Teacher Education Coordinators Meeting
Feb. 7, 2014
Attending: Rebecca Chism, Sarah Rilling, Linda Hoeptner-Poling, Andrea Shearer, Joanne Arhar, Bette Brooks, Cathy Hackney, Todd Hawley, Bill Kist, Janice Kroeger, Averil McClelland, Steve Mitchell, Angela Backus, Andrew Wiley, Robin Dever, Ramona Freeman, Shelly Heron, Sarah Harper, Lowell Zurbuch
Absent: Pat Grutzmacher, Sloane Burgess, Erica Eckert, Pat O’Connor
Guests: Carla Owens, Kathy Zarges, Jen Fisette, Jim Knapp, Chia Ling Kuo
Career Services Visit (Carla Owens)
Carla Owens shared Career Services’ support of teacher education through Superstart Saturday. She said that only about 20% of teacher education students attend Superstart Saturday. She has a significant number of students who call and want individual meetings instead of them attending Superstart Saturday. She would like to increase participation instead of having meetings. Some possible alternatives are to consolidate inquiry classes into one presentation, use more social media and to do only one presentation in Fall semester and one in Spring semester.
She also reminded coordinators that recruiters from Texas will be on campus the week of Feb. 17th, and that the recruiters from Florida will offer Skype interviews on May 12th.
Video Lessons in Instructional Technology (Chia-Ling Kuo)
Educational Technology was offered at all campuses (get handout from Chia Ling) Minimally, students must learn how to use a video recording device, import it into software, and upload to a social media venue such as KSU-tube. Chia Ling will share a syllabus with coordinators. Students’ portfolio work could be built upon this technology requirement.
Performance Funding Model (Joanne)
The State has Race to the Top funds which we may be eligible for. Joanne shared the Performance Funding Model with Coordinators and asked for input from them. Coordinators provided information to be included on the funding request.
Ohio Board of Regents Visit on Feb. 25th (Joanne)
Joanne gave coordinators information about the Regents visit to EHHS on Feb. 25th and invited coordinators to attend to share teacher education program information with them and discuss current issues is teacher education.
Praxis Core (Kathy)
The university catalog for 2014 includes information regarding the test, cut-off scores, etc. New test has new criteria. Kathy provided coordinators with a handout containing information related to the Praxis Core Tests.
Student Teaching Exceptions (Joanne and Kathy)
Joanne and Kathy asked coordinators to review and provide feedback. The new form is posted online.
EdTPA Update (Jen Fisette)
en Fisette provided at TPA update. The TPA Bootcamp survey is going out for feedback to students and supervisors. Jen shared that one realization is that we need to do things earlier. She asked coordinators how instructors might integrate TPA into courses earlier. Materials provided included: edTPA Update Document, What do you know about edTPA and a Curriculum Map:edTPA-PETE Program.
Standard 3 Committee Report, including Request of Clinical Field Handbooks (Jim Knapp)
Jim asked coordinators to send their Clinical experience Handbooks to him or to send him an email letting him know that their specific program does not have a handbook.
State Leaders On PISA, NAEP, PARCC and What It Means for the Curriculum(Averil McClelland)
Averil will discuss this topic at the next meeting. She asked coordinators to consider the question, “How do we prepare our students to teach differently?”
Disposition Assessment:What Program Coordinators Can Do to Support Reliability (Joanne)
Joanne discussed disposition assessment challenges with coordinators, reminding them that reliability comes from within program areas, and that program consistency is critical. She said that some changes are being made to make the software more user friendly and intuitive, send reminders to faculty that the student yet signed the disposition assessment (prior to end of current semester),
Clinical Experience Update (Jim)
Jim gave an update on Clinical Experience placements, mentioning that while we have agreements with 209 school districts, we currently have 20 active districts. She also mentioned that we’ll need to recruit more supervisors in outlying areas. He said that he is preparing to transition the office to Mike Englert in March.
NCATE Update (Cathy Hackney)
Cathy gave a brief NCATE update. She said that NCATE preparation is on-target. Sections still in progress are Standard 3, Standard 2 sub-committee is working on Reliability; and she will need the Student Teaching Handbooks soon.