TOPSTown of Oakville Performance System ADVANCED LEVEL
Employee Name: / First / Last / Manager:Job Title/Position: / Department:
Commission: / Performance Review Period: / From: mm/dd/yy / To: mm/dd/yy
Objective Achievement / Demonstration of Capabilities
Rating / Rating
Objective 1 / Job Knowledge
Objective 2 / Business Management
Objective 3 / People Management
Objective 4 / Communication
Objective 5 / Customer Service
Objective 6 / Interpersonal Relations
Due Diligence
Objective Total
(a) Objective Total/ # Objectives *0.6 = / Capabilities Total
(b) Total / 7 *0.4 =
Overall Total (a) + (b)
NOTE: The ranges shown below apply to the final
number as calculated in the box to the left.
Overall Rating1.0 - 1.7 / Unsuccessful
1.8 - 2.2 / Developing Expectations
2.3 - 3.4 / Fully Successful
3.5 - 4.0 / Exceptional
Capability areas are scored as described on page 2.
Manager / EmployeeSignature / Date / Signature / Date
Signature (Reviewed by next level manager) / Date
Core Performance Capabilities
Using the examples provided as a guide under each heading, assess the degree to which each of the activities are demonstrated. Also consider other, similar, activities that are relevant to the heading for the incumbent’s particular job. Based on the consistency of application of the activities, select an overall rating according to the descriptions above. Note the highlights and areas for improvement in the comments field and any specific development activities. USE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES.
Core Performance Capabilities
1) Job KnowledgePossesses job-relevant knowledge and skill e.g. theory, methods, practices and/or techniques) and applies them to the job to achieve results. Demonstrates organizational awareness by knowing (policies, practices, methods, techniques, etc.); consults with appropriate people; independently completes regular tasks or with others as required by the job; identifies and acts on job priorities and understands how the work relates to other work in and outside of the department. Gathers and synethesizes relevant facts, concepts and principles, alerts appropriate persons to emerging problems ; makes and takes responsibilityfor decisions appropriate to the role. / Comments:
2) Business Management
Understands the business implications of decisions (issues, processes and outcomes). Improves unit or organizational performance. Regards the resources/assets of the organization as a public trust, always seeking efficiencies, controls and proper return on investment of time or money. / Comments:
3) People Management
Acknowledges people as a critical asset of the organization by hiring effectively, fostering long term growth and development, coaching to maximize ability and providing feedback and support to produce sustained levels of successful performance. Makes all individuals/team members feel valued and affiliated with the team and the organization’s purpose and priorities. / Comments:
4) Communication
In all communications, meets corporate expectations in terms of clarity, accuracy and effectiveness. Writes clearly; edits work for spelling and grammar; presents numerical data effectively; expresses thoughts clearly, verbally and in writing appropriate to the audience; uses effective listening techniques; responds diplomatically and accurately to questions. / Comments:
5) Customer Service and Orientation
Internal and external customer requirements are viewed as a personal priority and workflow and quality are adapted and developed to achieve the highest standard of service, is sensitive to what customers want and works to create, adapt and improve available services and resources to best meet their needs. / Comments:
6) Interpersonal Relations
Establishes and maintains positive and productive working relationships. Demonstrates understanding of others, including the ability to accurately hear and understand either unspoken or partly expressed thoughts. Acts/behaves in a manner that reflects courtesy, respect and civility, appreciation, empathy, trust, inclusion and consultation. Offers assistance and support to co-workers. Uses lines of reporting, responsibility and accountability appropriate to their role. / Comments:
7) Due Diligence
Consistently applies policies, practices and procedures; shares knowledge to support the due diligence of others. Utilizes appropriate safety measures, maintains a professional and orderly work environment. Arrives at appointments and meetings on time; meets established deadlines. Ensureswork responsibilities are covered when absent; apprises supervisor of pending responsibilities or upcomingdeadlines. / Comments:
On the job development prioritiesSelect the top 1-3 Performance Capability Areas where development activities would contribute to assisting the employee to achieve his/her potential / Number / Methods to achieve job improvement/development objectives
These can include in-house training courses, external seminars and conferences, special assignments and projects including development positions and secondments, continuing education or coaching on the job, self study / Describe Activity and Accountability
What are the development activities/assignments that
Will be undertaken in the performance year and who is accountable?
Employee and/or Manager / Target completion Date
Job Knowledge
Business Management
People Management
Customer Relations
Interpersonal Relations
Due Diligence
Stretch Goals / 1
Career Goals
Select your short and longer term career goals and interests / Career Development Plans
What are the development activities/assignments that would contribute to assisting you in achieving your potential? These can include in-house training courses, external seminars and conferences special assignments and projects – development opportunities and secondments, mentoring, continuing education or on the job coaching / Describe Activity
and Accountability
What are the development activities/assignments that
Will be undertaken in the performance year and who is accountable?
Employee and/or Manager / Target Completion Date
Short Term Career Goals
Longer Term Career Goals
Objective Setting – An Interlocking Process:
OBJECTIVE SETTING forms the basis for managers and staff to jointly determine what performance objectives and expectations are appropriate for the individual and the position. There is nothing new about setting objectives and related action steps for a new year. Objectives provide challenge and focus. Focus is linked to vision and vision helps predict a future event or outcome by defining what success looks like. Each year represents a fresh opportunity to develop specific objectives that enable an organization to achieve its objectives by linking individual achievements to corporate vision.
The Town of Oakville has an integrated business planning process that is used to cascade corporate objectives relating to its mandate to provide community services through each Commission and Department. Each year Commissions/Departments reconfirm their objectives within the 3 year integrated business planning horizon. It is important for you to know how your own objectives relate to your Department and Commission’s objectives, and the resources, including people that you will need to complete your objectives.)
CASCADING OBJECTIVESCorporate objectives are set each year which relate to the core functions of your job and, where appropriate, to the corporate strategic priorities. It is an integrated process; your objectives interlock with those of your manager and other staff.
There are two pieces to your objective setting process:
- Objectives delegated by your manager in accordance with your core job functions, Commission and Department objectives. Some of these may be shared with a team/others.
- Objectives related to development in your own role, or related to career objectives within the organization.
Characteristics of Good Objectives:
SMART objective setting approach
SSpecific, supports organizational goals and values
MMeasurable (quantity, quality, cost)
AAchievable (actionable, agreed-upon, attainable)
RRealistic (results oriented, possible, potential)
TTime-dated (within a set timeline)
Process for Setting Objectives:
Discuss the primary outputs or results expected of you in your job and how they contribute to your department and the Town’s strategies;
Review annual Commission/Department objectives and identify those which impact your position and need to be integrated into your objectives;
Identify how your position’s objectives link to other staff, and the financial, physical and human resources (including training)
needed to achieve the objective.
Setting Objectives
Write an objective statement, focusing on observable, measurable performance in your job (e.g. continue to deliver, maintain, develop, produce, increase, or improve). Include a timeframe for completion. The number of objectives should reflect both the nature of the job and what can be realistically achieved in the year;
List the objectives in descending order of importance. This will aid you in identifying your priorities and where to direct your own and other resources. Objectives are all important, however some will be specifically identified as:
- Core – administrative, statutory/ongoing service delivery and other items that are not under development but require sound stewardship
- Important – objectives singled out for priority when there is competition for resources, including your time. These may include key initiatives identified by Council, major projects or initiatives upon which others are dependent. Use this designation sparingly.
Write statements that define how you will know if the objective has been successfully and effectively achieved. This is a good time to define a work plan that includes what needs to be done, who is responsible and when each step will be completed. You may also wish to assign a priority to each objective so that there is a shared understanding of what needs to be accomplished.
Progress Meetings
Progress meetings should occur during the evaluation year. The purpose of these meetings Is to make sure that the objectives are still valid and have not changed as a result of changes to priority and/or the activity. Highlight any changes to objectives under the “Targeted Results” column and make appropriate notes in the “Results” column to guide your end of year discussion. There should be no surprises or retrospective objective adjustment during the final performance evaluation discussion.
Rating Objectives
Rating of Objective Achievement
Each objective is first rated in terms of its achievement. Consider both the degree to which the objective was achieved and the quality of both the approach taken, and the results.
Preparation: Identify with your manager Commission/Department objectives and initiatives. Your manager may pre-complete this section. This may not be required for developmental objectives.
Objective 1Employee Name & Initials: ____Manager Name & Initials: ____
Annual ObjectivesIdentify Between 3 and 6 Objectives
Document what is to be achieved and by when / Objective Specifics
Objective Type,
SMART Rating,
& Priority / Performance Measure Statements
How will you know if the objective has been successfully and effectively achieved?
Provide a minimum of 3 statements.
Objective 1 Target Date:
Objective Statement: / Select Objective Type:
Select Priority:
Meets SMART Criteria
Preparation: Identify with your manager Commission/Department objectives and initiatives. Your manager may pre-complete this section. This may not be required for developmental objectives.
Objective 2Employee Name & Initials: ____Manager Name & Initials: ____
Annual ObjectivesIdentify Between 3 and 6 Objectives
Document what is to be achieved and by when / Objective Specifics
Objective Type,
SMART Rating,
& Priority / Performance Measure Statements
How will you know if the objective has been successfully and effectively achieved?
Provide a minimum of 3 statements.
Objective 2 Target Date:
Objective Statement: / Select Objective Type:
Select Priority:
Meets SMART Criteria
Preparation: Identify with your manager Commission/Department objectives and initiatives. Your manager may pre-complete this section. This may not be required for developmental objectives.
Objective 3Employee Name & Initials: ____Manager Name & Initials: ____
Annual ObjectivesIdentify Between 3 and 6 Objectives
Document what is to be achieved and by when / Objective Specifics
Objective Type,
SMART Rating,
& Priority / Performance Measure Statements
How will you know if the objective has been successfully and effectively achieved?
Provide a minimum of 3 statements.
Objective 3 Target Date:
Objective Statement: / Select Objective Type:
Select Priority:
Meets SMART Criteria
Preparation: Identify with your manager Commission/Department objectives and initiatives. Your manager may pre-complete this section. This may not be required for developmental objectives.
Objective 4Employee Name & Initials: ____Manager Name & Initials: ____
Annual ObjectivesIdentify Between 3 and 6 Objectives
Document what is to be achieved and by when / Objective Specifics
Objective Type,
SMART Rating,
& Priority / Performance Measure Statements
How will you know if the objective has been successfully and effectively achieved?
Provide a minimum of 3 statements.
Objective 4 Target Date:
Objective Statement: / Select Objective Type:
Select Priority:
Meets SMART Criteria
Preparation: Identify with your manager Commission/Department objectives and initiatives. Your manager may pre-complete this section. This may not be required for developmental objectives.
Objective 5Employee Name & Initials: ____Manager Name & Initials: ____
Annual ObjectivesIdentify Between 3 and 6 Objectives
Document what is to be achieved and by when / Objective Specifics
Objective Type,
SMART Rating,
& Priority / Performance Measure Statements
How will you know if the objective has been successfully and effectively achieved?
Provide a minimum of 3 statements.
Objective 5 Target Date:
Objective Statement: / Select Objective Type:
Select Priority:
Meets SMART Criteria
Preparation: Identify with your manager Commission/Department objectives and initiatives. Your manager may pre-complete this section. This may not be required for developmental objectives.
Objective 6Employee Name & Initials: ____Manager Name & Initials: ____
Annual ObjectivesIdentify Between 3 and 6 Objectives
Document what is to be achieved and by when / Objective Specifics
Objective Type,
SMART Rating,
& Priority / Performance Measure Statements
How will you know if the objective has been successfully and effectively achieved?
Provide a minimum of 3 statements.
Objective 6 Target Date:
Objective Statement: / Select Objective Type:
Select Priority:
Meets SMART Criteria