Town of Sutton
Building Department
1) Definitions:
Abutting Property Owner: Person or entity owning property on a way.
Driveway: Privately owned access to and from a way.
Public Way: A way laid out by Public Agency or dedicated to Public use or used and maintained as a public way.
Way: Any Public Way which is not subject to G.L. Ch. 81 b.21.(State Curb
Cut Permit).
2) Purposes:
- To provide a maximum protection to the public through ordinary
Control of traffic moving onto and from a way ;
- To provide a uniform practice in the design and construction of
Entrances and exits.
- To provide for un-encumbered road surface drainage.
3) Applications:
Any abutting property owner desiring to gain access to a way shall do so only in accordance with the provisions of a permit issued by the Town of Sutton Building Commissioner.
4) Procedures:
Before beginning any construction, the property owner must make written application to the Building Commissioner. Application must be include a plan drawn to scale showing:
- Any Driveway that is created, altered or closed;
- Complete details of drainage;
- Location of all relevant property lines and any existing driveways;
- A Bond of $1,500.00 per driveway opening will accompany this application.
All work shall be inspected during and after construction. The Building Commissioner may halt any work not done in accordance with the permit.
During construction and before paving, silt must be prevented from flowing onto the public way. To accomplish this, hay bales are to be used to filter out the silt. In cases where silt has been deposited on the public way, the owner and / or contractor will be responsible for cleaning it up at frequent intervals.
- In no way shall the edge of the driveway entering onto the road conflict with the flow of surface water runoff.
- Individual Driveways shall not be less than eight (8) feet; nor more than sixteen(16) feet in width within the town right-of-way. The curb at the entrance shall be rounded off with a radius of three (3) feet.
- Property Address:
Assessor’s Map #______Parcel #______
- Owner of Record:
Name (Print) Mailing Address
Signature Date
- Bonding Requirement
- Site Plan
proposed driveway opening)
DIAGRAM (drawn to scale)
** A Driveway Bond must be attached to this form when applying.