Meeting Minutes

April 28, 2018

Present:Deandre Collier, Lara Freeburg, Brad Parrish, Dave Nichols, Bill Walker, Katie Wallen

and Mike Williams


Meeting was called to order by Katie Wallen at 10:06 am.


The minutes from February 6, 2018 were reviewed.ACTION: Motion made by Dave to accept them as written and seconded by Brad.Motion carried.

  2. Dr. William Beachy from Ashland Theological Seminary presented information on two (2) certificate programs. One certificate is for lay leadership (Certificate in Christian Ministry) and the advanced certificate is for pastors (Thriving in Church Ministries). Each of these certificates is offered in a hybrid format with some instruction online and some in person. Dr. Beachy did indicate that it may be possible to bring the courses to the Region office providing that we have at least 20 students interested. There is no financial aid available for either certificate through the seminary. The seminary is accredited and does evaluation on the student, instructors and each course.Discussion was held regarding the need to add to the lay leadership certificate for recognition from the COS to possibly include: portfolio, Baptist and Polity course and a Psychological evaluation (poss. Partnership with Fresh Air Counseling – Midland). ACTION: 1) Mike to forward the syllabi via email for us to review. 2) Katie to check with Ron Cary on if the Commission on Ordination and Standing regarding their requirement(s) for recognition of these two certificates.
  2. Katie read the report submitted by Dr. Kevin Turman regarding his SWOT analysis of the MLG Peer Groups. Discussion was held regarding the need for a new coordinator as Dr. Turman will be retiring late summer/early fall and concerns were raised about taking resources from MLG. ACTION: 1) Motion was made to look for a new coordinator with Dr. Mike Williams and Dr. Turman with the intent of having them under contract for one fiscal year with a focus on enlisting those not already attending MLG meetings. Then re-evaluate (11/2019). Motion seconded and carried. 2) Mike to seek feedback from the Peer Leaders regarding their needs from the Peer Leader Consultant.
  1. Discussionwas held regarding the Clergy Retreat. The 2018 Clergy retreat was well received but attendance was low with approximately 30 attendees. Questions were raised: With the loss of 2/3 of the grant monies, is it cost effective? Should we be attending a National event instead of trying to maintain a Regional retreat? What is the exact purpose: education? Retreat? What can we do for the Bi-Vocational pastors that cannot attend? Lara indicated that she is the Chair for the 2019 Clergy retreat and the committee’s focus will be on determining the best purpose for the retreat. ACTION: Discussion will continue via email and any decisions that impact the next retreat must be made by August 2018.


  1. The next meeting is scheduled for November 17, 2018 at 10:00 am.

VIIMEETING ADJOURNED. The meeting was adjourned at 12:12 pmwith prayer by Dr. Mike Williams.

Respectfully submitted,

Katie Wallen, Chair