Abilene Education Foundation

Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting

Wednesday December 11, 2013

Attendance Board Members: Marci Braden, Lisa Chavez-Owens, E. B. Dotson, Mike Dunnahoo, Jennifer Harper, Buddy Napier, Randy Pool, Linda Roark, Nancy Roberts, Angie Wiley

Advisory Board Members: Dr. Heath Burns, Mike Dudley, Judy Godfrey, Nita Slaton, Sue Smith, Kim Snyder

Guests: Christine Curtis-Carr, Linda Dubocq, LaQuiera Gantt, Amanda Hothan, Will Medina, Paula Dickie

Executive Director: Jean McMillon

President Napier called the meeting to order at 11:45 a.m. He presented the AEF staff with Christmas bonuses and thanked each one for everything they do for the Foundation and the students in AISD.

E.B. Dotson made the motion to approve the minutes from the November meeting. Mike Dunnahoo seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved as presented.

Financial Report

E. B. Dotson, treasurer, went over the highlights of the November finance report. The following financial documents were presented: Financial Highlights November 2013; Statement of Financial Position as of November 30, 2013; Statement of Activities November 2013; Statement of Activities – Actual vs. Budget January 1 through November 2013; and Net Assets and Class Reconciliation November 30, 2013. Mr. Dotson made one correction to the Financial Highlights stating that the “$14,500 for Accrued JJM Earnings Recognized in 2013, to be received in 2014” should be received and not expenditures. He also reminded board members the budgeted deficit is due to accrual accounting procedures. Copies of the above-mentioned financial documents are attached to these minutes.

Mike Dunnahoo made the motion to approve the financials as presented. Linda Roark seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Mr. Dotson announced a legacy gift from Mike Dudley partially funded through savings bonds that will be signed over to AEF along with other monies totaling over $300,000 through his will.

Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Burns reported he made a total of 89 presentations on the AISD school bond last fall. The bond passed with largest margin of any other large school district in the state. The projects are scheduled to be completed within a 42 month time period.

Committee Updates


COOL Counselors gave the following updates/highlights of the COOL Program during the fall semester.

·  Christine Curtis-Carr

o  12 college tours

o  150 classroom presentations

o  New initiatives

§  Speed mentoring

§  5th grade college pep rally

§  Long Elementary 5th Graders—Horns to College

§  Served 306 seniors by the end of November

·  LaQuiera Gantt, Cooper High School

o  Thank you to all board members who participated in the speed mentoring project

o  Football team leadership retreat in spring

o  She shared an example of how COOL continues to help students even after graduation

·  Amanda Hothan, Abilene High School

o  Thanked all board members for support

o  Reported it has been a good year at AHS

·  Will, ATEMS and Woodson Center for Excellence

o  Thanked everyone for their support this year

o  Good things are happening at both campuses

o  AEF is changing the lives of students in AISD


Angie Wiley, chair, informed board members that Mr. Jennings has decided to increase the gifts to the TLC campus teachers from $100 to $200. Principals have received emails with instructions to make campus nominations by December 20, 2013. Vletas Candies has agreed to sponsor the gifts to be given to campus honorees.

Cajun Fest

Linda Roark reported the committee will meet this week. She asked everyone to think about where they would like to help with the event. Mike Dunnahoo volunteered to be the presenting sponsor again this year!

Annual Fund

President Napier shared $41,000 has been either pledged or received to date!

Nominating Committee

Jean McMillon informed the board of the following changes.

·  Everyone who was asked to serve on the board has agreed.

·  Jean Goodnight resigned from the advisory board.

·  Marci Braden is moving out of town and is resigning.

·  There is one opening remaining. Anyone with a suggestion please notify Roland Orr or Jean.

Executive Director Report

Ms. McMillon reported the following items to the board:

·  ACT Grants--$5,025 has been granted to 3 recipients for the November cycle. A total of $18,971.97 has been dispersed through this grant.

·  Ms. McMillon and Ms. Curtis-Carr attended the presentation given by Erin Strickland (intern). A new intern will be hired for the spring semester. A special thank you goes to Melody Hunt for providing the funding of the intern.

·  Kay Hartgraves fell on the ice and broke her ankle. She is having surgery today. Please keep her in your prayers.

·  Ms. McMillon represented AEF at the Annual AISD Retired Teachers Luncheon in November.

·  Each board member was presented a bag of homemade popcorn from Ms. McMillon. She loves this “poppin’ board,” AEF, and AISD!

·  She asked everyone to please submit their “bucket list” prior to leaving today. We will talk about them at the January meeting.

Other Business

Randy Pool reported that 3 billboards have been set up by the P-16 Council along the I-20 corridor praising Region 14 as they now rank 3rd in the state of Texas!

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Melody Hunt (via Paula Dickie)