Partnership research grant between the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK)
Outline application
Outline applications should be submitted in a single email to and , and must be received by 1 June 2018.
Outline applications will be reviewed by the funders. By 15 August 2018 feedback will be provided to all applicants and short-listed consortia will be invited to submit full applications. The deadline for receipt of full applications will be 1 December 2018. Applications will undergo international expert peer review and funding decisions will be announced in March 2019.
Sections 1-5 together must not exceed 6 A4 pages (minimum font size 11).
1. Project title and duration
2. Principal UK and principal DZHK investigators
Names, academic titles, departments and institutions, if applicable DZHK partner site, telephone, email
3. Brief summary of limits of current scientific knowledge on the topic and the need for more research, with any key pilot data
4. Outline scientific plan of the proposed hypothesis-led research programme
Including experimental aims and methods, and a statement of how the results will translate to address unmet clinical need
5. Statement of how the joint funding will enable science that could not be achieved via national funding, and how this award will complement but not overlap with ongoing funding held by the PIs and CoIs
6. Tabulated summary of resources required
Category / UK budget £ / DZHK budget €Staff (define and list)
Animal costs (define and list)
Other consumable costs
Equipment (list)
Other costs (define and list)
Annual joint meeting costs
Other cross-centre travel costs
7. Brief justification for the requested budget items
(max. one page)
8. Role of each applicant
(max. one page in total)
9. If applicable, role of commercial partner
Type of contribution (max. one page)
10. Brief CVs of PIs and CoIs, each including 5 key publications relevant to the project
(max. two pages each)
11. List of current grants held by PIs and CoIs
Source, title and award value
BHF-DZHK | Partnership research grant| Outline application| Feb 20181/2