The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint teachers with rules and regulations that pertain specifically to New Prague elementary schools. It is expected that all staff will become thoroughly familiar with the contents of this entire booklet and, in general, follow the rules and regulations herein that are not specifically announced through weekly bulletins. Much thought and energy goes into the development and revision of this booklet. As happens every year, certain portions of this handbook have been revised to keep abreast with necessary changes. Feel free to confer with us on any problem, no matter how large or small it may seem. We are always willing to listen and help in any way we can.
It is expected that you will review the policy section available on the New Prague Schools website. Included within are a couple policies that affect the elementary schools. Please play close attention to those that deal with data privacy and confidentiality. Staff members must refrain from discussing students in informal settings such as the staff lounge or downtown. This is a dangerous practice. The trend indicates that litigation is on the increase. This should serve as a warning for all staff members so that they do not violate the rights of students.
Please be sure to read the New Prague Area Schools Crisis Plan and Handbook located in each classroom. It is a collection of all the information dealing with keeping students as safe as possible while in our care. It is certainly not fail proof, but it gives us clear directions to use in an emergency situation. It is the responsibility of each staff member to be familiar with its entirety and to be ready to implement the plan at any given moment. We will have practice drills on the fire evacuation plan, the tornado and weather drill, and different forms of lockdown drills. Please feel free to share your ideas as we go through these exercises so that we can have the best plan possible.
Wishing you a fantastic school year.
Dave Giesen,
Falcon Ridge Elementary Principal
Will Remmert,
Eagle View Elementary Principal
Pat Pribyl,
Raven Stream Elementary Principal
To engage and support everyone in high levels of learning.
To be a premier school district that models excellence and embraces
the challenges of the 21st century.
· Allocate time and support to best practice research and implementation
· Respect diverse thinking
· Model appropriate, positive interactions
· Think globally
· Learn and apply supportive, interactive technologies
· High Academic Achievement
· Fiscal Integrity
· Effective, Engaging Communication
Absence and Make-Up Work 1
Accidents 1
Activities Funds/Accounting for Money 1
Aerosol Cans 1
After-School Activities …………………………………………………………………………….1
Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug-Free Environment 1
Announcements .1
Intercom Announcements 2
Checking Mail/Boxes/Voicemail 2
Appliances - Personal 2
Assembly Program 2
Attendance Procedures for Parents/Guardians and Students 2
Audio-Visual Equipment 3
Breaks 3
Building and Equipment 3
Bulletin Boards 3
Bus Behavior and Procedures 4
Bus Dismissal Procedure 4
Bus Passes 4
Child Abuse Reporting 5
Child Study Team……………………………………………………………………………………5
Class Pictures 5
Classroom Placement 5
Clerical Work and Supply Room……………………………………………………………...…...5
Computer and Internet 6
Continuing Education Clock Hour Approval 6
Credit Approval 6
Crisis Plan 7
Custodians 7
Daily Procedure 7
Daily Class Schedules 7
Data Privacy 8
Discipline 9
Student Conduct 10
Common Areas 10
Discipline Tips……………………………………………………………………………...... ….11
Dismissal 13
Disposal of Student Workbooks 13
Dress and Appearance of Students 13
Emergency Drills… ……………………………………………………………………………...13
Emergency Procedures 13
Equal Education and Employment Opportunity Policy 14
Faculty Meetings 14
Field Trips and Transportation Request Form 14
Grading 15
Grant Writing 15
Grouping Procedures 15
Guests/Speakers 15
Harassment and Violence 15
Hazing 15
Health Service 15
Homework 16
Housekeeping 17
Identification Badge/FOB 17
Internet 17
Keys and FOBs 18
Kids’ Company 18
Kindergarten – Early Entrance 18
Kitchen Sign-Out 18
Lamination 19
Lesson Plan Book – Substitute Folder 19
Loaning of School Equipment 19
Lockers 19
Locking Doors 19
Lost and Found Department 19
Lunch Program Policy 20
Lunch - Students 20
Lyceums 20
Mail 20
Mandated Reporting 20
Media Center 20
Medication Policy 22
Money 22
Noon Hour/Recess 22
Nuisance Devices 22
Organizations 23
Paraprofessionals 23
Parent Advisory Committee 23
Parent /Teacher Conferences 23
Party Procedures 25
Pets in School 25
Photocopying 25
Playground Procedures 25
Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records 26
Protection of Students’ Rights to Privacy & Confidentiality 26
Public Relations and Publicity 26
Records Retention Policy 26
Requisition Routine 26
Retention Procedures 27
Schedule for the First Day of School 27
Schedule Rotation 27
School Activities 27
School Conference & Activities Leave 27
School Functions 27
School Vehicle…………………...…………………………………………...... ….…………...…28
Section 504 29
Security 29
Sexual Harassment………………………………………………………………………………..29
Soliciting in the Building 29
Special Services 29
Staff Dress Code 30
Staff Paychecks 30
Student Disability Nondiscrimination 30
Student Records 31
Student Teacher 31
Substitute Calling System 31
Supervision 32
Supplies 32
Teacher Preparation Time 32
Telephones 32
Testing 33
Textbooks 33
Treats 33
Videotapes 33
Videotaping of Students 33
Visitors 33
Voicemail 33
Volunteers 34
Weapons Policy……………………………………………………………… ……………. 34
Website 34
Workroom 34
Classroom and special education teachers will be responsible for making arrangements with students for completion of make-up work and tests. If students are required to go on trips with parents/guardians, a written note needs to be sent to the office for prior approval. When students miss school due to vacation, it is left to the teacher’s discretion if the make-up work is assigned prior to vacation or after returning. The due date should be agreed upon at the time of assignment. In case of illness, requests for homework should be made through the teacher’s voicemail in the morning for afternoon pick-up.
Students: Report all accidents to the nurse at once. She/he will call parent/guardian and family doctor if necessary. All teachers should be able to administer emergency first aid when called upon. Small first aid kits are given to each teacher for minor cuts and scratches. Use of protective gloves is required by policy when exposed to blood and/or other body fluids. Gloves should be in every employee’s desk drawer.
Employees: Employee accidents on site must be reported to the building office within 24 hours of the incident in order to be covered by Workman’s Compensation. A joint report must be complete. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INITIATE SUCH A REPORT WITHIN THE TIME REQUIREMENT.
The system of expending funds is as follows: No check will be issued without the presentation of an order from the staff member or department head, and no purchases can be made without the purchase order being signed by the office/principal. The same holds true for trips, mileage, etc. No student will be allowed to charge supplies for any activity in any of the local stores.
Be careful in making note of any money collected from your students. Make a note of all collections in your class record book. It will serve as a check and protect you against any possible mistakes. Do not leave money in your desk; turn it into the office.
No aerosol cans or explosive type materials are to be deposited in the classroom wastebaskets. Place this type of material outside the basket so the custodian will see it.
Students are not permitted to remain in the room after the teacher has left the room or building. Once the teacher leaves his/her room for the day, windows must be closed and door locked. This applies to all teachers. Students who are asked to remain after school for classroom activities are to be under the direct supervision of a teacher.
In all cases, when the building is to be used by a group after school hours, an Application for Facility Use Form must be filled out and processed through the elementary offices. The principal will need to sign the facility use form and the event will be placed on the Facility Use calendar.
All buildings, grounds, and vehicles in District 721 are alcohol, tobacco, and drug-free. No students, parents/guardians, staff, or visitors will be allowed to use tobacco products in the buildings, on the school grounds, or in school vehicles. Refer to Policies #417, #418 and #419 on the school district website.
A. Electronic Bulletin Board: Announcements will be made daily via electronic video. Announcements can be seen on closed circuit television and will run continuously throughout the school day. Classroom televisions should be left on during school days.
B. A weekly bulletin or a daily email of the events for the day will be the avenue of communication to staff for the announcements of the week.
C. These weekly bulletins will carry announcements for both teachers and students. Please keep this handy for the week.
D. All teachers are asked to get relevant announcements placed in the weekly bulletin and/or on the calendar.
E. A monthly newsletter/lunch menu will be available to staff on the first of every month. This is sent home with students.
F. There is a calendar of school events available. If your classroom is leaving the building, i.e., field trip, or you have invited parents into your classroom for a special event, we ask that you inform the office for placement on the calendar. This will help all staff in the building to know what is happening. The event will only be posted after it is approved by the principal.
G. There will not be a daily hard copy bulletin. Please check your e-mail and the screen for daily announcement changes or additions, and keep your weekly bulletin handy to refer to.
Intercom Announcements
A. Unless an emergency situation exists, NO all-call announcements will be made during school hours.
B. Announcements will be made during the last 20 minutes prior to dismissal. All staff should be in classrooms at this time to hear announcements.
Checking Mail/Boxes/Voicemail
A. All staff should check mail boxes before school, at noon, and after school for student handouts, messages, etc.
B. Secretaries will use discretion on how to notify a student about items brought by parents (i.e., shoes, lunches, homework).
Due to our energy contract, personal appliances such as refrigerators, microwaves, etc., are not allowed in classrooms.
A. Assembly programs are sponsored with various subjects from time to time. If you know of a program that you feel would be beneficial for students, do not hesitate to inform the Events Committee.
B. These programs are part of the total educational process. An assembly plan will be issued prior to the lyceum. All students and teachers are required to attend. A teacher’s prime responsibility is student management during all programs.
C. Standing by the doors is not acceptable for teachers or students when seating is available for them.
D. From time to time, a variation from the above rules may be in order. At these times, specific information will be distributed to all staff and students regarding the special circumstances.
A. Illness: To excuse an absence due to illness, the parent/guardian must:
Call the school office (not the classroom teacher) prior to start time on the day of the illness. The voicemail attendance hotline is open 24 hours per day. That number will vary in each school. Failure to call may result in an unexcused absence. This policy has been instituted for the safety of all children.
Illness totaling ten days per year may require a report from a doctor. All students falling behind in the classroom due to absences may be referred to the Student/Teacher Assistance Team.
B. Excessive absence from classes during the school year:
· Three unexcused absences – Referral to the principal; letter sent to parent/guardian.
· Five unexcused absences – Letter to parent/guardian outlining procedure for referral to county services.
· Seven unexcused absences – Letter to parent/guardian; possible report of educational neglect made to the County Department of Human Services.
C. Tardy:
A student is marked tardy if not seated and ready for class at the start of the day. To be readmitted into class, an office pass will be required. Exceptions will be handled by the school office. Excessive tardiness during the school year will result in the following consequences:
· Three incidents – Referral to the principal; letter sent to parent/guardian.
· Excessive tardiness may result in a referral to county services.
Vacation Absence:
When students miss school due to vacation, it is left to teacher’s discretion if the make-up work is assigned prior to vacation or after returning. Work assigned prior to leaving on a vacation will not exceed five days. Due date should be agreed upon at the time of assignment. Generally, all work is expected to be made up five days after return.
All audio-visual equipment is checked out through the Media Center. In case of malfunctioned equipment, a Repair Form should be filled out, placed with the piece of equipment, and reported to the technology technician. These forms can be picked up in the Media Center.
The teacher is responsible for his/her class and should not leave the room unless students have ample work and adequate supervision has been provided. Adequate supervision is defined as a responsible adult with visual contact.
An average of fifty-minutes of preparation time is provided daily to all teaching staff. Beverages may be consumed in the following areas when students are not present: gym, classroom (before and after school only), and staff workroom.
Specialist times (i.e., phy. ed., music, art, and media) should be used for student/class preparation in addition to unscheduled work time before and after school.
Teachers and students should display respect and care for school property as if it were their own. Special areas of concern include textbooks, restrooms, moveable equipment, and desk tops. No stickers of any kind are to be placed on desks or other school property, such as lockers.