Before the Lesson

1.NEVER go into a room/studio/theatre without permission.

2.ALWAYS WALK into the room/studio/theatre and never run or push anyone.

3.REMOVE shoes, ties, articles before active movement/mime/drama lessons.

During the Lesson

1.ALWAYS know exactly what you are doing - listen and concentrate. If not, ask your teacher.

2.ALWAYS put your bag under the table or in the area where your teacher tells you to put it.

3.ALWAYS be aware of other Students safety during active drama sessions - never push, punch, hit, strike out at another Student. Stage fight scenes, must always be fully supervised by your teacher.

4.ALWAYS stack chairs and tables safely. Or if working at a table always put your chair/stool under the table or in a safe place if you leave your seat for any reason.

5.ALWAYS report an accident or breakage immediately.

6.NEVER eat, drink, chew or put anything in your mouth during lessons.

7.NEVER interfere with equipment particularly electrical or large scenery.

8.NEVER sit, stand, climb, jump off, chairs, tables or benches without supervision.

9.NEVER remove or interfere with any Safety notices or labels on equipment, walls, doors.

After the Lesson

1.ALWAYS leave the room/studio/theatre clean and tidy.

2.ALWAYS collect your bags and belongings from the safe area.

3.ALWAYS leave the room/studio/theatre in an orderly manner.

4.Students and teachers should always use the correct names of equipment when talking to each other.

5.Students should be encouraged to develop a strong sense of ‘health and safety’ for themselves and others. Students should use tools, equipment, materials and other substances in the correct manner under instruction from the teacher in charge. When using tools and equipment should be reminded not to run or act in a disorderly way putting others at risk.

6.When appropriate, Students should wear items of protective clothing such as overalls, aprons and gloves and safe footwear. Goggles and masks should be worn when needed.

7.Doors must be locked if staff leave the room/studio/theatre - Students are not allowed to enter or work in the drama room/theatre unless actively supervised.

8.All gas appliances and electrical equipment used should be switched off at the end of the day.

9.At the end of a lesson staff must ensure that all equipment has been rendered safe and accounted for, particularly not distribution and collection of hand-tools and small items of equipment; the number and condition should be checked at the beginning and end of an activity or lesson.

10.Large items of equipment should be safely allocated and full instructions of their safe use should be displayed prominently in an area adjacent to them.

Large scenery items should not be dismantled or moved unless under strict supervision by the teacher.

11.At the end of the lesson staff should ensure that Students leave the area in an orderly manner.

S:\COMMON\EPAS\Jo\Health & Safety\H & S Manual Updates\Section V\Sec. V -- Drama Safety Code - App. i.doc