Academic and Student Life Committee
Committee Accomplishments 2017-18
- September
- Executive Vice President and Provost Remarks (goals for AY 2017-2018)
- Discussion
- The Library and the Student Experience at UVA (Mr. John M. Unsworth; Mr. Unsworth reported on the Library’s contributions to the student experience & discussed some of the challenges of the Alderman renovation)
- Student Comment Period (Mr. Weston Gobar discussed student proposals related to the events of August 11th & 12th, 2017).
- Faculty and Student Diversity Progress Report (Ms. Kerry Abrams and Mr. Archie Holmes discussed the status of faculty and student diversity, and highlighted current programs and initiatives).
- Reports
- Dual Degree Program Between the Data Science Institute and the Darden School of Business
- Dual Degree Program Between the Data Science Institute and the School of Medicine
- Articulation Agreement Between the School of Continuing and Professional Studies and Richard Bland College of William & Mary
- December
- Student Life at the University of Virginia (Ms. Patricia M. Lampkin reported on student life; Dr. Christopher P. Holstage discussed current efforts and future plans for Student Health and Wellness and its role in enhancing the student experience)
- Athletics Approach to Holistic Care for Student-Athletes (Dr. John Macknight discussed the University's approach to holistic care for student-Athletes)
- Student Comment Period (Ms. Miranda Gali discussed student efforts to minimize alcohol and substance abuse, specifically in regard to student education, major prevention efforts, and the effectiveness of the ADAPT pledge)
- Faculty Forum on Teaching & Learning (Mr. Archie Holmes lead a panel discussion focused on faculty teaching strategies with a specific focus on team-based approaches, technology and experiential activities.)
- March
- Academic Dashboard (Mr. Katsouleas reported on key metrics in the areas of faculty quality, student quality, and the quality of student experiences).
- Honor Audit Commission (Ms. Willis and Mr. Rossin reported out on a recently completed audit of the honor system at UVA)
- Athletic Director’s Report (Ms. Williams reported out on her first two months as Director of Athletics)
- Student Comment period (Mr. Larken presented information on the student experience at UVA Wise with a particular emphasis on health, student enrollment, athletics and branding)
- June
- Report on the Ad Hoc Committee for Innovation in Curriculum and Curriculum Support (Mr. Holmes gave a brief report on the work of this committee to date).
- Student Success Over the Longer Term (Mr. Holmes and Ms. Lampkin presented a framework for defining student success, and then talked about the variety of resources currently available to students, how these resources fit into the formal academic curriculum, and what additional types of support the University might consider going forward).
- Athletics Director Report (Mr. Mendenhall gave a brief status update on the football program at UVA, and presented a broad strategic plan for moving forward)
- Student Comment Period (Ms. Callicotte discussed the UFUSED's CIO Accessibility Pledge to Low-Income Studentsand other access issues for low-income students interested in participating in various activities at UVA).
- ConsentItems Approved:
- Implementation of Suicide Prevention Protocols for Students (Dec.)
- New Degree Program: Master of Arts Degree (M.A.) in Media, Culture, and Technology in the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (Mar.)
- Modified Program Format: RN to BSN Online Degree Completion Program at UVA-Wise (Mar.)
- Master’s Program in Teaching at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise (June)
- Action Items Approved:
- Memorial Resolution for Phillip A. Parrish (Sept.)
- Revision to the Standing Policy on Administration of Athletics and the Advisory Council on Athletics (Sept.)
- Curry School of Education Name Change to the Curry School of Education and Human Development (Dec.)
- Resolution Commending Craig K. Littlepage (Dec.)
- Resolution Commending Allison Linney and the Council of Foundations
- Reclassification of Academic General Faculty Members (June)
- Professorship establishments:
- Kenneth G. Elzinga Professorship in Economics and the Law in the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
- James R. Schlesinger Distinguished Professorship at the Miller Center of Public Affairs (second)
- Donald McLean Wilkinson Jr. Research Professorship
- George A. Overstreet Jr. Distinguished Professorship in Real Estate in the McIntire School of Commerce
- David C. Walentas Jefferson Scholars Foundation Professorship at the Jefferson Scholars Foundation
- Distinguished Professorship in Anesthesiology in the School of Medicine
- J. Sanford Miller Director at the Fralin Museum of Art
Academic and Student Life Committee
Committee Work Plan 2018-2019
September – 2018:
- Admissions:Greg Roberts to discuss current classadmissions process.
- Student Life: A panel of five students will discuss opportunities for improving the second year experience at UVA.
- Athletics: Carla Williams to reflect on her first year.
December - 2018
- Academic: Ian Baucom to present on the new A&S Curriculum and London First
- Academic: Archie Holmes to present on the current state and future of on-line education at UVA.
- Athletics: Intramural-Recreational Sports (tentative)
March – 2019
- Academic: Graduate Education
- Faculty panel focused on graduate education (non-professional schools)
- Phil Trella to present on the PhD+ program
June – 2019
- Academic: Archie Holmes to discuss Enrollment Management
- Student Life: Student safety (tentative)