Academic/General Interest Clubs
NAME / PRESIDENTS / ADVISOR / EMAIL / PURPOSE / MEETINGSAcademic Challenge / Elliot Liskin / Mr. Neering / / Allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in a fun environment, while also gaining more knowledge and working as a team / Monday, 7th, Rm 285
Animation Club / Jared Greenwald / Lisa Scavelli / / Create animated group projects trying to follow production techniques / Wednesday 7th, Rm 208
Art Club / Yael Wiesenfeld / Nadine Gordon, Lisa Yokana / / Do Art, learn about Art, have fun / Thursday, Rm 273
Bandersnatch (Yearbook) / Ali Schnitzer, Michelle Kurzner / Sue Silver, Stacey Dawes / / Yearbook / Wednesday, Rm 352
Barbeque Club / Lewis Leone / Ms. Palekar / / Present the BBQ culture to the public / Friday, 2:00, Commons
Business Club / Dustin Brout
David Josselson / Mr. Nista /
/ Friday 7th period room 224
Chess Club / Ethan Kochav, Daniel Harris / Mr. Harrison / / Play chess and have fun – group meets and casual games / Friday, Commons
The Cutting Edge / Darian Lusk, Cassie Paul / Paul Sheehy / / Bring it / Thursday, Rm 205
Dance Club / Carlos Olcese, Saran Sharma, / Mr. Lamela / / express art through dance in multiple styles (ie. break dancing, and Indian, Spanish dance), do some fundraising events, most of all have a good time teaching people how to dance. / Monday, 3:00, Commons
Debate / Jared Young and Jon Bowyer / Joe Vaughan / / Debate/speech / Tuesday and Thursday, Rm 377
DECA / Stephanie Marandi / Ms. Minchillo /
/ DECA is an international organization for secondary students interested in marketing education. It is a student centered organization designed as an integral part of of a marketing education program to provide activities that will motivate students to become skilled and employable workers in the field of marketing / Mondays 7th in Mr. Maguire's room
Drama Club / Jordan Thaler / Adrienne Meyer / / Put on productions / Everyday, Auditorium
Fiction Literature Book Club / Holly Brockerhoff, Arielle Trenk / Mr. Phillipson / , / Read and discuss great works of literature as a group, hold used book sales and bake sales to raise money to purchase books to donate to needy children / Tuesday, Rm. 370, once a month
For Good Measure (A Capella) / Allie Goodman, Talia Plummer / Mr. Vermes / , / Entertain people with singing / Sunday, 1:00-3:00, homes of officers
French Club / Danielle Nista / Mrs. Bell / / Have fun while spreading French culture in the school / Tuesdays, Room 415
Gardening Club / Biagio DiSalvo / Favretti / / To grow fruits and vegetables / Wednesday, and Friday, 7th Period and after School, Outside
Go Club / Joseph Dongyub Lee / Richard Moseson / / Compete in Go tournaments / Friday, after school, 3N area
Gojujitsu Club / Stephen Fink / Mr. Fitzepatrick / / Provide knowledge of Martial Arts / Monday, 3:15
Guitar Club / Fahad Asam / Tray Price / / Get student guitar players and people who are beginners to come listen and play together.
Harry Potter Alliance / Sam Harris / Howard Rodstein / / try to make the world a better place, raise money for a variety of different charities including First Book (a charity to increase literacy in the world), and charities to help with Genocide, Poverty, AIDS, Global Warming, and equal marriage right / Every other month,
Improv Club / Asher Stockler, Hanna Schwartzbaum / Ms. Braun / , / Work on mastering the skills of improvisation in acting / Wednesday 7th, Little Theatre
International Club / Ava Daruvala / Mr. Conrad / / Raise money for international charities, organize the annual international fair, which raises awareness of the international community / Friday, Rm 1N4
Israel Culture Club / Hannah Rubinstein, Samuel Rubinstein, Rachel Wolf / Mr. Wagner / / To teach about the history of Israel as well as the current political system and debating and discussing current events in Israel. To explore the cultural aspects of Israel, including food, dance, music, language and arts. / Monday, 7th period, Mr. Wagner’s room
Italian Culture Club / Johnny Failla / Ernie Callabuletta / , / Raise money for problems in the homeland, learn some Italian, celebrate our culture / Wednesday, 2:00, Rm 203
Jabberwocky / Sahar Saleem, Emily Fite / Jeanne Cooper / / Create a literary magazine that contains the best of students’ art/literature at SHS / Thursday, Rm 1N2
Junior State of America (JSA) / Winston Cutler / Dr. Jenn Walke / / JSA allows students to learn more about how to articulate and argument and more about politics. It gives them the oppurtunity to go through the process of writing a bill as well. / Wednesdays 7th period Rm. 285
Maroon / Erica Getto, Allie Beizer / Tom Maguire / , / School newspaper / Everyday in HR, Rm 283
Math Team / Nick Lesniewski, Andrew Gao, Andrew Huang / Ms. Laura Estersohn / / To enhance high school students' problem solving skills and open their minds to math unlike that taught in a typical high school curriculum / Monday and Tuesday after school Ms. Estersohn’s Room
Mock Trial / Curan Mehra / David Heyman / / Mock Trial / Wednesday (first half), Daily (second half), Rm 303
Model United Nations Team / Ben Rimland, Jessica Li
Jonathan Katz, Philip Gallagher, and Ruth Kagan / Gwen Johnson / / Bring awareness of global issues to participants / Thursday, Rm 281
Music theory / Sebastian Krestin, Sam Bromer, Dan Jureller / Mr. Noble / ,
/ Monday 7th period
National Art Honor Society / Haley Rauch, Nicole Chi / Maria DeAngelis / / Spread art throughout the community / Wenesday and Frady, Rm 215
Nonfiction Book Club / Brian Solender, / Ms. Claussen / / Read, enjoy, and discuss nonfiction to gain a better understanding of them than what would be attained alone / 2nd Wednesday of each month, Rm 3N4
The Octave Moms / Michael Strauss / Mr. Sawyer / / Sing male a capella / Strauss’ house, Sunday afternoons
Outdoors Club / Branden Wachtel and David Hyman / Jenn Wagner / / Enjoy the outdoors while also giving back to the community / Wednesday, Rm 383
Psychology Club / Julia Morris, Melissa Lipstein / Rashid Silvera / , / Sponsor speakers to come to the school / Wednesday 7th period, Rm 2N6 every other week
SHS Quidditch Team / Alyson Favilla / Mrs. Vanessa Blood / / To compete and play as team the game created by JK Rowling, as described in the Harry Potter books and as adapted by the IQA.
Radio Club / Alex Altieri / David Heyman / / Broadcast radio through the school / Fridays 7th period, every other week
Scarsdale School Store / Bryan Solomon / Ms. Delvechio / / To promote school spirit and the sale of school apparel. People who work will receive community service hours / Thursdays after school, Rm. 348
Scarsdale Entertainment Awards / Patrick Johnson / Ms. Hofsetter / / Promote recognition in arts (theatre, visual, dance, music) through awards show—proceeds go to charity / Friday 7th monthly (until December, then weekly)
Science Olympiad / Nick Lesniewski, Radhika Rastogi / Ms. Wagner, J. Williams / / Create a passion for learning science by supporting secondary Science Olympiad tournaments at building, district, county, state and national levels with an emphasis on teamwork and a commitment to excellence / Thursdays, Ms. Wagner’s room from 3:00-3:30 pm.
Scrabble Club / Jacob Klein / Ms. Filley / / To have fun and play scrabble in a non-competitive, friendly, environment.
Shakespeare Club / Sam Harris
Haley Rauch / Mr. Renino / / Produce a show and enjoy Shakespeare / Mr. Renino’s room, everyday January-March
SHS Squash Club / Rebecca Faust, Michael Hirson, David Faust / Amedee Williams / / Encourage the playing of squash in SHS / 2nd Monday every month in the orchestra room.
SHSDirt bike club / Mark Malonzo, Greg Kravit, Isiah Genis, Patrick Johnson / Jeff Langsam / / Fund Raising, Fun, Promote green transportation / Wednesday 7th
Rm. 1N5
Spanish Club / Emily Glickman, Rahdika Rastogi / Don DiDomenico, Javi Ormazabal / / Helping support children living in garbage dumps in Guatemala, Spanish Lit Mag “Boca Loca” / Thursday, 3:00-4:00, Rm 412
The Technology Club (AV Club) / Carlo Olcese / Jamie Lebron / / Learn about hardware and software development / FridayRm 1N7
Tri-M Music Honors Society / Jun Sasamura / John Cuk / / Promote musicianship and related events in the community. In addition, the club fulfills community service hours by organizing concerts, ushering for concerts, and performing at nursing homes/hospitals. / Monday before school once a month, music tower
Scarsdale Hellfish / Andrew Levine,
David Goro, Mitch Uris / Jeff Langsem / / Play ultimate Frisbee and compete in tournaments / Monday-Thursday, 3:00-6:00, at the Brewster Entrance (Fall and Spring)
Young Republicans / Ian Rabin / Mr. Clark / ,
/ Discuss current events, policies, and legislature from the conservative perspective / Wednesdays, 7th, Rm 373