ConsID / Title / First Name / Middle Name / Last Name / Suffix / SPtitle / SPFirstName / SPMiDName / PriAdd / AddrLn0 / City / ST / Zip / Appeal Code / 20xx Gift / Language / Change Type
(Name, Address, Delete, Add, Language) / Notes
0202123456 / Mr. and Mrs. Curt Abby / 102 Wrigley Ct / Atco / NJ / 08004 / CA
Sample 1 / Mr. and Mrs. Curt Abby / 123 Main St / Atco / NJ / 08004 / CSG / A
Sample 2 / Mr. / Curt / Abbott / Mr. and Mrs. Curt Abby / 102 Wrigley Ct / Atco / NJ / 08004 / L1SG / N
Sample 3 / Mr. and Mrs. Curt Abby / 102 Wrigley Ct / Atco / NJ / 08004 / CA / S
Sample 4 / Mrs. / Martha / Susan / Mr. and Mrs. Curt Abby / 123 Main St / Berlin / NJ / 12345 / CSG / N,A,S
Sample 5 / Mr. and Mrs. Curt Abby / 102 Wrigley Ct / Atco / NJ / 08004 / L1SG / D
Sample 6 / Mr. and Mrs. Curt Abby / 102 Wrigley Ct / Atco / NJ / 08004 / CA / D
Sample 7 / Mr. / John / James / Doe / Jr. / Mrs. / Mary / Mr. and Mrs. John Doe / Atco / NJ / 08004 / CSG / Spanish / Add, L
Sample 8 / Mr. / John / Doe / Miss / Mary / Mr. John and Miss Mary Doe / Atco / NJ / 08004 / L1SG / Add
Sample 9 0002010101 / Mr. / John / Doe / Mr. John Doe / Atco / NJ / 08004 / CM / Add
  1. Above are sample lines of your parish list.
  2. Please make changes on the electronic file found on the parish data CDprovided in your bin of Launch materialsand email the file back to us .
  3. If you do not have a computer with Excel software, please use the hard copy provided with your parish Launch materials or print the file from the parish data CD and make changes by hand, then mail back to the House of Charity at 631 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08102.

Name Changes:

Please make all name changesin the individual fields for names ONLY, not in the Addressee or Salutation fields. This will allow us to see the old name and how it is being changed. Separate each part of the person’s name into title, first name, last name etc. Simply click in the appropriate cell and type. ENTER "N" IN THE “Change Type” FIELD. See Samples 2 and 4.

Address Changes:

You may overtype directly on all the address lines with the new information. Click on the appropriate cell and type. In the “Change Type” column, type “A” for address. See Samples 1 and 4.

Adding a Parishioner:

Click in each cell for ID, Name fields, Address, Solicitation and type the new data. In the “Change Type”column type "Add". Include any appropriate notes. If you tell us where they moved from, we can find their existing parish data and update it instead. See samples 7, 8 and 9.

Deleting a Parishioner:

In the “Change Type”column, type “D” for delete. Type a Note such as Deceased or Moved. See Samples 5 and 6.

Adding Parishioner’s Primary Language:

Click in the cell called “Language” and type the parishioner’s primary language (Spanish, Vietnamese, etc.) if not English. In the “Change Type” column, type “L”. See Sample 7.