April 28, 2015 / [Academic Senate Agenda]

Academic Senate Agenda

April 28, 2015

3:00 – 5:00 PM

Faculty Resource Center Training Room, A-116

Members: Carol Kimbrough (President), Christopher Moss, Ann Wright, Nancy-Schur-Beymer, Liz Estrella, Tony Anderson, (Steering Committee); Senators: Slava Bekker, Fernando Cabrera, Melissa Hornstein, Jason Hough, Salina Lopez, Peggy Mayfield, Sam Pacheco, Lisa Storm, Steve Triano

Guests: Celine Pinet

1.  Call to Order and Welcome

2.  Adopt Agenda

3.  Approval of Minutes, 4/14/2015

4.  Public Comments: ten minutes (3-minute maximum per person) are set aside to receive comments on agenda items or items not on the agenda but within the authority (10 + 1) of the Senate

5.  Reports (5-10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q/A)

A.  Celine Pinet, FTES data and report

B.  Chris Moss – Student questionnaire for faculty evaluation process

C.  AS Plenary Session

6.  Action Items:

A.  BP/AP 5050, Student Success and Support Program

B.  AP 5055, Enrollment Priorities

C.  Confirm FT Faculty Selection Committee Appointments:

1.  Diesel Technology: Nancy Schur-Beymer, Val Rodriguez, Al Graham

2.  Math: Mohammed Hussain, Tony Anderson, Chris Moss

3.  Adaptive PE Instructor/Coach: Dan Ortega, Andy Vasher, Nancy Schur-Beymer

4.  Psychology: Yoshiko Matsushita-Arao, Carol Kimbrough, Lawrence Yee

5.  English: Rhea Mendoza-Lewis, Daniel Perez, Toni Gifford

6.  History: Ann DeJesus-Riley, Jorge Sanchez, Jason Hough

7.  Agriculture: Steve Triano, Al Graham, Ann Wright

8.  Communication Studies: Dan Petersen, Cheryl O’Donnell, Hortencia Jimenez

9.  ESL/English: Ron Waddy, James Beck, Violeta Wenger

10.  Computer Science: Joe Welch, Sonia Arteaga, Parviz Entekhabi

11.  PE Instructor/Coach: Dan Ortega, Andy Watt, Tanya Ho

D.  Confirm Faculty Appointments to PPA Review Task Force

1.  David Beymer, Cheryl O’Donnell, Carol Kimbrough, Chris Moss

7.  Discussion and information items

a. Legislative items of interest to Community Colleges

b. Resolutions approved at Spring Plenary Session

c. Appointments to College Governance Councils to commence Fall 2015

8.  Announcements (Senators): updates on standing committee/shared governance activities

9.  Adjournment

10+1: Curriculum ▪ Degrees & Certificates ▪ Grading Policies ▪ Educational Programs Development ▪ Standards & Policies: Student Preparation & Success ▪ Faculty Roles in Governance Structures ▪ Faculty Roles in Accreditation Processes ▪ Policies for Faculty Professional Development ▪ Program Review Processes ▪ Processes for Institutional Planning and Budget Development ▪ Other Academic & Professional Matters