Academic Senate
8045 East Chapman Avenue
Orange, CA 92869-6689 / (714) 628-4831
FAX (714) 744-9285
Academic Senate
17 October 2006
1:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Minutes for 17 October 20061
Rick Adams
Lynda Armbruster
Nena Baldizon-Rios
Morrie Barembaum
Odette Borrey
Cari Cannon
Shawn Cummins
Michael DeCarbo
Rosi Enriquez
Joe Geissler
Eric Hovanitz
Ethel Jordan
Regina Lamourelle
Scott Sakamoto
Rosa Salazar de la Torre
Joyce Wagner
Minutes for 17 October 20061
Minutes for 17 October 20061
Lynnette Beers
Corinna Evett
Alice Ho
Tom Shine
Jim Watkins
Minutes for 17 October 20061
Minutes for 17 October 20061
Linda Cucovatz
Danny Martino
Bev Pirtle
John Smith
Minutes for 17 October 20061
Minutes for 17 October 20061
Minutes for 17 October 20061
- Call to Order: Senate President Rosi Enriquez called the meeting to order at 1:20 pm
II.Order of the Agenda
No change
III.Approval of Minutes:
- Approval of the minutes was postponed until the next meeting.
IV. Reports:
- President’s Report
- Don Busche (former Interim Dean AHSS) was asked to cleanup the webpages.
- If there is someone who has experience with webpages and would like to help cleanup faculty staff pages, call X4833 (Amy Styffe).
- Prof. Enriquez discussed some of the upcoming Academic Senate and Seminars
- In Jan. (1/5 & 1/6), accreditation institute
- Prof. Enriquez would like to send one faculty (SAC will be sending three)
- Voc. Ed. Leadership
- Faculty Leadership Institute
- Curriculum Institute
- Teaching Institute
- Area D meeting took place
- Cost of textbooks was discussed
- Foothill-DeAnza has a proposal to develop a consortium of CCC to develop two texts (1 Math, 1 English) that would be free of charge.
- Will need reps. From Math & English
- Prof. Enriquez reported that Chancellor Hernandez indicated that, at this time, the district plans for only four faculty hires for the district.
- Last year, the district over met its obligation by one (there were 31 hires last year).
- Faculty requests are due 10/27/2006
- Evaluation of administrators.
- The SAC senate would like to take up the evaluations of Presidents and the Chancellor
- Turnitin Resolution
- Pres. Vázquez would like the resolution rewritten so that the college can enter into a consortium to purchase the software.
- The matter was referred to Prof. Cannon to revise the resolution.
- Constitution & Bylaws
- Prof. Enriquez suggested that the Constitution and Bylaws be reviewed for grammatical errors.
- The executive board will review the documents.
- Profs. DeCarbo & Cannon suggested that the President had a limit of two terms.
- Educational Master Plan
- The facilities plans will be closely looked at by VP Kawa
- The EMP will be meeting Thursday
- All departments should meet and think about the future
- Prof. Enriquez stated that departments should not underestimate by overestimate.
- No report.
D. Curriculum and Instruction Council
- deferred
- Technology Committee
- The committee is working on the master plan
- The committee will plan a spring flex event (although not as large as Technology day)
- The committee is working on its first issue of the newsletter for the year.
- Facilities
- VP Kawa made it clear that facilities plans must be on your DDP.
- They will start to program Humanities building.
V. Action Items
Student Learning Outcomes Grid
- Profs. Cannon and Armbruster moved and seconded a motion to approve the SLO grid as presented
- The motion passed unanimously.
VI. Discussion Items
- None
- Public Comments
- Prof. Smith noted the lack of activity in the testing center.
Meeting adjourned at 2:30
Respectfully Submitted,
Morrie Barembaum
Santiago Canyon College
Academic Senate
Secretary Treasurer, 2005-2006
(714) 628 – 4895
Minutes approved as corrected 11/7/2006
Minutes for 17 October 20061