Boise State UniversityDocument ControlDate: 10/18/2018

System Information

Machine:Chemical Processing Wet Bench

Manufacturer:SCP Global Technologies

Model #:

Operating and Maintenance Procedures


You must have or be working with someone who has a key to the mechanical room.

You must physically check the level of the Neutralization and Holding Tanks in the mechanical room before, after, and while using the Wet Sink.

If Neutralization Tank is above 75 gallons, you must go through the Neutralization Tank Dumping procedures.

Do not leave water running unused for longer than 15 minutes.

Always verify that the water is turned off before leaving the lab. If the water is left on it WILL flood the lab/mechanical room.


  1. DO NOT dump Solvents in the Wet Sink Drain. Solvents MUST be reclaimed and put in the Used Solvent Cabinet.
  2. Follow the Chemical Disposal Procedures posted on the double doors into the mechanical room for instructions on disposing Acid, Base, and Solvent chemicals.


  1. Appropriate protective clothing is required when working with acids. This includes full rubber acid aprons, acid gloves, safety glasses, and face shield.
  2. Treat unknown clear solutions as Hydrofluoric Acid (HF).
  3. Any chemical spill on the floor MUST be reported to the Lab Director and/or Lab Support Staff. Phone numbers for each can be found near the phones inside and outside the IML.
  4. If you are accidentally exposed to any chemical you MUST remove all clothing and rinse in the emergency eyewash/shower for at least 10 min. After washing, report exposure and seek medical attention.
  5. You are responsible to read the MSDS and understand the hazards associated with each chemical you used at the Wet Sink.
  6. Label beakers with contents and contact information if a long etch or cleaning is required.
  7. Label contents of beakers that are left on the Wet Sink while you are working in other areas of the lab.
  8. Baths 1 and 7 contain very hazardous chemicals, do not use without permission from EE faculty.
  9. DO NOT put any chemical(s) in baths 1,3,4,5,6, and 7 other than the ones specifically listed for each bath. DO NOT contaminate any of the baths.
  10. Beaker processing should only be done on the back half of the Wet Sink to ensure proper ventilation.
  11. DO NOT mix acids and bases together.
  12. Work with only one container of chemical from the storage cabinets at any given time.
  13. DO NOT leave the water running unused for more than 15 minutes.
  14. Turn off the water and air when you are finished with the Wet Sink.
  15. Clean up after yourself.

Document Number: BSU_COEN_IML08001Rev. A

Prepared By: P. MirandaPage: 1 of 2