Meeting of the Board of Trustees
July 25, 2017
Board of Trustees - Walter Scott, Chair, Guy Breault, Vice-Chair, Leonard Charron, Ellen St. Marie, William Spears, Jr.
Staff – Jonathan Elwell
Others – Steve Wadsworth
Walter Scott, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30pm
1. Changes/Modifications to Agenda – There were no changes to the agenda.
2. Public Comment – There was no public comment.
3. Review/Approval Minutes July 11, 2017, Special Meeting July 20, 2017 – Leonard Charron made a motion to approve both sets of minutes as written. Seconded by Ellen St. Marie. Unanimous.
4. Lincoln Park Bandstand Permit Request, Abundant Life Fellowship – William Spears, Jr. made a motion to approve the permit request from Abundant Life Fellowship. Seconded by Ellen St. Marie. Unanimous.
5. Lincoln Park Bandstand Permit Request, Enosburgh Recreation Committee – Steve Wadsworth, member of the Recreation Committee was present to speak with the Board about the request. The Recreation Committee would like to show a family-oriented movie on the park August 15th immediately following the Enosburg Band concert. Jon Elwell reminded everyone there is a 10:00pm curfew on Lincoln Park, and asked Steve whether he thought, with all the logistics, everyone could be off the park by 10:00pm? Steve said he will let the committee know about the curfew, and they will make sure they meet the 10:00pm curfew.
Guy Breault made a motion to approve the permit request from the Enosburgh Recreation Committee. Seconded by William Spears, Jr. Unanimous.
6. Hydro Renovations, Engineering Contract Phase II – Jon Elwell reviewed the terms of the contract with the Trustees. The total amount for the engineering work on Phase II of this project is $97,050.00. The funds will come from a balance on the Phase I engineering contract of $32,050.00, and $65,000.00 approved by the Board of Trustees for Phase II engineering services at their May 9, 2017 meeting. Guy Breault requested, as a point of information, staff provide the total fees paid to Turner Group for their services over the past four years for the development of this project.
Guy Breault made a motion to approve the contract presented for engineering services for the Hydro Renovation Project, Phase II, and to authorize Jonathan Elwell, Village Manager to sign said contract. Seconded by Leonard Charron. Unanimous.
7. Envelope Stuffer Machine Lease – Jon Elwell directed the Board to a memo in their packets from Joanne Davis, Director of Finance regarding the existing lease agreement, and recommendations concerning the envelope stuffer machine. The 5-year lease will expire in September. Joanne and the office staff have researched options regarding the equipment discussed in the memo. Staff’s recommendation is to sign a new lease agreement for the model FPi600 which will be a new machine, perform all tasks needed for its purpose within the office, and save the Village $2,693.80 over the 5-year period of the lease, as compared to the existing machine, and lease agreement.
After some discussion, Leonard Charron made a motion to approve entering into a new lease agreement on the FPi600 model as recommended by staff. Seconded by William Spears, Jr. Unanimous.
8. Manager’s Report – Jon Elwell first reported on news at the Federal level of energy policy concerning Yucca Mountain. The Congressional House Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Environment reviewed a bill to advance issues related to reconsidering the application process for storing spent nuclear fuel in Yucca Mountain, located in Nevada. Yucca Mountain had originally been planned to be the main storage facility for nuclear waste in the United States, but has been mired in court proceeding s for decades.
Next, Jon reminded the Trustees of Special Board Meetings they have scheduled for July 27th, and August 1st. Lastly, Jon reminded the Trustees he will be at Northeast Public Power Association’s Annual Meeting during the Board of Trustees’ August 22nd meeting.
9. Other Business – Guy Breault asked when the Franklin Foods Special Rate Contract expires. Jon replied it will expire January 1, 2018.
10. Adjourn – There being no other business to come before the Board of Trustees, Leonard Charron made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by William Spears, Jr. The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jonathan Elwell, Village Manager
These minutes were approved as written at the August 8,2017 Trustee meeting.
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