’s Hope Scale is a short survey of hope for the future designed for use with children ages 8-16.
/ Study published in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology (1997)Hope/
Optimism /
41. A 7 day lesson plan for teaching about Positive Psychology, including the concepts and implications of optimism and hope for the future
/ Article published on-line by YES magazineStereotype Threat /
42. Where Bias Begins: The Truth About Stereotypes
A short article from Psychology Today about how stereotypes originate and are perpetuated along with strategies for not letting them take over
/ Article from Psychology Today (1998) available on-lineStereotype Threat- Social Belonging /
43. A Question of Belonging: Race, Social Fit, and Achievement
An intervention that mitigated doubts about social belonging in college raised the academic achievement (e.g., college grades) of Black students but not of White students. The GPA achievement gap between white and black students was halved in 3 years
/ Study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1997)Grit / 44. Grit Test: Education
is Not Purely Academic, And Must Also Focus on Character
A short article about Grit by commentator Edward Williams, a former member of TFA (Teach for America) and current law school student at Georgetown University
/ Article from PolicyMic published on-lineCharacter /
45. A lesson plan by LPS teacher GautamThaparthat engages students in 1) making connections between their lives and research on character strengths and 2) writing about those connections
/ Shared as google docGrit /
46. Two young women discuss the critical importance of “learning to fail”
/ YouTube video (9:16)Grit /
47. Paul Tough, Dave Levin, and Dominic Randolph discuss Grit in a forum moderated by John Merrow
/ YouTube video (2:46)Growth Mindset /
48. Paul Tough, Dave Levin, and Dominic Randolph discuss “Structured Failure” as a critical aspect of growth mindset and of learning; in a forum moderated by John Merrow
/ YouTube video (3:11)Hope/
And Wellbeing /
49. The Gallup Student Poll tracks the hope, engagement, and wellbeing of students across the United States. In this segment of Gallup's special series, "Next Steps: Transforming Americans' Health and Wellbeing," Shane Lopez, Ph.D., the architect of the poll, discusses the importance of measuring student engagement and how it relates to community wellbeing.
/ Video available on-line from Gallup (5:08)Non-Cognitive /
50. Website of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), featuring many great resources for development of social-emotional and academic mindset skills
/ Website providing multiple resourcesNon-Cognitive /
51. Eight Things Skilled Teachers Think, Say, and Do to engage and motivate students to learn to their fullest potential
/ Published on-line by Educational Leadership (2012)Hope/Optimism /
52. Learned Optimism Testadapted from “Learned Optimism” by Dr. Martin Seligman
/ Web-based measure of Learned Optimism, including scoring and reporting of your results at endHope/Optimism /
53. “Positive Education: An Overview”
From Positive education: Positive psychology and classroom interventions by Martin E.P. Seligman, Randal M. Ernst, Jane Gillham, Karen Reivich, and Mark Linkins
/ Published on-line (2012) in the University of Pennsylvania Authentic Happiness newsletterHope/Optimism /
54. The Benefits of Optimism
/Article by Dr. Christine Carter made available on-line from Education.com and initially published in The
Greater Good Science Center Raising Happiness BlogHope/Optimism /
55. Teaching Hope
/Published on-line by the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania
Growth Mindset /56. Short article by Carol Dweck about Growth Mindset
/Published on-line by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)
Stereotype Threat /57. Reducing StereotypeThreat.org
/Website with many resources for fighting stereotype threat