Board of Directors AGENDA
09/15/2015 /
Location: Country Cupboard– 9:00 Meeting Start
Attendance: Bob Leitzel, Edie Moyer, Patti Tamecki, Juliann Brown, Marcia Cooney, Rita Pollard, Nancy Berghauer, Karen Nogle
Absent: Aimee Bowersox, Andy Long, Debra Thomas, Kristi Cellitti, Lisa Erickson, Maureen Pugh
- Secretary(Pollard) - Edie moved to approve the minutes from the May 2015 meeting. Juliann seconded and all approved without opposition or abstention.
- Treasurer (Long) – Marcia moved to accept the written report. Juliann seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- Membership(Erickson) – Kelly Dinan a Recruitment Consultant at Bucknell, a national member and PHR, Tina Welch, Independent Consultant and national member, were new nominees for membership sent to the Board via email. Kim Lenker HR Manager of ConAgra also submitted an application for membership. He is not a national member nor certified. Loretta Hartley is a current member now with Kreamer Feed so her membership was transferred to her new employer. Rita moved to accept the new members. Edie seconded and all approved.
- Program Committee - Lindsey Piefer has volunteered to do a program survey via survey monkey surrounding questions that will help us assure quality programming. Marcia had received a request for a paid speaker that we will consider at our next meeting. That consideration can also include if this is something we do on our own or jointly. She continues to work on topics for spring 2016. The suggestion was made to have someone speak on SHRM certification.
- Seminar/ Education Committee (vacant)- Sue Greene attended to provide an update on the Women’s Symposium. As a sponsor, we have one complementary ticket. Juliann agreed to attend on behalf of SHRMA
Penn State is again offering the Prep course for SHRM certification as well as an HR Essentials course. Since we sponsor the prep course, our members can attend at a reduced rate.
- Public Relations Committee (Cellitti)–No report
- Labor/Legislative (Nogle) – No report
- Scholarship (vacant) – Aimee will take on this area.
- Workforce Readiness (Tamecki/Cellitti) – No report
Old Business
- President-Elect vacancy – There was discussion in consideration of Bob assuming the role of President Elect.
- Certification recognition: Deb Thomas is leading this effort. A suggestion was made to give folks ribbons that were given to us from SHRM to recognize their certification. There are also things on the SHRM website we could purchase for this purpose. The idea of giving a chapter gift for any certification (SHRM or HRCI) was discussed.
New Business
- Workforce Readiness Extension: Nancy presented on behalf of Kristi -Shikellamy has asked for our assistance for a Technical Writing assignment. Dates needed are October 27 through October 30th
- Nancy has received some suggestions from the state board meetings for updates to our bylaws and this is something we will need to undertake.
- We received a training video that we could use in lieu of a speaker.
- After confirming in the bylaws, we are approaching the time to request nominations for the board. We need to confirm when members entered the Board and what positions are up for election.
Next Board Meeting
10/20/2015 9:00 – 10:00 AM (regular board meeting)
Marcia moved to adjourn.