Corporate Logo Lockup

Otsuka and Lundbeck have collaborated to develop the guidance outlined below for the use and display of the Otsuka and Lundbeck corporate logos shown here.

·  Logos to always be displayed in full color and on white backgrounds

·  Each logo to be displayed with equal size and prominence (see guides below)

·  Otsuka logo to appear to the left of the Lundbeck logo

These logos are also available in black and white (Otsuka) and grayscale (Lundbeck) for instances requiring the use of these logos (eg. PI or SMPC).

Guidance regarding Otsuka corporate logos: The default position is to utilize the logo displayed above on all materials requiring corporate logos. Please note that the Otsuka logo does not carry the corporate philosophy statement or OAPI company name.

As an exception, it should be noted that the Otsuka America Pharmaceutical logo (below) may be required in specific situations based on US legal guidance. It will be determined during the promotional review process which Otsuka logo is to be utilized in a particular communication or promotional item, but the default position is to begin with the logo displayed above.

As a general rule, if a promotional item or communication under review contains “Distributed and Marketed by: Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.” language, the Otsuka corporate logo, without Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc., should be cleared for use.

The Otsuka Corporate Logo

The color palette for the Otsuka corporate logo is outlined here as per the Otsuka Logo Style Guide:

The Lundbeck Corporate Logo

The color palette for the Lundbeck logo is outlined here as per the approved Lundbeck Design Manual:

This is a working document and all materials developed based on the strategies and tactics presented within it will be fully reviewed by the appropriate review committee in each local market prior to implementation.