March 25, 2016


Aug 26, 2016

8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Oak Lower Level Conference Room

Spencer Hospital

Spencer, Iowa


RN’s, LPN’s, physicians & other interested healthcare providers who want to teach American Heart Association Basic Life Support Courses.


This program will increase the healthcare professional’s knowledge & understanding of adult instruction & AHA Basic Life Support curriculum. After completing this course you will be able to teach & evaluate students in a Basic Life Support Course.


Upon completion of this program, the participant will be able to:

1. Discuss the 20 key competencies of

2. adult instruction.

3. Discuss AHA BLS learning exercises & teaching scenarios.

4. Teach & evaluate students in an AHA Basic Life Support Course.

5. Attend the entire session.


1. Be accepted by an AHA Training

Center (TC) before enrolling in an

Instructor Course, have completed an

Instructor Candidate Application, and

have on file with the accepting Training Center

2. Have current AHA provider status in the discipline for the Instructor Course,

supply copy of front and back of their

provider card, and be proficient in all

the skills of that discipline.

3. Align on the AHA Instructor Network and download the free version of the BLS Instructor Candidate Workbook

4. Willingness to teach a minimum of four AHA BLS courses in a two year period.



Clinical Instructor at Spencer Hospital and an ACLS/PALS/BLS Regional AHA faculty.


1. Part I – Online Essentials Course

Successfully complete the BLS

Instructor Essentials online

module and print the completion

certificate. The essential course can

be purchased by registering at an clicking on

the course catalog.

2 Part 2 - BLS Instructor Course

Upon completion of Part 1, present the Instructor Essentials Certificate and attend the classroom BLS Instructor Course.


3. Part 3 – Monitoring

Upon the completion of the BLS Instructor Course, monitoring must be completed before instructors can teach independently. Monitoring needs to be completed within 6 months from the completion of the Instructor course. This can be scheduled with the Training Center you are aligning with.

Pre-registration is requested two weeks prior to class. To register, please call 264-6142, or send registration form to the Human Resource Development department. Pre-course preparation is mandatory for this course, no drop-in registration is permitted.


No registration fee for employees of Spencer Hospital who have HRD Director approval to attend the course; non-employees & Spencer Hospital employees without approval to attend $210. Fee includes: Healthcare Provider Instructor Manual. Fee does not include: The BLS Essentials course, this can be purchased online directly. Fee does not include: Heartsaver 1st Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual which may be purchased for an additional fee of $55 from HRD.


Cancellation notice is requested one week prior to class. The registration fee minus books & handling fee of $75 is refundable up to one week prior to class. No refund given after that time.

Spencer Hospital reserves the right to cancel this program if there is insufficient enrollment (course minimum is 4). In this event, every attempt will be made to notify enrollees prior to the event.


Nurses: 0.78 CEU’s will be awarded

by IBON provider #14 - Spencer Hospital.

EMT’s: CEH’s will be provided through CECBEMS

A participant must complete the entire program to receive continuing education credit.

This program has been planned and implemented in accordance with 655 IAC, chapter 5, through Spencer Hospital, Iowa Board of Nursing approved provider #14


March 25, 2016 Or Aug 26, 2016

8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Oak Lower Level Conference Room

Spencer Hospital Spencer, Iowa






_______________________________ (CITY, STATE, ZIP)



_______________________________ (IOWA LICENSE NUMBER)

_______________________________ (TELEPHONE NUMBER)

_______________________________ (WORK NUMBER)


Please circle: RN LPN__EMT

Other please specify_____________

Date I plan to attend: ____________

Send to: Human Resource Development

Spencer Hospital

1200 First Ave. East

Spencer, IA 51301

Registration Phone # - 712-264-6142

Fax # - 712-264-8529

E-mail –

The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in BLS, ACLS, and PALS and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association. Any fees

charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course material, do not represent income to the Association.

We encourage participation by all individuals. If

you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate in this program; please notify HRD (712) 264-6623 at least two weeks prior to the program.