Foundational Teachings
From 2013-16 Recipes
of Archaei Mary
Mother Mary
Major List
Abies Canadensis / Quiet and careless.Location: Mucous
Aconite / After a fright. Fear of death. Sharp pain.
Aethusa / Weak nervous and prostrated from overwork. Idiocy, alternate with furor
Allium Sativa / Increasing peristalsis. Bowels torpid
Alumina / Co-ordination, and paretic effects
Ammonia Carbonicum / Malignancy, Prostration from trifles
Amyl Nitosum / Heat and throbbing in the head
Angustura Vera / Filled with bitterness
Antimonium Crudum / Eats beyond the capacity of his
digestion or without discrimination. Sentimental
Antimonium Tartaricum / Dislikes to be looked at or touched. “Don’t get near me. I can be cross if you annoy me.”
Apis Mellifica / Pains like bee stings
Argentum Metallicum / Convulsive and spasmodic effects
Arnica Montana / Falls and bruises. Bad effects of mechanical injuries. Overwhelmed.
Arscenicum Album / Septic infections. “My tongue is burning. My stomach is burning."
Artemsia Vulgaris / Convulsive after fright or grief
Asarum Europoeum / Seeking intoxication in alcohol. Gradual vanishing of thought. Feeling stupid.
Asterias Rubens / Cancer of mammae.
Spikes sticking deep in and not driven out
Aurum Arsenicatum / Anemia and chlorosis.
The shutting-in before suicidal thought stage
Aurum Metallicum / Desperate actions. Eye frozen. Suicide.
Aurum Sulphuricum / Same as Aurum with vivid dreams; frightful dreams of thieves; of assassins
Baptista / In whatever lying position, the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised.
Baryta Carbonica / Don’t grow. low self-confidence in social settings
Baryta Phosphorica / Location: Lymphatic.
Tumors in glands. Indolence. Boredom at tedium
Belladonna / Sudden and violent
Bellis Perennis / Injuries to deeper tissues
Berberis Vulgaris / Location: Urinary, bladder.
Urinary, haemorrhoidal or menstrual complaints
Borax / Poorly nourished, soft and flabby
Botulinum / Location: Head
Eye symptoms, ptosis; double vision, blurred vision
Bovista Lycoperdon / Laughs and cries alternately. Stares
vacantly into space. Sad when alone. Quarrelsome.
Brucella Melitensis / Self-pity. Procrastination
Crushed as if little animal
Bryonia Alba / Aggravation from any motion
Cadmium Metallicum / Location: Respiration.
Patient must keep quiet
Cadmium Oxydatum / Liver enlargement. Cirrhosis of the liver.
Calcarea Bromata / Religious intolerance
Calcarea Carbonica / Profuse perspiration of the head.
Calcarea Fluorica / Stony hardness. Stony deposits in varicose veins, glands, piles, tumors, joints
Calcarea Phosphorica / Malassimilation. Crooked teeth
Cantharis / Feels on fire.
Location: Bladder, pubic area.
Violent pains in bladder
Capsicum / Deep abscesses. Bloody mucous.
Caged with being chewed
Carbo Vegetablis / Must have more air
Causticum / Excessive sympathy for others
Removes poisons. Folk medicine calls rattlesnake bean. if you get a rattlesnake bite, the leaf over the wound can remove the rattlesnake bite. / Weakness from holding heavy weight.
Worse after sleeping
Chamomilla / Location: Eyes and ears.
Uncivil irritability.
Chininum Sulphuricum / Periodical neuralgia.
Prostration not real
Chromium / Rude, offensive, a looking to aggravate others
Cichiorium / Location: Lymphatics.
In hypochondria causing malabsorption, cramps and nausea.
Cicuta Virosa / Convulsions, tetanus, hiccough, jerks, of head, and twitchings of various parts; of
arms and fingers.
Cocculus / Spasms in inner parts
Colocynthis / Crampings: griping, tearing pains which make the one twist
Conium Maculatum / Sudden loss of strength while walking.
Threads, pulled and torn into
Crataegus / Haemorrhages (i.e. from bowels)
Cuprum Metallicum / Spasmodic effects. Convulsions and cramps of violent form
Digitalis / Location: Heart
Plugged in various parts
Dysenteriae / Painful stomach cramps.
Ferrum Phosphoricum / Fiery red face
/ Location: alimentary tract.
Burnings in tract, better motion and standing.
“Do-gooder”. Worker imbalance with conscience
Gelsemium Sempervirens / Great lassitude.
Sickness from for bad news.
Nitroglycerine is part of a chain reaction
/ Hit throughout body in hot wave, then internal stiffness
Gnaphalium Dioicum / Location: stomach area.
Part turbulent, part spastic gut. Colic.
Empty or hollow hypochondria with noxious risings
Graphites / Indecision
/ Crawling numbness in fingers
Hamamelis Virginiana / Location: veins, rectum; genitals, limbs and throat; producing venous congestion; varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hemorrhages.
Hecla Lava / Bone injury
Helleborus Niger / Convulsive twitching of muscles. Under dark clouds
Hepar Sulphicum / Extremely sensitive to cold air
Histaminum / Hay-fever
Hydrastis Canadersis
Golden Seal
/ Location: Lumbago
Hyoscyamus Niger / Location: Abdomen.
Nymphomania. “I'm afraid someone will injure me.”
Hypericum Perforatum / Injuries to parts rich in nerves
Ipecacuanha / Location: Abdomen.
Nausea. Clutching and squeezing of the abdomen.
Iridium Metallicum / Heaviness. Slowed speech.
Jatropha Curcas / Location: liver
Icy coldness in violent abdomen.
Frozen torpid body caught rafting down river
Juglans Cinerea / Location: liver
Formation of gallstones.
(Person has not learned to fast.)
Kali Bichromicum / Decrease of body mass, less fatty tissue. Co-dependent
Kali-Bromatum / Religious intolerance
Kali Carbonicum / Obstinate. Ropy mucous
Kali Muriaticum / Glandular swellings
Kali Phosphoricum / Prostration from want of nerve power.
Lac Humana / For infertility. Dreams of a large family
Lachesis / Compelling delusion, thinks he is under
super human control. Derangement of time sense. “Bi-polar”
Lacticum Acidum / Fullness or lump puff ball in throat. Sugar in urine
Lathyrus Sativus / Cerebral palsy, impairing speech, twitching extremities
Latrodectus Maclans / heart throttle is choking and suffocating
Laurocerasus / Injuries of heart concerns. Rejection, intrigue and sophistry hurts
Ledum Palustre / Puncture wounds
Lilium Tigrinum / Tasteless offensiveness
Lithium Carbonicum / Whole body feels sore and heavy. Weeps about his lonesome condition
Lobelia / Cannot bear the odor of tobacco although addicted to its use. Addiction
Lolium Temulentum
/ Gait unsteady
Lycopodium / Painful & smelly gas. Imperious manners.
Lyssinum / Anger. Senses hypersensitive. Violent temper.
Magnesium Carbonicum
/ Cannot bear hands covered, yet chilled by uncovering. Spasms. Epileptic attacks
Magnesium Phosphoricum / Spasms. Cramps.
Magnesium Sulphuricum / Conscience set to disbelief in others, hot-tempered, deceit
Here the tree grows over the water.
/ Border issues at puberty. Grounding identity issues.
Manganum Metallicum / Destruction of red corpuscles, cells. Anemia. Jaundice. Nephritis. “Progressive wasting” staggering gait
Manganum Phosphoricum / Weak or scant red blood cells that normally carry oxygen throughout. Extreme “Progressive wasting”
Medonhinum / Feels far off (as though things done today occurred a week ago.)
Mercurius Corrosivus / Chronic disease. Decomposing and disintegrating.
Mercurius Cyanatus / Chronic disease. Decomposing and disintegrating.
Need for Mercury with cyanosis, coldness and tremors.
Mercurius Iodatus Flavus / Chronic disease. Decomposing and disintegrating.
Mercury for office worker. (Ruber for field worker)
Mercurius Iodatus Ruber / Chronic disease. Decomposing and disintegrating.
Mercury for field worker. (Flavus for office worker)
Mercurius Praecipitatus Albus / Chronic disease. Decomposing and disintegrating.
Painful swollen lymph nodes.
(Can be chancroid; phagedenic ulcer and bubo.)
Autoimmune “my body is eating itself” sociability (i.e. headaches to kill oneself.)
Mercurius Sulphuricum / Chronic disease. Decomposing and disintegrating.
Tongue thickly coated. Coat like old cheese on mouth and throat.
/ Location: lungs, veins, rectum; genitals, limbs and throat; producing venous congestion; varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hemorrhages.
Suppression of hemorrhages
Molybdenium Metallicum / Tissue salt for—Brave enough to take on the task as creator or spokesman.
Moschus / Selfish, obstinate, self-willed, and
much pampered; resort to all kinds of cunning to have their
whims gratified.
Natrum Carbonicum / Tissue Salt for more solid person.
Exhaustion from least effort
Natrum Muriaticum / Recalls misfortunes
Natrum Phosphoricum / Tissue Salt for more bubbly person.
The sour process. Vexed at trifles. Imbalanced fears
Natrum Sulphuricum / Tissue Salt for more theoretical person.
Imbalance of water element, in fire, air, water and earth. Worse in rainy weather. Part emotional, part unemotional
Niccolum Metallicum / Location: Head
Near collapse. Must sit up and hold the head with hands or has to put the arms on thighs when coughing
Nitricum Acidum / Quarrelsome delirium
Nux Vomica / Tired on waking. Hangover.
Olibanum Sacrum / Quality of “cancerous”. At edge of death
Op / Delusions
Origanum Majorana
/ Desires thrills (i.e. masturbation.)
Oxalicum Acidum / Causing motor paralysis
Palladium Metallicum / Social functions, standing.
Peganum Hatmala / Concerns with death (i.e. PTSD or demon possession)
Petroleum / Twitchings, catalepsy. Dropsy. Wooden feeling.
Phosphorus / Location: Respiratory
Hemorrhages from various organs
Phosphoricum Acidum / Weakness and debility. Wasting exhaustion.
Picricum Acidum / Location: Spine.
Acute paralysis
Platinum Metallicum / Social functions, standing.
(Can have anger, arrogance, pride, aggravation.)
Plumbum Metallicum / Rapid emaciation. (Slow poisonings).
Weakness from holding heavy weight.
Podophyllum Peltatum
/ Location: Hypochondria.
Prunus Spinoza / Romantic rejections.
Pulsatilla Niger / Likes compassion. Whiney and clingy. “I cry at a drop of a pin.”
Ranunculus Sceleratus / Being stuck with irritation
Raphanus sativus
/ Location: Hypochondria.
Rhododendron / Location: fibrous tissues, joints.
Paralytic pains
Rhodium Metallicum / Making speeches,, excessive discharges.
Rhus Diversiloba / Better from continued motion. Great nervous weakness as tired from least effort
Rhus Toxicodendron / Better from continued motion
Ricinus Communis
Castor Oil / Has marked action on gastro-intestinal tract. Languor and weakness.
MOTHER MARY: Yes, it can be used for kidney collapse. This is not the complete medicine for kidney failure requiring kidney dialysis. You also need a mercury. You need a structural medicine such as Hecla Lava.
Robina Pseudacacia
/ Taste is sour. Vomiting is sour.
Rosa Gallica
/ Severed, different factions or parts were in danger of being severed
Rose or Rosa Centifolia / At losses, not entering into processing the pain, shunting pain if it exists
Ruta Graveolens / Body areas with tightness
/ Location: Mucous membranes.
Pounded by winds of misfortune.
Process of going over some justice sentence.
Glands seen to go wrongly
Sanguis Soricis / Hiding
Sarsaparilla / Severe undernourishment causation
Scilla Maritima
Bulbs have to be hand planted. / Plant mercury.
To develop the habit to do what is difficult. Blaming others. To give without keeping score
Secale Cornutum / The slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks. Sugar or blood mixture imbalance
Selenium Metallicum / Location: Bones and teeth.
Ill effects of debauchery. Chemical sensitivity (i.e. carpets.) Shocks in teeth.
Senega / Trembling unceasing
Sepia / Stalking. Pestering or manipulation of others to accept ones own ways and beliefs. Silver-tongued, honey-tongued. Unfruitfulness
Silicea / Promotes expulsion
Silphium Laciniatum / Morality structure breakdown.
Turn to true north principle
Solanum Nigrum
Black nightshade
/ Phobias. Obsessive-compulsive behavior. Rigid routines. Hoarding.
“Pink root”
/ Tradition adhering. Palpitation, violent and audible. Violent compressive pains. Intermittent pulse
Spiranthes Spira / Acute acidity and burning. Ill effects of plots: Being pulled down in fine mesh or innuendo, absence of protective righteous indignation
Spongia / Chronic cough
Stannum / Location: Head pain.
Pains increase and decrease slowly
Stramonium / Expression of terror
Stophanthus Hispidus / Muscle poisoned. Increase contractile power of muscles
/ Electrolyte imbalance (i.e. hypoglycemia)
(photo is touched up)
Sulphur / Congestion. Toothache.
Sulphuricum Acidium / Violent thin, black blood from all the orifices from weakness
Symphytum / Stimulates growth after injuries.
Knit bone, bone fracture. Stomach ulcers
Taosca Aqua
(Stream water not sea water.)
/ Biliousness (i.e. heartburn. Acid reflux.)
Taraxacum / Gallstones. Liver enlarged. Bilious gastric
“Wolf Spider” / Location: Sexual sphere.
Sexoholics (i.e. Stalking and power mongering.) TV prostituting
Tellurium Metallicum / Ill effects of weaknesses, (injuries, falls)
Teucrium Marum Varum / Location: Nose.
Loss of sense of smell.
Thallium / Spasmodic shooting pains. Muscular exhausting to atrophy
Thuja Occidentalis / Skin growths. Secretive.
Titanium Metallicum / Mineral deficiency brought weakness.
Tub / Running away from life. Addiction to motion as activity
Hardest worn metal in jewelry / Genial metal for strength
Ulmus Campestris / Hallucinations and delusions of irascible death
Uranium Nitricum / Blood pressure (i.e. edema). Increase of interstitial fluids. Liver, kidney, lungs.
Variolinum / Calcareous deposits in the blood vessels,
spinal cord, sciatica
Veratrum Album / Cold perspiration especially on the forehead.
Tearing things
Veratrum Viride / Utter prostration.
Whole body were enveloped in cold damp clothing
Viola Tricolor / Combined urinary symptoms with skin affection
Viper / Collapsed feeling (from jealousy and psychic attack). Sticking in heart
Viscum Album
Mistletoe. This vine stakes spines into the branches and the parasite sucks out the life of the tree. / Weight and oppression of the heart.
Vitis Vinifera / Dyspepsia (i.e. intestinal disorders peptic ulcer, gallbladder disease, or chronic appendicitis)
Wyethia Helenoides / Hemorrhoids
Made From Prickly Ash, Breaks Up Tar Substance As In Brain. / Location: brain.
As if surrounded by a tight band.
Yers / Extremely high fever
Yohimbinum / [Parkinson’s Disease:] Part muscle inability, part agitation with heat in face (mind activity).
Part impotence and part flying sensation in face. Chronic inflammation
Zinc Metallicum / Emotional suppression causes desperate actions (i.e. suicide). Any slight emotional excitement causes trembling
Zinc Phosphorica / Brain fag of businessmen. Business failure.
Zingiber / Asthma of gastric origin. Symptoms worse with touch
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