h / Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle):
Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Carol Wolf Runyan / POSITION TITLE
Director, Injury Prevention Research Center
Professor, Dept of Health Behavior & Health Education
Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
Macalester College, St. Paul, MN / B. A. / 1972 / Biology
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN / M.P.H. / 1975 / Interdisciplinary Study
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC / Ph.D. / 1983 / Health Education/Epid.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD / Post Doctoral / 1986 / Epidemiology

NOTE: The Biographical Sketch may not exceed four pages. Items A and B (together) may not exceed two of the four-page limit. Follow the formats and instructions on the attached sample.

A.  Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position. List any honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee.

Academic Employment

1984-present University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill, NC. Research Assistant Professor: Dept. of Social and

Administrative Medicine (1984-86), Dept. of Health Behavior and Health Education (1986-90).

Associate Professor: Dept. of Health Behavior and Health Education (1990-1998, tenured 7/1/93),

Professor (7/1/98-Present). Department of Pediatrics: Professor (8/13/01-present).

1987-present UNC Injury Prevention Research Center. Associate Director (1987-89); Director (1989-Present).

Selected Other Professional Experience

1988-1990 Injury Prevention and Control Technical Panel on Day Care Safety, APHA/AAP

1988-1993 North Carolina Governor’s Task Force on Injury Prevention: State of North Carolina

1991-present Advisory Board, University of Iowa Injury Control Research Center (Chair, 2001-present)

1992-present Advisory Board, Harvard University Injury Control Research Center

1994-present Editorial Board Member, Injury Prevention

1995-1996 Injury Research Grant Review Committee. Centers for Disease Control

1997-present Member, Board of Directors, National Association of Injury Control Research Centers (Chair 1995-96)

1997-present Member, Centers for Disease Control Advisory Committee for Injury Prevention and Control

1998-2003 Member, Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, Department of Defense

1998-2001 Member. Expert Panel for Guidelines for School Programs to Prevent Violence and Injury, CDC

1999-present Advisory Board Member. Colorado Injury Control Research Center, Colorado State University

2000-present Policy Board. UNC Highway Safety Research Center

2002-present Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Preventive Medicine

1996 Outstanding Service Award, State & Territorial Injury Prevention Director’s Association

1998 Excellence in Science Award. Injury Control and Emergency Health Services Section of the American
Public Health Association

1999  Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars

2003 Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service. Department of Defense

2003 Lydia Catherine McCutcheon Lecturer. Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto

B.  Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order). Do not include publications submitted or in preparation.

1.  Cohen LR, Runyan CW, Dunn KA, Schulman MD. Work patterns and occupational hazard exposures of North Carolina adolescents in 4-H clubs. Injury Prev. 1996:2:274-277.

2.  Cohen LR, Runyan CW, Downs SM, Bowling JM. Pediatric injury prevention counseling priorities. Pediatrics. 1996:99:(5)704-710.

3.  Loomis DP, Richardson DB, Wolf SH, Runyan CW, Butts JD. Fatal occupational injuries in a southern state. Am.J. of Epidemiology. 1996:145(12):1089-1099.

4.  Schulman MD, Evenson CT, Runyan CW, Cohen LR, Dunn KA. Farm work is dangerous for teens: agricultural hazards and injuries. J. of Rural Health. 1996:13(4):295-305.

5.  Dunn KA, Runyan CW, Cohen LR, Schulman MD. Teens at work: a statewide study of jobs, hazards and injuries. The J. of Adolescent Health. 1997:22(1):19-25.

6.  Pratt LK, Runyan CW, Cohen LR, Margolis PA. Home visitors’ beliefs and practices regarding childhood injury prevention. Public Health Nursing. 1997:15(1):44-49.

7.  Cohen LR, Runyan CW, Bowling JM. Social determinants of pediatric residents’ injury prevention counseling. Archives of Ped. & Adolescent Med. 1998:152(2):169-175.

8.  Marshall S, Runyan CW, Bangdiwala SI, Linzer MA, Sacks J, Butts J. Fatal residential fires: who dies and who survives? JAMA. 1998:279(20):1633-1637.

9.  Margolis L, Runyan CW. Understanding and reducing barriers to collaboration by academics with public agencies and community organizations: a commentary. Injury Prev. 1998:4(2):132-134.

10.  Zakocs R, Runyan CW, Schulman M, Dunn KA, Evenson C. Improving safety for teens working in the retail trade sector: opportunities and obstacles. Am.J. of Ind. Med. 1998:34:342-350.

11.  Moracco KE, Runyan CW, Butts JD. Femicide in North Carolina, 1991-1993: a statewide study of patterns and precursors. J. of Homicide Studies.1998:2(4):422-446.

12.  Runyan CW. Using the Haddon Matrix: introducing the third dimension. Injury Prev. 1998:4:302-307.

13.  Morton EK, Runyan CW, Moracco KE, Butts JD. Partner homicide-suicide involving female homicide victims: a population-based study in North Carolina, 1988-1993. Violence and Victims. 1998:13(2):91-106.

14.  Breny Bontempi JM, Runyan CW, Heath J. Training by satellite: planning and evaluating a video conference for injury prevention practitioners. J. of Comm. Health. 1999:24(6):451-466.

15.  Sinauer N, Bowling JM, Moracco KE, Runyan CW, Butts JD. Comparisons among female homicides in rural, intermediate, and urban counties in North Carolina. J. of Homicide Studies. 1999:3(2):107-128.

16.  Cohen LR, Runyan CW. Barriers to pediatric injury prevention counseling. Injury Prev. 1999:5:36-40.

17.  Runyan CW, Zakocs RC, Zwerling C. Administrative and behavioral intervention for workplace violence prevention. Am.J. of Prev.Med. 2000:18(4S): 116-127.

18.  Moracco KE, Runyan CW, Loomis DP, Wolf SH, Napp D, Butts JD. Killed on the clock: a population-based study of occupational homicide, 1977-1979. Am.J. of Ind. Med. 2000:37: 629-636.

19.  Runyan CW, Zakocs RC. Epidemiology and prevention of injuries among adolescent workers in the U.S. Annual Review of Public Health. 2000:21:247-269.

20.  Evensen C, Schulman M, Runyan CW, Zakocs R, Dunn K A. The downside of adolescent employment: hazards and injuries among working teens in North Carolina. J. of Adolescence. 2000:23: 545-560.

21.  Peek-Asa C, Runyan CW, Zwerling C. Surveillance and epidemiologic evaluation research in workplace violence prevention. Am.J. of Prev.Med. 2000:20: 141-148.

22.  Runyan CW. Moving forward with research on violence against workers. Am.J. of Prev.Med. 2000:20:169-172.

23.  Barrios LC, Runyan CW, Downs SM, Bowling JM. Pediatric injury prevention counseling: an observational study of process and content. Patient Education and Counseling. 2001:Vol. 43(2): 141-149.

24.  Cherry D, Runyan CW, Butts J. Population-based study of unintentional firearm fatalities. Injury Prev. 2001:7:62-65.

25.  Zakocs R, Earp JA, Runyan CW. State gun control advocacy tactics and resources. Am.J. of Prev.Med. 2001:20(4):251-257.

26.  Loomis D, Wolf SH, Runyan CW, Marshall S, Butts JD. Homicide on the job: workplace and community determinants. Am.J. of Epidemiology. 2001:154(5):410-417.

27.  Loomis D, Marshall S, Wolf SH, Runyan CW, Butts JD. Effectiveness of safety measures recommended for prevention of workplace homicide. JAMA. 2002:287(8):1011-1017.

28.  Delp L, Runyan CW, Brown M, Bowling JM, Jahan S. The role of work permits in teen workers’ experiences. Am.J. of Industrial Med. 2002:41:477-482.

29.  Moracco, KE; Runyan, CW; Butts, JD. Fatal intimate partner violence: a population-based study. J. of the Am. Women's Med. Assoc. 2003:58(1): 20-25.

30.  Runyan, CW; Moracco, KE; Dulli, L; Butts, JD. Suicide among North Carolina Women, 1989-1993: Information from Two Data Sources. Injury Prev. 2003:9(1): 67-72.

31.  Runyan, CW. Back to the Future: Revisiting Haddon’s Conceptualization of Injury Epidemiology and Prevention. Epidemiologic Reviews. 2003:25:60-64.

32.  Runyan, CW; Schulman M; Hoffman C. Understanding and Preventing Violence Against Adolescent Workers: What is Known and What is Missing? Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2003:3:711-720.

33.  Bernhardt, J; Runyan, CW; Bou-saada, I; Felter, E. Implementation and evaluation of a web-based education course in injury prevention and control. Health Promotion Practice. 2003:4(2):120-128.

34.  Yale, DJ; Cole, TB; Garrison, HG; Runyan, CW; Riad, JK. Motor Vehicle-Related Drowning Deaths Associated with Inland Flooding After Hurricane Floyd: A Field Investigation. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2003:4:279-284.

35.  Stone, L; Runyan, CW. High School Off-Campus Lunch Policies and Adolescent Motor Vehicle Crash Risks. Journal of Adolescent Health. (In press)

36.  Johnson, R; Coyne-Beasley, T; Runyan, CW. The Prevalence of Firearm Ownership and Storage Practices in U.S. Households, 1992-2002: A Systematic Review. Under review, after revision, by: American Journal of Preventive Medicine. (in press).

C. Research Support. List selected ongoing or completed (during the last three years) research projects (federal and non-federal support). Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the research proposed in this application. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the projects and responsibilities of principal investigator identified above.

Ongoing Research

1566001393A1 (Ayala, Guadalupe)
National Institutes of Health
Promoting Healthy Diet and Activity Among North Carolina Latino Families / 01/01/04-12/31/07
$2,447,596 / 5%
The purpose is to design, implement and evaluate a media (videotapes and workbooks) plus lay health advisor (promotora) healthy lifestyle intervention for Latino families in North Carolina, specifically mother-child dyads.
Role: Co-Investigator
1-R01-0H007908-01A1 (Janet Dal Santo)
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Effect of Work Permits in Protecting Youth Workers / 04/01/04-03/31/06 / 8%
The study will address the research questions to assess the implementation of the work permit system in North Carolina and compare its effectiveness to a state with no such system, South Carolina, with respect to teen paid employment in hazardous illegal occupations. Results will be used to develop policy recommendations applicable to all states.
U81/CCU423267 (Runyan, Carol W.)
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)
National Violence Prevention Leader and Practitioner Training Program / 09/29/03-09/30/07 / 15%
This program will use multiple adult learning strategies including intensive on-site leadership training and coaching and a variety of web and video-based distance education activities for state, local, and tribal practitioners to improve leadership in preventing violence against women, youth violence, and suicide.

Completed Research

5-T76-MC00004-48 (Runyan, Carol W.)
Health Resources Services Administration / Maternal & Child Health Bureau
Training Initiative for Injury Practitioners / 06/01/02-05/31/04 / 12%
This initiative will develop a coordinated training program combining distance-based education with face-to-face workshops, and ongoing mentoring by more experienced injury specialists.
1-F31-HD043696-01 (Runyan, Carol W.)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Fellowship: Renee M. Johnson / 09/04/03-09/03/04 / 0%
This is a National Research Service Award (NRSA) to Ms. Johnson with Dr. Carol Runyan as sponsor and
dissertation advisor. The NRSA provides support to Ms. Johnson to complete her dissertation.
______(Runyan, Carol W.)
National Association of Injury Control and Research Centers (NAICRC) and
State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors’ Association (STIPDA)
National Injury and Violence Prevention Training Initiative / 08/01/03-07/31/04 / 5%
Joint Committee on Infrastructure Development launched the initiative to address a need that has been recognized for over ten years – to improve the training infrastructure to enable practitioners to employ the skills, knowledge, and best practices for injury and violence prevention and to help bridge the gap between research and practice. The Joint Committee will implement critical components of the program plan and secure support from other sources to put the initiative on a more solid footing into the future.
______(Runyan, Carol W.)
Home Safety Council (HSC)
Lowe’s Home Safety Council – Trend Analysis / 05/01/03-05/31/04 / 10%
The purpose of this is to analyze existing data to provide trend information about morbidity and mortality due to unintentional home injury in the United States.
______(Runyan, Carol W.)
Joyce Foundation
Couples Decision-making About Household Firearm Ownership and Storage / 09/12/02-09/03/04 / 0%
This study uncovers processes that underline married couples’ decision-making about household firearm ownership and storage.
R49/ CCR402444 Suppl (Runyan, Carol W.)
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)
Prospective Investigation of Mild Head Injury on Sport: A Prevention Initiative / 09/01/01-08/31/04 / 0%
This study extends recent epidemiologic research by implementing and evaluating a computerized neuro-psychological test battery designed to improve the detection and management of mild head injury in athletes.
______(Rogers, Bonnie)
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Occupational Safety and Health Training Grant / 07/01/00-06/30/04 / 4%
The purpose of this program is to prepare a cadre of researchers in the area of health services research to address various topics relating to occupational safety and health.
R49/CCR402444-14-18 (Runyan, Carol W.)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Injury Prevention Research Center / 08/01/99-07/31/04 / 40%
The major goals of this project are to stimulate and participate in interdisciplinary research and to facilitate the translation of research into injury control policies and programs for prevention, acute care rehabilitation at the state, regional and national levels.
______(Runyan, Carol W.)
Home Safety Council (HSC)
Lowe’s Home Safety Council - Technical Advisory Board Meeting
/ 2003
The primary goal of this board is to decide on the key actionable messages HSC wants to communicate to the public in 2004. The secondary goals are to identify public policy, research, and intervention initiative agendas.
______(Runyan, Carol W.)
Home Safety Council (HSC)
Lowe’s Home Safety Council – Technical Review Process Phases I & II
/ 2003
The Phase I process will be to prepare the infrastructure necessary to coordinate the technical review process and to communicate the results to HSC.
Phase II process will undergo the technical review process for the content that has been selected HSC as important and has an identified source. For example, much of the content comes from the State of Home Safety (SOHS) and so the facts and recommendations that rely on this source will be checked in this phase.
1 RO1 OH03530-01A1 (Runyan, Carol W.)
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Safety of Youth Employment: A National Study of Parents and Teens / 2000-2003
This is a two-year study to examine how American youth, age 14-17, and their parents identify and respond to potential injury risks to adolescents in the labor force. The overall goal is to develop recommendations for policy, educational, and training interventions that will improve the safety of youth.
NC DHHS / DPH / Injury Prevention
Liaison with NC Injury and Violence Prevention Unit / 2000 – 2003
The UNC Injury Prevention Research Center will work with the Injury and Violence Prevention Unit, NC Division of Public Health, to assist the Unit in planning a statewide injury surveillance system, developing a statewide injury report and providing evaluation technical assistance to the Unit’s programs.
5-T76-MC00004-48 (Runyan, Carol W.)
Health Resources Services Administration / Maternal & Child Health Bureau
Training Initiative for Injury Practitioners / 2002 – 2003
This initiative will develop a coordinated training program combining distance-based education with face-to-face workshops, and ongoing mentoring by more experienced injury specialists.
______(Runyan, Carol W.)
Lowe’s Home Safety Council
State of Home Safety in America, Part I / 2001 – 2002
This research will provide a snapshot of US home safety, documenting the magnitude of the problem of hazardous events, injuries and deaths, using the best data currently available; and summarizing knowledge about attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and other risk factors associated with home injury and prevention.
