Open Box indicates optional order, activated when checked R.
R Checked box indicates mandatory order unless crossed out.
Admit to monitored bed; if not available telemetry: Dr. ______to consult or assume MRP
Diagnosis: ______
Comorbidities: a) ______b) ______c) ______
Code Status: Full Resuscitation No Defibrillation
No CPR No Intubation
Defibrillation only Do Not Resuscitate
Family Physician: Same as MRP, or ______
Clinical Pathway: R Cerner order for Acute Coronary Syndromes Pathway
RClinical Nutrition Pharmacy Physiotherapy CCAC
Discharge Planning Occupational Therapy Social Work
Speech/Language Pathologist Cardiac Rehab Program Healthy Heart Program
CHF Clinic if Class II-IV
· Criteria for Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Clinic: Patients with confirmed diagnosis of CHF
· Referral to CHF Clinic (519) 376-2648 or (888) 525-0553 Mon-Fri 0700 to 2000
Regular Diet Regular Diet, NPO after 2400 hrs NPO
May take meds with sips if NPO Energy Controlled Diet _____kcal
Healthy Heart Diet Other Diet: ______
R Follow Cardiac Activity Levels Protocol
Vital Signs
VS + O2 sats q4h x 24h, QID x 24h, then BID when stable
VS + O2 sats q4h VS + O2 sats qshift VS+ O2 sats q ______h
O2 to keep O2 sats greater than 92% COPD Patient: O2 to keep O2 sats 88% - 92%
O2 ______L/minute via NP O2 ______
Patient Care
Direct Care R Height and Weight on admission R Daily Weight
R Chart fluid intake and output x 24h then reassess
Tubes/Drains: Foley Catheter NG tube suction NG tube straight drain
POC: POC Capillary Glucose qid x 2 days POC Capillary Glucose daily
(Order details routine and blood unless otherwise noted)
On admission (if not already done in ER):
R Lytes, Creatinine, Glucose ABG R CK, Troponin Calcium, Magnesium
Culture Blood x 2 STAT Urinalysis Culture Urine Culture Sputum
Additional Labs______
Follow-Up After Initial Emergency Investigations:
R CK, Troponin, in 8 hours (6-9 if lab not available) if negative on admission – Date/Time______
Investigations Day 1 (first morning post admission):
R CK, Troponin, 24 hours post admission (if previous results negative) – Date/Time______
Digoxin levels on all patients taking Digoxin or who do not know the names of their pills
CBC APTT INR R Fasting Blood Glucose
Lytes, Creatinine Calcium, Magnesium
ALT, ALP, Bili AST Urinalysis Culture Urine
R 14h fasting lipid profile TSH
Additional Investigations:
CBC day 2 & 3
Culture blood if temp greater than 38.5° C
Diagnostic Tests
R ECG on admission R ECG daily x 2 and with recurrent pain
R CXR on admission
CT Scan ______Re: ______
Ultrasound ______Re: ______
2D Echo Re: ______Doppler US to R/O DVT
Other: ______
IV Solutions
Bolus IV: ______
After Bolus IV finished:
IV Fluid: 2/3 1/3 NS With 20 mmol KCl per L of IV fluid
Other ______With 40 mmol KCl per L of IV fluid
Rate ______mL/h
R Decrease IV to TKVO when drinking well. Discontinue IV if Pt not on any IV medications.
Saline Lock
High risk ACS only (Cross out this section if not required)
Enoxaparin ______(1 mg/kg refer to protocol) Subcutaneous into abdomen
q12h. Physician to reassess at 48 hours. (Maximum dose 10,000 units/dose) (Dosage
adjustment required for severe renal dysfunction)
Dalteparin ______(120 units/kg) (HDH only)
R Physician to reassess at 48 hours. (Maximum dose 10,000 units/dose) (Dosage
adjustment required for severe renal dysfunction)
R Clopidogrel 300 mg PO STAT then 75 mg PO daily (Start tomorrow)
Unstable patient with refractory ischemia (Owen Sound site only) (Cross out this section if not required)
Vital Signs:R Monitor vital signs and neuros Q1H x 2 h, then Q2H x 2 h then Q4H
and PRN
Laboratory: R Group and Screen R CBC 2 hours post bolus of Tirofiban
R CBC, daily until 24 hours post discontinuation of Tirofiban
R Serum Creatinine daily, discontinue when Tirofiban discontinued
Anticoagulation: R Enoxaparin ______(1 mg/kg refer to protocol) Subcutaneous
into abdomen Q12H. Physician to reassess at 48 hours. (Maximum
dose 100 mg/dose) (Dosage adjustment required for severe renal
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitor:
Tirofiban Infusion: (Refer to Tirofiban Protocol)
If Creatinine less than 175 mcmol/L (Refer to Weight Dose Chart):
IV bolus ______(0.4 mcg/kg/min) over 30 min
Continuous infusion ______(0.1 mcg/kg/min) over 48 hours
If Creatinine greater than 175 mcmol/L (Refer to Renal Dysfunction
Weight Dose Chart):
IV bolus ______(0.2 mcg/kg/min) over 30 min
Continuous infusion ______(0.05 mcg/kg/min) over 48 hours
Indeterminate risk ACS only (Cross out this section if not required)
Enoxaparin ______(1 mg/kg refer to protocol) Subcutaneous into abdomen q12h. Physician to reassess at 48 hours. (Maximum dose 100 mg/dose) (Dosage adjustment required for severe renal dysfunction)
Dalteparin ______(120 units/kg) (HDH only)
Physician to reassess at 48 hours. (Maximum dose 10,000 units/dose) (Dosage adjustment required for severe renal dysfunction)
R ASA 160 mg PO STAT if not given previously
EC ASA 81 mg PO daily commencing Day 1 (Unless allergy or sensitivity to ASA)
ACE Inhibitors:
Ramipril 10 mg PO daily 5 mg PO daily 2.5 mg PO daily
Enalapril 10 mg PO daily 5 mg PO daily 5 mg PO Q12H
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB’s):
Candesartan (GBHS and SBGHC only) 4 mg PO daily 8 mg PO daily 16 mg PO daily
Losartan (GBHS and HDH only) 25 mg PO daily 50 mg PO daily 100 mg PO daily
Valsartan 80 mg PO daily 160 mg PO daily
Cardioselective ß Blockers:
Metoprolol 12.5 mg PO Q12H 25 mg PO Q12H 50 mg PO Q12H
bisoPROLOL (GBHS and SBGHC only) 2.5 mg PO daily 5 mg PO daily 10 mg PO daily
Carvedilol (SBGHC only) 3.125 mg PO Q12H 6.25 mg PO Q12H
Atorvastatin 20 mg PO daily 40 mg PO daily
Rosuvastatin (SBGHC only) 10 mg PO daily 20 mg PO daily 40 mg PO Daily
Target INR 2 - 3: ______mg PO today, then ______
Target INR 2.5 - 3.5 (mechanical valve): ______mg PO today, then daily order and daily INR
If already on Warfarin and INR therapeutic: Warfarin ______mg PO daily
Target INR ______- ______INR qMonday, Wednesday, Friday. Notify MD if INR not
in target range
PRN Medications **max total Acetaminophen 4000 mg/24hrs**
R Acetaminophen plain 325 – 650 mg po q4h PRN
R Aluminum Hydroxide/Magnesium Hydroxide 30 mL PO q4h prn
R Atropine 0.6 mg IV x 1 prn if symptomatic bradycardia less than 40 beats/minute
R dimenhyDRINATE 12.5 – 50 mg PO or IV q4h prn
Morphine 2 mg IV q5minutes until chest pain relieved (max 10mg/h)
Nitroglycerin spray 0.4 mg sublingual q5minutes x 3 prn
R Adult Potassium Oral Dosing Clinical Protocol
Bowel Care Clinical Protocol
New Diarrhea and Possible Melena Stools Clinical Protocol
Sedation: Zopiclone 3.75 - 7.5 mg PO qhs PRN OR
Lorazepam 1 mg PO or sublingual qhs PRN
Diabetes Management Protocols
R Hypoglycemia Management Clinical Protocol greater than or equal to 16 years
Adult Subcutaneous Insulin Order Set
Risk Level Assessment – Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS)
Indeterminate Risk ACS (no High Risk features) / High Risk ACS (any one or more features)Chest pain: single episode at rest, crescendo exertional angina
ECG: normal or non-specific abnormalities
Increased baseline risk: Diabetes, Elderly
May include patients with a history of known CAD or with risk factors for CAD / ECG: ST depression greater than 0.5-1 mm
Transient ST segment elevation
Deep (greater than 2mm) symmetrical
T wave inversions
Elevated Troponin 0.04-0.50 ng/mL
CK 35-200 mcg/L
Heart failure
Refractory ischemia with ECG changes
Cardiovascular Disease Classification Chart
Class / New York Heart Association Functional ClassificationI / Patients have cardiac disease but without the resulting limitations of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea or anginal pain.
II / Patients have cardiac disease resulting in slight limitation of physical activity. They are comfortable at rest. Ordinary physical activity results in fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea or anginal pain.
III / Patients have cardiac disease resulting in marked limitation of physical activity. They are comfortable at rest. Less than ordinary physical activity causes fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea or anginal pain.
IV / Patients have cardiac disease resulting in inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms of cardiac insufficiency or of the anginal syndrome may be present even at rest. If any physical activity is undertaken, discomfort is increased.
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