Academic Conference Grants

Application Form


Prepare and type your proposal according to the specific instructions included for each section located on the following application form. All instructions must be followed to be considered for funding.

Write your proposal with such clarity that it may be understood by any member of the committee. Keep in mind that the committee is interdisciplinary.

Proposals must use a typeface no smaller than 10 points and have at least 1/2” margin on all sides of the page. The Proposal Body (Sections III-V) is limited to three pages single-spaced plus references and attachments (i.e., evidence of cost share).

Please combine sections I-IV into 1 PDF file for upload:

  • Section I, II, III Proposal Body (limited to a total of three [3] single-space pages)
  • Section IV: Budget and Budget Justification (limited to a total of 2 single-spaced pages)
  • Section V: Biographical Sketch (no more than two [2]pages; include for PI only; any format is acceptable). You will upload this on the personnel page in KC+, so do not combine it as part of your PDF file.


One of the goals of WVU is to become more visible on a national/international level. Although the primary vehicle for accomplishing this is individual faculty accomplishments, a complimentary approach is to bring outstanding scholars within an area that we have expertise in to our campus for a focused academic mini-conference or to host regional, national, or international meetings.

The end goal of a mini-conference is to produce a significant scholarly work in terms of an edited book, monograph, or special edition of a peer reviewed journal or other creative output (script for a play, a play, a musical composition or recording, juried exhibit, etc.) that would not have been possible without the in-person conference. Ideally there is an activity(ies) that would be open to the campus (and community as appropriate) to attend as part of the in-person work (a panel, a talk, a reception, a performance, etc). The goal of hosting an academic conference could be the same, but would primarily be for increased visibility and reputation of the institution by serving as the host institution.

Conference must be held in Morgantown and include activities to showcase WVU

All conferences must have at least a regional focus and ideally a national or international focus. State level meetings are not supported under this program.


Clearly state the need for your project. Describe the contribution of your project towards increasing knowledge in the field of study and the reputation of WVU.


Precisely list the objectives of the project and how you will accomplish those objectives.


If successfully completed, indicate the anticipated contributions this project will make to the university and your field/profession. Please quantify the anticipated outcomes.


The budget cap is $10,000, no salary support for WVU faculty is allowed.

Please provide an itemized budget with justification.

Priority will be given to projects that have other internal or external support. Other support must be in cash and not in-kind. Please include evidence of other support (letters, emails, etc); proof of support is not counted in the page limits, but should be part of the application pdf.


Attach a brief, selective vita (no more than two pages) listing employment record, faculty rank, professional accomplishments, publications, etc. 2 pages PI only, any format is acceptable. You will now upload this as a separate document in KC+, so do not make it a part of the PDF application file.