CE 382 – Structural Analysis ABET Student Outcomes to be Assessed
ABET Student Outcome (a): An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
CE 382 – Structural Analysis: All the homework problems involve the application of mathematics and engineering knowledge to solve basic structural engineering problems. This statement is equally true of all the exam problems. Much of the class lecture time is devoted to the application of mathematics and engineering knowledge to solving introductory structural engineering problems. Lectures emphasize the importance of equilibrium equations and free body diagrams to the solution of statically determinate structural problems. This concept is also extended to the approximate analysis of statically indeterminate trusses and beams. Force method of analysis is used to solve statically indeterminate beam and truss problems exactly. Plastic analysis is used to develop failure loads for beam structures.
Math & Science Rubric (ABET StudentOutcome A)
Exceeds Standards, 4 / Meets Standards, 3 / Partially Meets Standards, 2 / Does Not Meet Standards, 1Procedure
(Correct use of math and engineering concepts)
90% / Clear definition of solution procedure and methods. / Somewhat clear definition of solutionprocedure and methods. / Outlines a general procedure but does not clearly identify methods. / No procedure, tries things out unsystematically.
Final Solution
10% / Final solution is correct and clearly stated. / Final solution is mostly correct, but may not be clearly stated. / Final solution is partially correct. / Final solution is not correct or not provided.
ABET Student Outcome (e):An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
CE 382 – Structural Analysis: All the homework problems assigned to the students involve defined engineering problems as well as the exams.
Engineering Problems Rubric (ABET Student Outcome E: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems)
Exceeds Standards, 4 / Meets Standards, 3 / Partially Meets Standards, 2 / Does Not Meet Standards, 1Problem Statement (Identify)
10% / Problem statement clearly shows full understanding of the problem. Clearly and completely states what information is known and what needs to be determined. / Problem statement shows almost fullunderstanding of the problem. Most of what information is known and what needs to be determined. / Problem statement shows some understanding of the problem. Some of what information is known and what needs to be determined. / No problem statement or very little understanding of the problem.
Procedure (Formulate)
80% / Clear presentation of correct principles, procedure, and equations. / Clear presentation of correct principles and procedure, but with some minor errors in the equations. / Outlines principles and a general procedure, but with errors in the principles or procedure. / No procedure, tries things out unsystematically.
Final Solution (Solve)
10% / Final solution is correct. No errors or some very minor calculation errors in the solution phase. / Final solution would be correct, if the minor errors in the equations are corrected. Some additional minor calculation errors may occur in the solution phase. / Final solution is not correct. Some additional calculation errors may occur in the solution phase. / Final solution is not correct, or not provided.
ABET Student Outcome (k):An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
CE 382 – Structural Analysis: One 75-minute lecture is used to cover the student version of the RISA 2D program. Students are encouraged to bring their laptop computers to class for the lecture. Input and output options are covered along with three different structures problems: beam, truss, and frame. To insure that the students learn to use the program, they are required to verify their hand calculated results on homework problems using the program. An extended homework assignment is given (moment envelope curve for a two-span statically indeterminate beam) to test student ability with student outcome (k), which is used to assess this outcome.
Techniques, Skills and Modern Engineering Tools Rubric (ABET Student Outcome K)
Exceeds Standards, 4 / Meets Standards, 3 / Partially Meets Standards, 2 / Does Not Meet Standards, 1Selection of tool
10% / Ability to always select appropriate tools, techniques, and skills to effectively solve problems or design systems / Ability to usually select appropriate tools, techniques, and skills to effectively solve problems or design systems / Evidence of ability to sometimes select appropriate tools, techniques, and skills to effectively solve problems or design systems / Little evidence of ability to select appropriate tools, techniques, and skills to effectively solve problems or design systems
Application of tool
60% / Ability to always correctly apply tools, techniques, and skills effectively / Ability in most cases to correctly apply tools, techniques, and skills effectively / Evidence of the ability in some cases to correctly apply tools, techniques, and skills effectively / Little evidence of the ability to correctly apply tools, techniques, and skills effectively
Analyzing the results
30% / Ability to always reach correct conclusion of results gained from the tool / Ability to usually reach correct conclusion of results gained from the tool / Evidence of sometimes reaching the correct conclusion of results gained from the tool / Little evidence of correct conclusion of results gained from the tool