Instructions to Prepare anAbstract for the COST FP0802 Workshop

First A. Author†, Second B. Author†*, and Third C. Author

†Institution of First and Second Author



‡Institution Third Author



Key words:micromechanics, wood, experimental characterization, material behaviour


Authors are requested to submit an abstract for the COST Action FP0802 Kick-off meeting and Workshop on “Experimental and computational methods in wood micromechanics”. The abstract including figures, tables, and references must have a minimum length of 1 pages and must not exceed 2 pages. The Abstract has to be written in English with a Times New Roman 11 points font single spaced. The Abstract must contain the full name and full address of the author/s. The author who will present the contribution at the Workshop should be indicated by an asterisk [1].

Abstracts should briefly outline the main features, results and conclusions as well as their general significance and should contain relevant references. The abstract will be reproduced as submitted and printed unchanged in the Book of Abstracts to be delivered at the workshopto all participants, with the aim at providing a brief and overall insight of the presentation.

All figures should be numbered consecutively and captioned. The caption title should be written centered, in 10pt Roman, with upper and lower case letters [2].

Figure 1: Announcement Folder

A 6pt space should separate the figure from the caption, and a 12pt space should separate the upper part of the figure and the bottom of the caption from the surrounding text.

A displayed equation is numbered, using Arabic numbers in parentheses. It should be centered, leaving a 6pt space above and below to separate it from the surrounding text.

The following example is a single line equation:

Ax = b / (1)

The next example is a multi-line equation:

Ax = b / (2)
Ax = b

All tables should be numbered consecutively and captioned; the caption should be 10pt Roman, upper and lower case letters.

Table 1 : Example of the construction of one table

C11 / C12 / C13
C21 / C22 / C23
C31 / C32 / C33
C41 / C42 / C43
C51 / C52 / C53

A 6pt space should separate the table from the caption, and a 12pt space should separate the table from the surrounding text.


[1]D. Fengel, G. Wegener:Wood – chemistry, ultrastructure, reactions. Kessel, 2003.

[2]C. Foley: A three-dimensional paradigm of fiber orientation in timber. Wood Science and Technology, 35 (2001), 453-465.