24JUNE – 19 JULY 2013
Sponsored by the Hilandar Research Library/Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies and the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures, The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, Ohio.
Deadline for receipt of application:22February2013
To the applicant: Please submit to the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies, 119 Thompson Library, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1286, or
Graduate students: Post-doctoral and junior faculty:
(1) this application (1) this application
(2) letter of reference (2)copy of your curriculum vitae
(3) copy of your transcripts
If you have any questions, please contact the RCMSS by e-mail , phone (614- 292-0634),or regular mail.
Please print or type the following information:
1. Name ______
2. Current address -
(street address) (apartment number) ______
(city) (state) (zip code) ______
3. Work phone (including area code)[1]______
Home phone or cell(including area code)1______
4. E-mail address______
FAX ______
If the above address and phone numbers are not valid through24June 2013, please indicate where we can contact you: (street address)(apartment number) (city) (state) (zip code) (phone) (email)
5. Institutional Affiliation ______
6. Academic Level______
7. Specialization ______
8. Do you want to be considered for financial support? (Circle your answer) Yes No
If the answer is "yes" you will receive OSU Payment Compliance Form to fill out and sign.
9. For non-OSU applicants only:
Will you need housing during the MSSI? (Circle your answer) Yes No
Your proposed dates of arrival and departure______
10. For non-OSU applicants only:
Please indicate whether you would need to receivecredit hours for your participation in the MSSI.
(Circle your answer)
Yes, I would prefer to receive credit. No, I do not need to receive credit.
11. The name and address (including email and phone) of your recommender.
13. Statement of Purpose.Please write a brief statementproviding a brief autobiographical statement focusing on your academic background, scholarly interests and objectives. Indicate why you are interested in attending the Medieval Slavic Summer Institute and what, if any, experience you have had working with medieval Slavic texts and with manuscripts. Please include a list of any courses you have had relevant to medieval studies. Please indicate if there are particular types of texts you would like to study during the MSSI.
Please type (or print) your statement of purpose on a separate sheet o f paper and attach it to this application.
[1] Include Country Code