René Saldaña, Jr.
5720 89th St.
(806) 698-1511
Academic Training
Georgia State University, 1999-2002
Ph.D. English, August 2002
Dissertation: “Finding Our Way: Stories”
Director: John Holman
ClemsonUniversity, 1990-1992
M.A. English, May 1992
Thesis: “Sanctified and Sanctimonious Characters in the Novels of James Baldwin”
Director: Donna H. Winchell
Distinction on the Oral Examinations, 1991
Bob Jones University, 1986-1990
B.A., English/Creative Writing, May 1990
University of Texas—Pan American, 1993-1994
Professional Improvement, Summer 1994
Certification in Secondary Education, English
2006-CurrentAssistant Professor, TexasTechUniversity
2003-2006Assistant Professor, University of Texas-Pan American
2002-2003Lecturer, University of Texas-Pan American
1999-2002Graduate Teaching Assistant, GeorgiaStateUniversity
1998-1999Teacher, Mission CISD
1996-1998Teacher, La Joya ISD
1992-1999Instructor, SouthTexasCommunity College
1992-1995 Teacher, La Joya ISD
1990-1992Graduate Teaching Assistant, ClemsonUniversity
The Jumping Tree. New York: Random House/Delacorte, 2001.
- New York Public Library’s Children’s Books 2002: One Hundred Titles for Reading and Sharing
- Booklist’s Top 10 Young Adult First Novels, 2002
- The Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs’ Américas Award, Commendation, 2002
- The Best Children's Books of the Year, 2002 ; Bank Street College of Education, 2002
- REFORMA’s choice for ALA’s Many Voices, One Nation annotated book selections, 2005
Finding Our Way: Stories. New York: Random House/Wendy Lamb Books,
- Junior Library Guild Book Club Selection, 2003
- Chicago Public Library, Best of the Best: Books for Great Kids and Teens, Older Fiction category, 2004
- Cincinnati Public Library, Librarians’ Choice 2003, Books for Teens, Teen Fiction category, 2003
- New York Public Library, Best Books for the Teen Age 2004, Fiction category, 2004
- American Library Association, Best Books for Young Adults 2004, nomination, 2004
- Texas Library Association, 2004-2005 TAYSHAS Reading List, 2004
- Best Children's Books of the Year, 2004 ; BankStreetCollege of Education, 2004
- National Council for the Social Studies, Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People, 2004
The Whole Sky Full of Stars. New York: Random House/Wendy Lamb
Books, 2007.
- Junior Library Guild Book Club Selection, 2007
- January Magazine’s Best of 2007: Books for Children, 2007 (http:
- Booklist’s Top 10 Sports Books for Youth, 2007
- Booklist Book Review Stars , Mar. 15, 2007
“El Soñador.” Texas Short Stories II. Dallas: Bowder Springs Press, 1999.
“El Bronco y la Lechuza.”Fantasmas. TempeAZ: Bilingual/Review Press, 2001.
“The NOBLE Speech.” OFF THE CUFFS: Poetry By and About the Police.
New York: Soft Skull Press, Inc., 2003. 198-200.
“The Heart of the Soul of the World.” Face Relations: Stories from Beneath the
Skin. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004. 60-67 (by invitation).
"Maybe Yeah, Maybe Nah." Guys Write for GUYS READ. New York: Viking,
2005. 207-08. (by invitation).
“Jump Away.” Every Man For Himself: Stories about Being a Guy. New York:
Dial for Young Readers, Fall 2005. 16-21. (by invitation).
“Not Much To It.” Make Me Over: 11 Stories About Transformation. New York:
Dutton, Fall 2005. (by invitation).
“Fatboy and Skinnybones.” Owning It: Stories about Teens with Disabilities.
CambridgeMA: Candlewick Press, February 2008. (by invitation).
“El Susto.” Maelstrom, II.2 (1999): 3-5.
“Finding Our Way.” The GSU Review, (Fall 1999): 39-47.
“Peter’s Story.” The GSU Review, (2000): 19-29.
“SylvieSylvieSylvie.” The BlackMountain Review, 6 (Autumn/Winter 2002): 22-
“Un Faite/The Fight.” READ, 53.16 (April 09, 2004): 16-21.
“Jump Away.” Boys’ Life. August 2005 (by invitation), Rich Hathaway, Associate
“In A Lonely Place.” R&E Journal, 2.1 (1994): 23.
“The Rocker” and “Under The Shade.” R&E Journal, (Spring 1996): 45.
“El Canalito: In Those Days,” “Sisters” and “The Music Of The Dawn.” The
Color Green, III.9 (1996).
“Sisters” and “Two Hills, Resting.” SFest, VII.1&2 (Summer/Autumn 1996): 61.
“Una Canción Para Mi Amante: On The Day Of The Dead” and “Meadows.” The
Mesquite Review, (Spring 1997).
“La Loquita.” The Mesquite Review, May/June 1998.
“The Vestiges of Life,” “What Of This, Brotherhood!” and “The Wall.” MindFire,
2.8, (1998).
“Aztlán.” Idiolect, 3 (Fall 1988): 10.
“Sisters.” Maelstrom, (October 1998): 28.
“Little Girl Moon.” Idiolect, 4 (Winter 1988): 10.
“Mi ‘Apa/My Father.” Blue Collar Review, 3.3 (2000): 5.
“Eres” and its translation. Maelstrom, II.6 (2000): 27.
“The NOBLE Speech, ” “La Joda,” “I, Too,” “A New Chicano in Mejico,” “La
Migra” and “El Pistolero.” STRUGGLE, 16.2&3 (2000): 18-20, 39-40.
“Caminando Sobre Agua.” Southwestern American Liturature, 26.1 (2000): 77-
“Tierra Santisima de Nosotros.” New Texas Writing,(2000).
“La Loquita.” Flyway, 5.3 (2000): 104-05.
“Fourteen Takes—On You and Last Night’s Rain.” Bathtub Gin, Issue 7
(Fall/Winter 2000): 34-37.
“Su Murmullo.” North American Poets, 1.1 (2001): 19.
“This Morning.” The Higginsville Reader, 11.2 (2001): 14.
“Our Love Cumbia.” New Texas(2001): 56.
“Tending.” Maelstrom, IV.2 (2002).
Book Reviews/Articles
“Un Grito Desde Tejas: a review of Dagoberto Gilb’s Gritos.” American Book
Review. January/February 2004 (Peer Reviewed).
“South Texas Notes: Lopez Bar Literary Gathering: Five Years Strong.” Texas
Books in Review. Fall/Winter 2003/04.
“A Mexican American’s Grimm’s Fairytales.” Texas Books In Review.
Summer/Fall 2004.
“Recent Valley Literature: The South Texas Mexican Set.” Studies in Rio
Grande History. Vol. 6, 2005.
“Hecho en Tejas, Hecho En El Valle” The Paper of South Texas. April 25, 2007.
“Bold Books for Teenagers: The Ever-Expanding Mexican American YA Canon.”
English Journal. Vol. 97, No. 2, November 2007.
Papers Presented
“Got to Know the Music” Texas Library Association George R. Brown
Convention Center HoustonTX April 02, 2003.
“Su-num-twee/Listen to Me: My Place/Space in Narrative” 55th Annual CCCC
San AntonioTX March 26, 2004.
“Red Rover Red Rover” 2004 National PCA/ACA Conference San Antonio
Marriot Rivercenter San AntonioTX April 7-10, 2004.
“Popeye Was An American Citizen and So Am I” XVI International Symposium
on Modern Languages, University of Texas-Pan American EdinburgTX
April 15, 2005.
“Chicanos in Literature” Hacia Un Futuro Sin Fronteras, El Sexto Sol de MEChA
University of Texas-Pan American EdinburgTX October 23-24, 1996.
“Don’t Quit Your Day Job: The Pros, Cons, and How To’s of Getting a Master of
Fine Arts in Creative Writing” and “Young Adult Literature Spotlight: The
Jumping Tree” The Edward James Olmos Houston Latino Book & Family
Festival GeorgeR.BrownConvention Center HoustonTX September 28-29, 2002.
“Fantasmas” TexasBookFestival TexasState Capitol Austin TX November
15-17, 2002.
“Nuestra Cultura: Integrating Local Culture into the Library Curriculum” Rio
GrandeValley Association of School Librarians La JoyaFineArtsCenter
La JoyaTX March 28, 2003.
“Oral Interpretation/Performance of Original Work”; “Rio GrandeValley Writers”;
“Publication Venues” and “Creative Writing Programs” University of Texas-Pan American’s 1st AnnualCreativeWritingInstitute MediaCenter
Theater EdinburgTX June 9-12, 2003.
“Hispanic Literature” Hispanic Heritage Week The Center for Latin American
Studies/University of Texas-Pan American EdinburgTX September 16, 2003.
Treasuring Every Kid’s Story: Nuestra Cultura/Authors’ Panel Region One
Educational Center South Padre Island September 22, 2003.
SBCISD 8th Annual Districtwide Parent Conference San Benito CISD San
BenitoTX October 25, 2003.
Santa Clara Catholic Academy/Target $10,000 Library Book Award DallasTX
November 13, 2003.
6th Annual HCHS/HCHC Book Festival Texas State Bank Hidalgo TX
November 16, 2003.
Without Borders/Sin Fronteras’ FirstAnnualProse & PoetryJam University of
Texas-Pan American EdinburgTX April 23, 2004.
UTB/TSC’s Writers Forum University of Texas-Brownsville Brownsville TX July
24, 2004.
BOOKMarks: Winston-Salem’s Festival of Books Junior League of Winsotn-
Salem Winston-SalemNC September 11, 2004.
Without Borders/Sin Fronteras Open Mic Night Barnes & Noble McAllenTX
October 9, 2004.
“Diversified Creative Writing Entre Amigos” (Chair) Tejas FOCO Regional
Conference University of Texas-Pan American Edinburg TX November 12, 2004
National Children’s Book Week La Joya ISD La Joya TX November 15, 17, 19,
Fourth Annual Literary Conference/”Freedom To Read” Mission CISD Mission
TX, November 18, 2004.
Coffee Talk Series Art That Heals, Inc. Rio Grande CityTX March 05, 2005
La Voz Latina: A Celebration of LatinoAuthors ArkansasCenter for the Book
Fayetteville/Springdale AK March 18-19, 2005.
Voces Latinas de Texas J. Erik Jonsson Central Library Dallas TX April 16,
La Voz del Pueblo Festival Cultural: Literature, Obra y Cine Region One
EducationServiceCenter EdinburgTX May 12, 2005.
BOOKMarks: Winston-Salem’s 2nd Annual Festival of Books Junior League of
Winston-Salem Winston-SalemNC September 8-10, 2005.
Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program McAllenTX September 22,
5th Annual National Book Festival Washington, D.C. September 24, 2005.
Festival of International Books & Arts (FESTIBA) University of Texas-Pan
American EdinburgTX October 1, 2005.
Rio GrandeValley Book and Cultural Festival RegionOneEducationService
Center EdinburgTX April 28, 2007.
“Literary Treats from YA Latino Authors” Texas Library Association San Antonio
TX April 11, 2007.
“Trendsetters in Teen Literature” American Library Association Washington,
D.C. June 24, 2007.
Workshops/Other Presentations
“Finding Our Way to Nuestra Cultura” Region One Educational Center South
Padre IslandTX September 22, 2003.
“Finding Your Way Through Writing” BOOKMarks: Winston-Salem’s Fesitival of
Books Winston-SalemNC September 11, 2004.
“Reading Your World, Writing Your World” BOOKMarks: Winston-Salem’s 2nd
Annual Festival of Books Winston-SalemNC September 10, 2005.
“Reading Your World” Unity Junior High CiceroIL October 11, 2005.
“Writing Your World” Unity Junior High CiceroIL October 11-12, 2005.
“Reaching the Reluctant Reader through Relevant Literature” Region III ESC
Victoria TX December 06, 2006.
“Motivating and Engaging Struggling Adolescents with Reading Instruction”
National Geographic/Hampton Brown EDGE Invitational Riverside CA
October 9-10, 2007
“This Writer’s Journey to Now” TLA District VIII Fall Conference Houston TX
October 13, 2007
Professional Recognitions, Awards, and Honors Conferred
Paul Bowles Fellowship, Georgia State University, 1999-2000
“Increasing Literacy in South Texas: Cultural Relevance in the Classroom,”
Grant from Humanities Texas, 2005 The Credible Source For Latino Literature’s 2008 Top Ten
"New" Latino Authors to Watch (and Read) Award
Instructional Responsibilities
Courses Taught
- Studies in Language Arts: Bilingual Literature: Home-School Literacy Partnerships
- Adolescent Literature
- Developing Writing Programs K-12
- Developing Language Arts Programs in Elementary Education
- Reading and Writing in the Secondary Classroom
- Composition and Rhetoric
- Children’s/Adolescent Literature
- Introduction to Literature
- Introduction to American Literature
- Latino/a American Literature
- Creative Writing (undergraduate level)
- Fiction Workshop (graduate level)
- World Literature
- American Literature
- Short Story and Novella
Independent Study Directed
Gabriel Arriaga (Spring 2003): Narrative Techniques: Engl 3320.10
Veronica Tijerina (Fall 2003): The Form and Theory of the Novel: Engl 6390.02
Elizabeth V. Peña (Spring 2004): Studies in Narrative Technique: Engl 6390.03
M.A. Theses Directed
Diana Noreen Rivera, "Re-envisioning George Washington Gómez: A Historical
and BiographicalVerification of a South Texas Novel," 2005.
M.A. Thesis Committees Served On
José René Martinez, “The Hollow Spot: A Collection of Fiction,” 2003.
Octavio Quintanilla, “The Red-Light District of the Heart,” 2003.
Stephanie Thomé, “All the Elephants Faced the Door,” 2003.
Blanca Estella Riojas, “Cultural Relevance in the LEP-LD Classroom,” 2004.
Juan Ochoa, “Mariguano: A Novel,” 2004.
Sonia Salinas, “Américo Paredes: Uncovering the Multifaceted Life of the
Scholar and the Man,” 2005.
Jose A. Rodriguez, “Lizards and Bugambilias,” 2005.
M.A. Major/Minor Exams Administered
Beatriz Esquivel (Major)
Stacey Phillips (Major)
Sonia Salinas (Minor)
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Committees Served On
Cecilia Castañeda, “There’s Someone in My Head: Self-Discovery in Shel
Silverstein’s Poetry,” 2005
Administrative Responsibilities
Assistant to the Director of the Creative Writing Institute (2003, 2004, 2005)
- Helped design pamphlet and poster;
- Helped develop panel topics and invite panelists;
- Helped organize the week’s readings.
Co-Project Director of “Increasing Literacy in South Texas: Cultural Relevance in
the Classroom”
- Conducted research for and wrote grant proposal
- Secured both guest speakers for this project, Rich Yañez and Manuel Garces
- Coordinated with several local middle schools to register attendees
Service Activities
Departmental Instructional Service
Faculty Advisor to Without Borders/Sin Fronteras, 2003-2004
South Texas Regional Editor of the Texas Books In Review (2003-2006)
Committee Service
- Member of NCTE’s Standing Committee Against Censorship, 2007-current
- Member of the Grade Appeals Committee, 2007-Current
- Chair of the Creative Writing Hiring Committee (2 Positions), 2005-2006
- Chair of the American Literature/Mexican American specialization Committee, 2005-2006
- Member of the Graduate Program Committee, 2004-2006
- Member of the Creative Writing Committee, 2004-2006
- Member of the Border Studies Committee, 2004-2005
- Member of the English-Language-Arts Certification, 2003-2006
- Member of the Creative Writing Hiring Committee, 2004
- Member of the Curriculum Committee, 2003-2004
Member of the Humanities Advisory Council for the UTPA Milestones for Peace
Project, 2004
Reviewer of YA Manuscript (FOR ADULTS ONLY by Sheila Foard) for Texas
TechUniversity Press, 2007
Community Service
Literature Consultant for National Geographic/Hampton-Brown Educational
Publishers, 2006-Current
National Teacher Advisory panelist for Hampton-Brown Publishers, 2005.
“Hay Que Librarnos: Mini-book Reviews of Latino and Latina Literature for Rio
GrandeValley Readers” KMBH Public Radio 88.1, 2003.
Community of Christ Women’s Retreat Weslaco TX, November 16, 2003.