Kindergarten Term 2 2015 Curriculum Overview
Numbers to 20
- Reading and writing numerals
- Counting forwards and backwards to 10
- Counting to 20
- Representing numbers to 20 using numerals and symbols
- Representing an addition problem using actions or drawings
- Combining groups to determine ‘how many more’
- Recording addition informally
- Communicating an understanding of number using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings
- Using words for length
- Identifying tallest and shortest
- Comparing length
- Solving simple subtraction problems
- Counting backwards by ones to subtract
- Identifying objects that roll
- Describing day and night time
- Using terms before, after, morning and afternoon
- Using the terms yesterday, today and tomorrow
- Naming the days of the week
- Identifying weekdays and weekend days
- Identifying and recording o’clock times
- Continuing shape patterns
- Continuing number patterns
Speaking and Listening
- Oral news presentations(See Term 2 News Schedule)
- Class discussions
Reading and Viewing
- Phonemes (sounds)-THRASS methodology.
- Flying Colours-Literacy Program which focuses on Written Language-reading and writing, Oral language-listening and speaking, and Visual Literacy. Children participate in guided reading and independent activities
- Modelled reading strategies.
- Literature based activities in class and library
- Home reading program-Students will read with teacher/parents 4/5 mornings a week.
Writing and Representing
- Modelled writing with focus on sound-symbol.
- Joint constructions of basic recounts and observations.
- Types of tests: Description, Explanation and Information Report.
- Writing conventions: Spacing-the use of finger spaces, Punctuation-the use of capital letters and full stops.
Orientation, sizing, directionality and fluency using- Rainbow writing
- Targeting Handwriting
- Overwrite charts
- Programmed by Mr David Pike
Peer Support
- Living Positively-This unit will develop the skills and knowledge for students to approach life with a positive attitude, use their strengths, engage in enjoyable activities and show gratitude to others
- Programmed by Mr Brad Allen
Visual Arts
Linked to:- focus phonemes/THRASS
- HSIE- Celebration- Mother’s Day, Bathurst Bicentenary, This Is Me
- Science and Technology- Weather in our World
- Maths (various fine motor activities)
- Programmed by Ms Rosemary Fogerty
- Infants Performing Arts Night – The Button Box
- Programmed by Mrs Frances McLeod
- Infants Performing Arts Night – The Button Box
- Role play (Linked to PD)
- Talking and listening
- Dramatic play
- Linked to Music and PE
- Infants Performing Arts Night – The Button Box
This Is Me
This unit provides opportunities to explore students’ lives and special characteristics, focussing on backgrounds, past experiences and memories, and on important people in their lives. It provides students with the opportunities to compare themselves with others in their class and with people from different places and times
Science and Technology
Weather in our World
This unit focuses on:
- the way in which weather affects our work and leisure activities
- the way in which weather influences what we wear and what we do
- the need for accurate predictions of weather patterns and how to interpret weather forecasts
- developing students’ beliefs and understandings about the air, Sun and wind