Français III


Bob Jones High School / Teacher: / Madame Angela Mooney
650 Hughes Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35758 / Phone: / 256-772-2547 ext. 693
I. Course Description: / In this course students will continue to develop and enhance acquired skills from levels I & II. The focus will be on self-expression and attaining an acceptable degree of proficiency in communication. Speech, advanced grammar and composition, literary selections, and in-depth cultural studies will be used to increase knowledge in the target language. A greater cultural understanding will allow students to fully participate in the global community.
II.Course Objectives: /
  1. Ability to read and discuss a culturally authentic text.
  2. Ability to use speaking and writing skills in order to give presentations on a variety of topics.
  3. Ability to conjugate and understand verbs in the following tenses: imperfect and preterit, subjunctive, future, conditional
  4. Acquisition of cultural information in such areas as history, politics, economy, art, and entertainment.

III. Classroom Rules and Consequences:: / Classroom Rules:
  1. Be on time and ready to learn.
  2. Be respectful towards the teacher, fellow students, and the French language and culture.
  3. Classroom participation is required.
  4. Do nothing that prevents the teacher from teaching or students from learning.
  5. Obey all rules and policies stated in the Student Handbook.
Consequences of misbehavior: (Depending on severity)
  1. Student will be warned ONCE about the offense.
  2. Next, the student will receive detention with Mme Mooney and will serve that detention at HER discretion.
  3. The third time the student commits an offense the parents will be contacted.
4. The appropriate administrator will be contacted.
IV. Classroom Policies and Procedures: / Golden Rule: Speak French at all times to all people!
  1. Be productive from bell to bell. If you finish an assignment early, you must be doing something school related and productive.
  2. Begin your bell work immediately and independently.
  3. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
  4. Complete all portions of assignments.
  5. Handwriting should be neat and legible. Please use only a pencil or a blue or black pen when completing assignments that will be turned in. Remember if Mme Mooney can’t read it for any reason, it’s wrong!
  6. Bring all materials daily. I don’t provide locker passes.
  7. To end the class period, pack up belongings only when instructed and remain seated until officially dismissed. I dismiss you…not the bell.
  8. If you are absent, check Google Classroom for assignments.
  9. Do not text or use your cell phone unless instructed. If you do, it will go to cell phone jail…..La Bastille!
  10. Keep my room clean.
  11. Practice self-control of your emotions and actions.
  12. “Franglais” (half French, half English) is strongly discouraged for classroom use. It is just as easy to learn the appropriate vocabulary.
  13. When I am absent, I expect you to follow all rules, policies, and procedures established for the class.
  14. Seek help from me or tutors early if you need help. Help is always available.
  15. Students may bring laptops / tablets to class for school related work only. If they are used inappropriately, you will be asked to shut them down and they will be banned from the class.
Concerning laptop utilization:
  1. Under no circumstances are student laptops / tablets to be wired
to the network or have print capabilities.
  1. No discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will be
  1. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops / tablets.
  2. Laptops/ tablets will be used at the individual discretion of the
Additional Procedures
Homework: Check Google Classroom EVERY evening. All students are expected to turn in their assignments on time. Late homework and /or partial credit will be determined by the situation. Homework done or turned in during an unexcused absence will not be accepted. If you are absent the day that homework is taken up, you are expected to turn it in on the day you return. If you are absent on the day that homework is assigned, you have 3 days to turn it in. This is your responsibility and no reminders will be given.
Technology requirements:
1. Students will be assigned regular homework assignments that require internet access.
2. Late assignments due to technology problems will be treated as any other late assignment and deductions and/or no credit given will be determined on a case by case basis.
3. If you do not have internet access at home, please see me for an individual plan to complete online homework assignments. Computer usage can be arranged before/after school or in the media center.
Portfolios: Every student will keep a portfolio of their work in the classroom at all times. Any assignment returned to students, tests, or quizzes will be kept in the portfolio. You and your parents are encouraged to review your folder at school.
Projects are to be expected throughout the semester. These may be group or individual projects. Information on projects will be given with sufficient time to ensure completion.
Cheating: Any act of dishonesty will constitute as academic misconduct. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. Students are NOT permitted to copy information from the Internet and / or use electronic translators.
Extra Credit: Individual extra credit opportunities will not be given under any circumstances. Class extra credit opportunities may be offered by teacher discretion.
Any student who receives failing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher immediately.
V.BJ Grading Policy: / Daily and homework grades will be 30% of your nine weeks grade. Quiz, test, and project grades will be 70% of your nine weeks grade. The final exam is worth 20% of your final average.
VI. BJ Make-up Test Policy: / After an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make up all
work missed. Homework should be completed and turned in the next day (except for extended absences). Tests, quizzes, and oral activities should
be made up on Friday mornings in the language classroom. Students will have 2 Friday morning opportunities to complete all work. Students not adhering to this schedule will receive a zero.
VII. Text and Other Required Reading: / Bien dit! Level II book (as needed)
BIen dit! Level III book
BIen dit! Level III workbook
VIII. Materials and Supplies Needed: / 3 ring binder, dividers, loose-leaf paper, pocket folder, blue and black pens, pencils, book cover, Apps – dictionary and verbs
Week 1 / Review and Chapitre 1:
Vocabulaire: greetings, weather, numbers, telling time, school
Grammaire: present tense verbs (regular and irregular), adjectives, and
Week 2 / Vocabulaire: What you did during break (activities, things, and places)
Grammaire: le passé composé and l’imparfait; pronouns
3 / Chapitre 1 / Chapitre 7 (French 2):
Vocabulaire: Camping
Grammaire: the passé composé and imparfait; Etre en train de; pronouns
Culture: Dakar et les parcs nationaux
4 / Chapitre 7
Vocabulaire: Nature, animals, and activites
Grammaire: the verb courir, le passé composé et l’imparfait
Week 5 / Chapitre2:
Vocabulaire: Professions and Services
Grammaire: le futur simple, nouns in the feminine form
6 / Chapitre 2:
Vocabulaire: Writing formal letters and using the telephone
Grammaire: le future antérireur and le participe présent
Culture: professions and résumés
Future speeches
7 / Chapitre 3:
Vocabulaire: Legends, fairy tales, and fables
Grammaire: le passé simple and relative pronouns
Culture: Francophone Africa
Le Corbeau et le Renard (fable)
8 / Chapitre 3:
Vocabulaire: Legends, fairy tales, and fables
Grammaire: le passé simple and relative pronouns
Contes (selections) by Charles Perrault
Begin Le conte de fée (project
Week 9 / Chapitre 3:
Vocabulaire: Historical accounts from Africa
Grammaire: le plus-que-parfait; l’infinitif passé, and tense sequence
Culture: Animals
Week 10 / Chapitre 4:
Vocabulaire: Reciprocal actions and emotions
Grammaire: Reciprocal verbs, le conditionnel, and le conditionnel passé
Culture: Morocco and Francophone-African geography
Le conte de fée project due
Week 11 / Chapitre 4:
Vocabulaire: Life events and emotions
Grammaire: le subjonctif and stress pronouns
Culture: Francophone-African literature
Week 12 / Begin Le Petit Prince
13 / Chapitre 9 (French 2):
Vocabulaire: Television programs and music
Grammaire: interrogative pronouns and demonstrative pronouns
Culture: le cinéma français
Week 14 / Chapitre 9 (French 2):
Vocabulaire: Movies and books
Grammaire: relative pronouns; present participles
Culture: Cannes film festival
Movie Poster project
15 / Chapitre 9 (French 2)
Skit: Intervue avec un star
16 / Chapitre 10 (French 3)
Vocabulaire: Airport Travel
Grammaire: Review Verb Tenses
Culture: Travel Abroad and Geography
Week 17 / Chapitre 10 (French 3)
Vocabulaire: Car and Train Travel
Grammaire: Review Verb Tenses
Culture: Travel Abroad and Geography
Regions Project
Week 18 / Finish Le Petit Prince
Weeks18-19 / Final Exam Review and Oral Final

** This is a tentative plan and is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion.

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