Absolute Perfection

Genesis 2:4-25


  • Advent is about the “coming” of Jesus
  • We will celebrate this year with the four chapter Gospel
  • Chapter one tells us that the world was created perfect

It’s easier to truly celebrate Jesus’ birth when we recognize that God’s plan for Jesus was not for a “better world,” but for a perfect world.

  1. What is truly perfect.
  2. Genesis 2 is foundational material that shows us what we were supposed to be.
  1. On our own, we can’t even think of the best possible world.
  2. Example: work.
  3. In a perfect world…we still need to work!
  4. Work itself wasn’t a corruption of God’s plan, the futility and frustration of work were.
  5. When we enter eternal life, work will continue! (See Rev. 21:24-26)
  6. Example: relationships.
  7. Clothing was a side effect of the need to hide from each other.
  8. Imagine a family reunion where everyone was perfect!
  9. People would not be flocking to “Friendsgiving” if families enjoyed the harmony everyone wanted.
  10. Marriage would be bliss if your spouse (and you!) were totally innocent.
  11. Example: true worship.
  12. Sin caused Adam and Eve to distance themselves from God.
  13. Many consider life to be better if God leaves them alone.
  14. We were built for an ongoing relationship with Him.
  1. Summary of Genesis 2:
  2. Perfectly fulfilling jobs.
  3. Perfect marriage.
  4. Thoroughgoing, genuine spirituality.
  1. Jesus can seem “meh” if we don’t realize that he came to bring perfection.
  2. We think the good life is a promotion (more hours) or new car (more expense) or awe-inspiring vacation (always looks better on Facebook).
  3. Those false “saviors” distract our attention from the true one.
  4. A politician promises more jobs…but those jobs will still involve futility and pain.
  5. A movement lobbies for the right to marry and divorce anyone, any time, for any reason...not acknowledging that even marriage done according to God’s plan still brings its own share of trials!
  6. The “spiritual-but-not-religious” group now outnumbers atheists, wanting to feel connected to God but with no desire to really know and understand God.
  7. We’re made for perfection, but we’re chasing after cheap knockoffs.

“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” (CS Lewis, The Weight of Glory)

  1. Without acknowledging perfection, we try to be “good people”--no need to shoot for perfection, right?
  2. With such a low bar, we can believe others can “save” us.
  3. Thankfully, Jesus came to bring perfection, not “better” people.
  4. His goal is not “tolerable wholeness,” but “complete wholeness.”
  5. This is worth celebrating!

As you experience the frustration of being stretched financially or having your patience stretched by your extended family, as you hurt even in the middle of a season that is supposed to be marked by joy, remember, God’s plan was for perfection, and remains for perfection, and that is why the coming of Jesus is truly worth celebrating.


Read: Revelation 21-22


This is how we spend eternity. How does this compare with the way you normally think about the afterlife?

What role to righteousness and unrighteousness play in this passage?

Put into your own words: describe the salvation Jesus Christ came to accomplish for all who follow him?


Confess any way in which you look for salvation from false saviors.

Ask God to fill your heart with a desire for perfection, and a gratitude over the savior who came to make that possible.


Excommunicate a false savior from your life. For example, if you commonly turn to a favorite TV show for ‘rest’ and never spend time resting in God, quit watching that show. If you use Facebook to “kill time”, cancel your account and ask God to show you what good deeds he has laid out in advance for you to do, which you are missing.