‘Opening windows of opportunity’

September 2013

Dear Parents,

Welcome Back

It has been a fabulous start to the school year. Our new nursery and reception children are settling happily to school and the rest of the children are showing impeccable behaviour, manners and attitude. School really is a happy place to be.

School Website

We are very close now to launching our new and improved school website. We are really excited about the way that it looks and all the useful information on it. I will let you know when it goes live. In the meantime, continue to look at our blog for the latest news about classes at

School Meals
Just a reminder that school meals are now £2.20 a day and £11 a week.

Abbey Allstars

We have introduced a new incentive to encourage the best quality writing by our children. Each week teachers will choose a child that they think has produced an excellent piece of writing. These children are presented with a certificate in assembly and will be celebrated on a newsletter.

Abbey Allstars for the week beginning 16 September 2013 are: Charlotte Hawkins, Cairo Edwards, Ana Kuka, Leon Manwaring, Martin Eastwood-Smith, Emma Kennedy, Sophie Knight and Jenny Shui.


Congratulationsto Charlie Walters who has been selected to play in the borough’s football team. Charlie has played his first match and the team won 3 – 1. A great start!


If your child is in Year 6 please ensure that you apply for a secondary school place by 31 October 2013. Any applications made after this time will not be considered and your child could be without a secondary school. On line applications can be made at

Our new librarian, Kim Potter, has joined our team. Kim works from 3.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. five days a weekand is spending the first few weeks organising the books. We will then open the library to parents and children each day after school. You will be notified when we are ready to open for your use.
In the meantime, if you do not have access to a computer or the internet, we have set one of the computers up in the library for use by parents in order that you can apply on line for admissions to primary and secondary school or to pay for school meals using Parent Pay. If you would like to use this facility please come to the school office at the end of the school day.
Birthday Donations
A big thank you to Jasmine Tait for donating several books to school on her birthday.
Head Boy and Head Girl 2013
We are thrilled to announce that Damian Mannion and Laila Majid are our Head Boy and Head Girl. I am certain that they will be amazing representatives of our school.


Week beginning 30 September 2013 – Star Snappers

Friday 4 October 2013 – Year 4 trip to Hampton Court

Friday 4 October 2013 – Year 3 dinosaur workshop

Friday 11 October 2013 – school and nursery closed for Inset Day

Friday 18 October 2013 – Year 5 trip to Greenwich planetarium

Monday 28 October 2013 – Friday 1 November 2013 - school and nursery closed for half term break

Wednesday 20 November 2013 – individual photographs

Friday 20 December 2013 – last day of term, closing at the usual time

Monday 6 January 2013 – first day of spring term