Application/Recommendation for promotion from Grade 6 to 7 or Grade 7 to 8
To be completed by Head of Schoolor in the case of personal applications, by the member of staff.For Dubai and Malaysia staff this form should be countersigned by the Vice Principal of the Campus.
Return by email to: / / Not later than: 23rd March 2018Name of Nominee: / Employee Number:
Job Title
Line Manager
Application made by
(mark with an X) / Head of School / Personal Case
Salary as at 1 April 2018 / Current Grade / Spine Point as at 1 April 2018
Job title of promotion requested
Assistant Professor Teaching & Research (Grade7 & Grade 8)
Assistant Professor Teaching & Scholarship (Grade7 & Grade 8)
Research Associate (Grade 7)
Research Fellow (Grade 8)
Has the staff member been nominated (or requested)a reward via the Contribution Pay Board in the last year?
If yes, please give details.
Evidence of criteria in support of this application/recommendation – 2 sides A4 max / font size 10.(Refer to criteria and guidance provided in the Academic Promotions Board process. Outline clearly why the promotion should be made.)
TO BE COMPLETED BY THE HEAD OF SCHOOL. (Review the case for promotion,including an assessment of the candidate’s achievements and contribution against the criteria detailed in Appendix A: Academic and Research Promotions – Criteria for Assessment)
Supporting statementby Head of School:I confirm that I support the above case and the staff member is aware of this submission. I note that the Board can exceptionally award contribution pay (an increment or bonus) if the employee is not yet ready for promotion but the evidence merits a contribution award.
Signed: Date:
Print Name:
TO BE COMPLETED BY THE VICE PRINCIPAL DUBAI OR MALAYSIA if appropriate. (Review the case for promotion, including an assessment of the candidate’s achievements and contribution against the criteria detailed in Appendix A: Academic and Research Promotions – Criteria for Assessment)
RecommendationVice Principal:I confirm that I support the above case and the staff member is aware of this submission. I note that the Board can exceptionally award contribution pay (an increment or bonus) if the employee is not yet ready for promotion but the evidence merits a contribution award.
Signed: Date:
Print Name:
To be completed by member of staff
Heriot-Watt is committed to equality of opportunity for all. Please highlight circumstances, e.g. career break(s), maternity/paternity/adoption leave, illness, caring responsibilities etc. where work outputs may have been impacted, to allow for consideration in relation to metrics. Please also mention any instances of part-time working including duration and FTE (where full time equals 1.0 FTE). Please provide this information in the Special Circumstances Document. / Delete as AppropriateY/N
For a Personal Case only: (without support of Head of School):
My Head of School is aware of my Personal Case but is unable to support my application.
Signed: Date:
Print Name:
Documents to enclose with form:
Publications list
Academic Promotions Board (APB) Form 2018