ABC Delaware Diversity & Inclusion
Award Application Form


The ABC Delaware Diversity & Inclusion Committee is encouraging members to help shape the future of our industry by welcoming employees and suppliers to meettheir potential, client’s needs, actively serve shareholders, and receive
value for their investment.

Take a few minutes and answer the 20 questions on the reverse side and then return it to Jean Toman by April 6. The awardswill be presented during our annual Membership Awards Dinner
on May 10 at Deerfield in Newark.

Questions? Call Jean Toman at ABC, 302-328-1111 or e-mail

Application Deadline: April 6, 2018

Fax to (302) 323-1122 or e-mail

Diversity & Inclusion Award Application

Please take a couple of minutes to answer the following 20 questions. Rate the questions with 1 to 5 points based on the scale shown below. Awards will be presented in the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels based on points.

Scale: 1 = StronglyDisagree 2 = Disagree 3 = NeitherAgree or Disagree 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree

  1. Employees are comfortable initiating discussions about diversity & inclusion-related issues at our organization.

  1. Employees feel valued as a person with respect to race/ethnic background, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,and/orother dimensions of diversity.

  1. Our organization values and appreciates differences among employees (e.g., race/ethnic background, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,and/or other dimensions of diversity).

  1. Compensation decisions are made without regard to race/ethnic background, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,and/or other dimensions of diversity.

  1. Promotion decisions are made without regard to race/ethnic background, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,and/or other dimensions of diversity.

  1. Policies and rules are applied equitably to all employees.

  1. Diversity & inclusionare represented at all levels of the organization.

  1. The company takes appropriate action when discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and/or other types of inappropriate behavior occur at our organization.

  1. Employees are treated equitably at our company with regards to diversity & inclusion.

  1. The experience of our employees since coming to our company has led them to become more educated and inclusive of race/ethnic background, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,and/or other dimensions of diversity.

  1. Our company's policies or procedures discourage discrimination and appropriate actions are takenin response to incidents of discrimination.

  1. Management demonstrates a commitment to meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities.

  1. Jokes regarding racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, gender-based, religious, and/or other dimensions of diversityare not tolerated at our organization.

  1. Our company provides an environment for the free and open expression of ideas, opinions and beliefs, with respect to diversity and inclusion.

  1. Our company provides training programs that promote multicultural understanding.(Yes =5 No=1)

  1. Our company uses job referral services to recruit veterans, individuals with disabilities, women and minority groups to assist or fulfill affirmative action and EEO criteria. (Yes =5 No=1)

  1. Our company has a supplier diversity plan. (Yes =5 No=1)

  1. Our company participates in supplier diversity.(Yes =5 No=1)

  1. Our company communication includes supplier diversity in requests for proposals. (Yes =5 No=1)

  1. Our company utilizes diverse suppliers that are certified by Delaware’s Office of Supplier Diversity, DelDOT, City of Wilmington or others.(Yes =5 No=1)

Company Name: ______Total points: ______

Name, phone & e-mail of individual completing the questionnaire: ______

List of company diversity certifications:
