Science Fair
Abstract Grading Rubric
/ Fair / Poor250 words or less / Covers all requirements in 250 words or less (10-8) / Covers most requirements in 250 words or less; or goes over 250 words (7-5) / Covers some topics, but is not complete (4-2) / Does not contain several required topics (1-0)
Short Introduction / Includes introduction that discusses background information the reader needs to know. (10-8) / Includes a brief introduction, but leaves out some important information necessary to understand the project (7-5) / Includes a short introduction that does not explain the project (4-2) / Does not include an introduction or is not applicable to project (1-0)
Purpose / Purpose is clear and important; flows smoothly and logically from introduction (10-8) / Purpose is present, but not important; flows smoothly and logically from introduction (7-5) / Purpose is present, but is not important and does not flow smoothly and logically from introduction (4-2) / Purpose is either not present or not clear (1-0)
Hypothesis / Hypothesis is stated clearly and identifies the independent and dependent variables (10-8) / Hypothesis is present, but independent and dependent variables are not clear. (7-5) / Hypothesis is present, but it is not clear what is being tested (4-2) / Hypothesis is not present or not stated clearly and measurable. (1-0)
Procedure / Complete procedure summary; narrative form; # of trials listed and # in each group given (15-12) / Procedure given, but listed by steps; # of trials not listed or # in each group not given (11-8) / Parts of procedure missing or incomplete; no detail (7-4) / Procedure is vague or does not exist in abstract (3-0)
Data / Averages of all data given; no raw data; narrative form (15-12) / Averages given, but raw data also listed (11-8) / Each trial is listed with no averages (7-4) / No results given or results are vague or inaccurate (3-0)
Qualitative Observations / Complete descriptive qualitative data is discussed and reported in general terms (10-8) / Qualitative data mentioned, but very little detail or description (7-5) / Qualitative data is given for each individual instead of as a group (4-2) / Qualitative data is either vague or hard to find in abstract or not present at all (1-0)
Conclusions / Conclusions are clear; statement clearly either accepts or rejects hypothesis; logical conclusions from data (15-12) / Conclusions are given, hypothesis is either accepted or rejected, but conclusions are not logical based upon data (11-8) / Conclusions are vague; hypothesis is not clearly accepted or rejected (7-4) / No conclusions are drawn; hypothesis is not accepted or rejected (3-0)
Correct spelling and grammar / All spelling and grammar is correct; no typographical errors (10-8) / Three or fewer errors in grammar, spelling or typographical errors (7-5) / Five or fewer errors (4-2) / More that five errors in abstract (1-0)