Abstract Submission for Poster and Oral Presentations
Deadline:December 15, 2016
Eligibility:Any attendee to the APSA South Regional Meeting is encouraged to submit an abstract proposing a poster and/or oral presentation.
Abstract Guidelines:Please limit the abstract to 500 words, excluding title, authors, and affiliations. List the presenting author first. Please include the purpose, methods, results, and a discussion/conclusion. Define abbreviations the first time they appear. References are not necessary for abstract submission.
Please note that the Abstract Book may be made available online prior to the conference.
Presentation Type:Applicants may indicate if they wish to be considered for a poster presentation, oral presentation, or both.Only the top abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. Applicants giving an oral presentation will also have the opportunity to present a poster. Applicantswill be notified in January the type(s) of presentations they have been selected for.
Oral Presentations: The top abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. Presenters will have 5 minutes to present the highlights of their work. These presentations should focus on the overall impact of the research and should emphasize “the big picture” of the findings. Presentations will be judged on impact, innovation, and clarity. Top presenters will be awarded prizes.
Poster Presentations:Posters must fit on a 4’x6’ size presentation board.Presentations will be judged on impact, innovation, and clarity. Top presenters will be awarded prizes.
Abstract Submission Form
Name:Click here to enter text.
Email Address:Click here to enter text.
Current Position:Choose an item.
If non-student, please specify your position:Click here to enter text.
Institution:Click here to enter text.
Please consider abstract for: Choose an item.
Abstract Category:Choose an item.
If other abstract category, please specify: Click here to enter text.
Abstract Title:Abstract title should be in title case.
Ex. Capital Letters Are Fun to Use
Click here to enter text.
Authors and Affiliations:List presenting author first. All authors should be listed asFirst_NameMiddle_Initial. Last_Name. Affiliation should be listed as Department, University/Organization, City, State.
Ex. Jane M. Doe, Department of Research, University of Learning, Some City, Some State
Click here to enter text.
Abstract:Please limit abstract to 500 words and include the Purpose, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
Click here to enter text.