Members in attendance:
Janet Doren
Renell Schultz
Bill Crippen
Carmen Sandoe
Stacey Strawder
Julie Eiben
Items Discussed:
1. BSA Analysis The team accessessed their BSA results and discussed how to use them to address standards flagged or not mastered.
2. Field trip payments are being paid online. Verification between payment and fieldtrip form needs to happen. Head count is due February 17th.
3. Behavior Plan was reviewed by team.
4. Learning Goals and Scales for the three selected standards should be posted and include student evidence.
5. Vocabulary Parade will be held March 17th.
6. Career dress up day will be February 18; the 19th is career day. If any career presenters notify you about canceling, please notify Rosie as soon as possible. Send all volunteers to media center to sign in before going to hte classrooms.
7. Family Math Night at Publix will be held February 17th. Sign up with Marc to volunteer.
8. 2 Formal writing prompts need to be administered and turned in to Mrs. Winder on February 12 and 23. Team is very concerned about having the time to teach the necessary skills when students are being given formal prompts which take 2 hours each, plus extra time for students with accommodations. The final prompt due February 23rd won't be done/returned to students in time to even use for instruction with students. Team would prefer to focus on correcting errors and improving skills from previously administered prompts. Complete one more opinion prompt to be turned in by the 19th and use remaining time to focus on specific skills of elaboration, citing the sources, and staying focused on task.
9. Team would like to address the number of items in February/March that take away from instructional time. (career day, assemblies, book battles, field day, testing - STAR, FAIR, science benchmarks, BSA, mid-year tests, bi-weekly reading tests)
Thanks, Julie, for recording today's minutes! J