Item 1 / PresentK. Walters –President (KW), P. King -CEO (PK),
D. Cockell (DC), R. Scott (RS), S. Lee (SL), S. Brooks (SB), F. Keyani (FK), D. Rulten (DR), B.Jones (BJ),
M. Gannon (MG), R. Harvey (RH), R. Morley (RM), P. Angus (PA), J. Danbury (JD), E. Hoyland (EH), .
In Attendance
Stephen Murphy -Hendersons / I = Information
D= Decision
A= Action
Item 2 / Apologies
A.D. Lynch, J. Hallam, C. Perkins, J. McCarthy / I
Item 3 / Declaration of Interests
P. King (CEO) – BABA
K. Walters (ABA Chair) – BABA
B. Jones – 1st Ace and Police Community
Clubs of Great Britain. / I
Stephen Murphy was invited to the meeting and gave an overview of the Company and some background on his career and passed out a document to the members.
Stephen informed the meeting that one of the main issues is that a large majority of clubs believe they have full insurance which is not the case and that the ABA provide a limited insurance for certain events, therefore clubs need to have their own comprehensive insurance.
Action: Pamphlet to be put together and sent out
Item 4 / Minutes of the Last Meeting 14th February 2009
The Minutes of the 14th February 2009 were accepted as a true and correct record / I
Item 5 / England Team Managers Report
MG informed the meeting of the current situation regarding events.
a)A team of 9 youths were at the European Championships.
b)Last weekend there was a schoolboy squad selection with the possibility of 10 schoolboy
boxers being selected for the European
c)There is currently a womens training camp
taking place in Sweden
d)An invitation has been received for a Round
Robin Tournament – Ireland end of October.
e)53 Females will attend a Box Camp 24th August in Bradford
f)5 Females will attend European Championships in the Ukraine14th to 21st September.
g)Later in the year will be 2nd Youth and Junior
Championships will take place when a venue is selected
The meeting was further informed that PK is looking at requests for more tournaments.
PK explained that because of the deal brokered by BABA with Adidas then all boxers can now be kitted out annually accessing £28K of sponsored kit for male and female representatives and coaches. MG has already submitted the request list for 2009/10. Anew order will be placed in 2010
Item 6 / Review of Action Logs and Audit Committee
6.1Risk Register
- National Team turning pro BABA now have in place “boxers contracts”
- PK informed the meeting he had met with FK and Nigel Moore (Consultant) and a development plan for Home Counties will be in place by the end of the month. PK will also be meeting with SL (Eastern Counties) and Liz Addington (Southern Counties).
- Commercial income – very high risk.
WABF – Charging orders were now being instigated, this is an ongoing situation. It is hoped that within the next month there will be some final payment structure. Proposals sent from WABF to ABAE.
Sport EnglandSelf Assurance–PK informed the meeting that this is a submission that needs to be made annually to Sport England and is due to be submitted at the end of September. / I
Item 7 / Chief Executive Reports
7.1 / 2Youth Sport Trust/School Club Links /
Sport England Active People Survey
PK informed the meeting that boxing is now being delivered in 1500 schools across England. A schools brochure will be sent out to all schools who are part of the NGB delivery systems to ensure they are aware of what the ABA can provide in the first phase of awareness and other schools to be addressed in the second phase of roll out.
PK informed the meeting there is a school club coach database and there are still some regions who have not sent back names of coaches available to work in a school environment, responses required as a priority. / I
7.3 Am-Pro Report
Discussions have been taking place for some months now regarding the relationship between amateur and professional boxing. PK informed the meeting that this will need to go to the AGM as it will impact on the Articles of Association.
PK & RS informed the meeting that a survey had been conducted whereby the public were asked for their opinion. The emailed responses were positive about the change. 66% for and 34% against. Regions to share the proposals with all of their members.
Action: To go to AGM
7.4 SABA / School Box
Discussion under Child Protection & Equity took place PKand DM have a meeting with SABAand Government representatives and will report back afterwards.
7.5 Commissions Review
PK stated that not all Commissions have been feeding back to the Board and Council.
It has been suggested that a Youth Commission be developed for members between the age of 16 – 25 who will feed back to the Boxing Council and the Board, supported unanimously.
PK asked for the Council’s permission to develop an Education Commission which would obviously have to be ratified at the AGM. PK then went through the parameters of the Commissions. RM proposed that the paper for the parameters of Commissions be accepted with the R & J’s Commission to be excluded in terms of representation levels. It was suggested that there would be a representative from each region on this particular Commission. A majority vote was passed with one against. It was also suggested that R & J Commission Meetings take place at Championships and where this is not possible then Teleconferences will take place.
Action: To go to AGM
7.6Dates for Regional Rule Changes Submission
To be submitted by 31st August 2009.
7.7AGM of ABAE
The AGM will take place at 11am on Sunday 27th September 2009 at the Union Jack Club, observers are allowed but cannot speak and must also submit their applications to attend to the ABAE 7 days before the AGM is due to take place, to the CEO for access purposes to the venue, they will cover their own expenses in full.
7.8 ABAEAcademies / Future Jobs for Young People
PK informed the meeting he had been in discussions with Skills Active and the Learning Skills Council on behalf of the ABAE and has signed up to the project which will offer ABAE the opportunity to deliver a National DevelopmentProgramme of “Future Jobs for Young People” .
This will be shared amongst the Regions and Boxing Development Officers and to offer up those who have been on job seekers allowance for six months or more payment of £95 per week and looking to place them in areas and facilities where there are Boxing Development Officers and then seek to move them onto coaching apprenticeships, through a new national structure of Boxing Academies which is being developed see attached papers and Stephen Mitchell images.
Further information to follow when negotiations have been completed. Unanimously supported. Proposed RH, Seconded EH.
7.9 ABAE Investments Update
PK informed the meeting that under instruction from the Board and Council he wrote to the former Finance Director regarding the transfer of shares across to the new selected representatives Ted Gorehamand PK.
PK stated and proofed by letter that the former / I
Finance Director should sign over the transfer of £137,000 (circa) however the former Finance Director has written after speaking to “Capita” (investment holders) stating he will do whatever he feels he needs to do so at the moment there is no resolution on transfer. PK asked for the Council’s support to write again this week to D. McElhinney asking for the transfer to be made to the selected individuals or ABAE will seek legal recourse. Proposed EH, Seconded SL. It was unanimously supported that PK take this action.
7.10 Sport England Self Assurance
Already discussed (under 6.2)
7.11 BT/LDL Relationship Update
PK informed the meeting that he, Richard Caborn and Derek Mapp had met with Rob McVicar(BT) and agreed that the relationship was not working for both parties and we are now working on a migration policy in terms of ICT Blackberry facilities, website and database. PK informed the meeting he is expecting this to be done by January 2010 and Sport England are willing to support us on this project as a major modernisation programme, which was positive news for the sport to improve its whole ICT service and provision to a new level.
7.12 TV Negotiations
PK informed the meeting that he is currently assessing a Boxing TV element and added to the ABAE website.
7.13 ABAE Structure Job Interviews Update
a) PK informed the meeting that there were no applications for the Facilities Manager post which could be due to it being the holiday season therefore this position will be re-advertised until 7th September 2009.
b) The National Development Manager post after interviews was offered to Rebecca Gibson and has been accepted. As soon as possible the Women’s Boxing Development Manager post will be advertised / I
which will also include responsibilities for further and higher education development.
c) After interviews Dylan Cox has been offered the post of Central London Development Manager which is in conjunction with ABAE and six boroughs in London. Funding the post jointly through Central London Active.
d) DC expressed concern that Midland Counties only have one Boxing Development Officer. PK informed the meeting that he is currently in talks with Leicester City Councilwho have shown an interest and further developments are due to take place, PK to report back.
e) PK informed the meeting that regarding the GatesheadAcademy (GatesheadCollege) are seeking a relationship with ABAE, RS and RH to attend a meeting shortly to fulfil this opportunity.
7.14 Commonwealth Games 2010
Takes place next October 2010. KW informed the meeting that it will be an England Team competing and that Mick Gannon will provide the team, initial meetings have taken place attended by PK, KW and Martin Webb. (Team Manager) / I
Item 8 / Financial and Legal
8.1Degale / Jeffries
This is just coming to a conclusion possibly within the next two weeks, settlement has been agreed.
8.2 T. Edwards
This is still ongoing and PK informed the meeting that
A conclusion is imminent, an ABAE Director has been appointed to deal with the resolution.
8.2Sport England Award & Processes
ABAE have been granted £4.8M funding for the next 4 years, £1.1M of the total is for Capital Funding and ring fenced for this project. / I
Item 9 / Commercial Reports
Adidas Update
PK informed the meeting that Adidas are the new suppliers to the ABAE and in the next week there will a link to take people through to the Adidas website where items can be purchased with ABAE receiving an incentive payment from any transactions.
Championship Bandages
For championship bandages must measure between 2.5 and 4.5 which can be purchased only from Adidas. Adidas contact details to be sent to Regional Secretaries and placed on the ABAE website. Only Adidas bandages will be used for all championships commencing immediately, unanimously supported.
Proposed EH, Seconded SB / I
Item 10 / Commission / Boxing Directors Reports
Championship Committee Dates / Venue Selections
The meeting was happy about the designation of Championships and the process adopted.
KW informed the meeting that there has been a change of responsibility in that the London ABA will now host the Senior ABA’s and Yorkshire will host the Junior ABA’s, unanimously supported. / D
Item 11 / Child Protection and Equity Reports
11.1Child Protection Update
BJ informed the meeting that with regards to Child Protection we are subject to ongoing scrutiny from the reviewers at Sport England and response from Regional Secretaries has been poor, responses are needed. BJ informed the meeting that he had recently sent out a standard database for all Regional Secretaries to complete with regard to welfare officers and their training and requested that it is completed and returned as a matter of urgency.
Action: Regional Secretaries / BJ
11.2Equity Update
a) BJ informed the meeting that he is awaiting a report from the Equity Standards Review which will address where we are in the organisation regarding Equity, Policy & Standards and that will be forwarded to members when available.
b) Discussion took place regarding Muslims keeping beards within boxing. PK felt this is such a contentious issue and Proposed that further information is sourced for a thorough debate and seek clarity from AIBA, Seconded by RM. Action BJ to write to AIBA
11.3 Discipline & Appeals Update
BJ informed the meeting that there are 3 appeals against exclusion and there are 20 CRB reviews to be heard by the Case Management Review Panel of ABAE.
Discipline Training – BJ informed the meeting that only London have carried out this training, other Regional Secretaries will be re-contacted to set up training days.
BJ requested urgently dates to be forwarded by Regional Secretaries when he is available and training will be delivered over a period of 4 hours and with 12 candidates present. PK requested BJ to send out an email with regards to this. Action BJ / Regional Secretaries
BJ felt that CBSA should have 3 or 4 people trained, RM agreed and training to be arranged.
Derbyshire based Ozbox Project - BJ informed the meeting that although he met with the Chief Constable requesting that they should deliver an accredited package, to which they have not adhered to. PK informed the meeting that he will write to the Derbyshire Chief Constable and the Police County Board, highlighting the ABAE’s reservations and support to implement good practice.
Action: PK / I
Police Accessing ABAE Coaching Courses
BJ explained that Derbyshire Police wanted to deliver ozbox into schools and the Police Association arranged for a level 1 course to take place the 40 officers attended the course but are not yet registered with the Police or MidlandCounties.
PK stated that a directive needs to go from the Council that no registered ABA Courses will be permitted without the clear and concise consent of the Regional Officers and affiliation implemented by Regional Registrars. Action: Circular sent PK
Crowd Control – BJ circulated a paper which listed points suggested by the Panel that met which consisted of Keith Walters, Ted Goreham and Derek Rulten with a written submission from Eric Hoyland. PK asked the members to look at the proposals listed and then report back to BJ and DR to be put forward for the AGM in order to adopt set standards for staging amateur boxing tournaments. This was discussed at length particularly open scoring.
PK informed the meeting that he was recently with AIBA involved in the voting of closing down open scoring. Scores will be flashed up at the end of each round then taken down. PK will send out a note about this.
Action: PK
11.4 Doping Control
BJ informed the meeting that he was the prosecutor in a case of a female boxer who was suspended for 6 months due to taking a water dispelling tablet. AIBA will now be informed of all actions
UK Sport have offered up to 4 courses where 3 people in the organisation will be identified to deliver all doping training. BJ to submit names, unanimously supported. / D
BJ informed the meeting that he was given the task by the ABAE Board to investigate the former affiliated SABA’s activities within a couple of schools and on informing the Board they stated it should go to the Council.
BJ distributed papers regarding SABA. An in-depth discussion took place on the papers.
PK informed the members that there will be a meeting called by the Sports Minister Gerry Sutcliffe, with himself and Derek Mapp to meet with SABA representatives.
PK further informed the meeting that he had written to the Youth Sport Trust and also written National Schools Sports Foundation who have not yet responded. Roger Davies from the YST has informed us that he has taken SABA off the mailing list and ABAE as the NGB were the recognised partner of YST whom were pleased to work with us.
PK expressed concern regarding the Plymouth Sports Partnership funded through Sport England seeming to be involved implementation and unsafe practice of amateur boxing with SABA. PK will be writing to them to condemn what took place re the SchoolBox element and will ensuring that this type of practice does not occur in the future, anywhere in the country, unanimously supported.
ABAE are due to have 3 engagement meetings with County Sport Partnership and we will confirm the only structured delivery acceptable to best standards and controls is through ABAE.
PK suggested that by a vote we do not recognise SABA and immediately contact any agency or partnership who may have dealings with them to let them know that ABAE do not recognise this unrepresentative group and ensure agencies are made aware that no provision or ABAE insurance, quality control, health & safety of pupils involved in these unregulated activities is completely outside of the ABA’s remit as the National Governing Body. This was unanimously supported. / I