AASPA Executive Board Meeting
Overland Park, KS
June 20-21, 2014
Friday, June 20
Executive Board Meeting called to order by President Paul Hertel at 8:27 AM
Board Members in attendance include: Kelly Coash-Johnson, Executive Director, Rick Arnett, Gwendolyn Conner, Cathy Donovan,Paul Hertel, Jason Liewehr, Justin Schooley, Joe Strickland, Addie Swinney, and Richard Valenta. Hank Harris was not
able to arrive until 10:40
Introductions by Paul Hertel
Molly Hildreth, Marketing Specialist/Office Support
Questions and Answers: Executive Board and Kelly
Kelly has been working for AASPA for 3 months; She has enjoyed the job; Kelly
has been reaching out to members; Focus on expanding marketing of AASPA;
Marketing focus has been on the National Conference; Focus on promoting
member benefits; Kelly and Molly are reviewing membership benefits offered by
other organizations; Increase webinars
Update on Activities
Focus has been on the National Conference; Kelly is working to increase
marketing and advertising of AASPA
Membership Benefits
Kelly is working to expand benefits for members
Trust for Insuring Educators (TIE)
Kelly is working with the TIE Group to provide more benefits to members in
exchange for advertisement
Communications with AASA and ASBO International
Organizations are restructuring; Exploring options for federal and legislative
Updates and alerts; Kim Chambers is willing to compile legislative alerts and
send to membership
Kelly visited with ASBO about a joint national organization membership; Kelly
visited with ASBO about certification program; AASPA will assist ASBO with
Human Resources Management resources; Sharing member benefits and duties
will become a goal for the future
Five-Year Plan: Offer a training session in Washington DC for lobbying
For State Affiliates
SHRM: Kelly has worked with SHRM on a certification program; Members
receive credits for attending professional development sessions
Boot Camp advertising now includes descriptions of sessions
Focus is on selecting clinics for National Conference; Descriptions of sessions
is in process
Kelly indicated specific strategies to increase membership are being implemented; Communication occurs two months ahead of expiration of
Accounting is currently based on an accrual system verses a cash-based
Revenue Opportunities
Kelly is currently seeking new revenue opportunities
Bookstore is a priority; Add new publications; Implementing Book of the Month;
Obtaining input from other organizations; Looking at additional publishers;
Exploring the option of templates: Example is job descriptions for employees
Kelly is exploring revenue-sharing opportunities for the future
Kelly is exploring adding more events to generate revenue; Discussion of a
Summit for Support Staff; Webinars for Support Staff; Sessions for Managers
Adding a master calendar to AASPA website to include State events; Google
Justin suggested a template and file of presentations available for members
Review Agenda
Rick made a motion to approve the agenda and Gwendolyn seconded the motion;
Motion was approved; No one opposed
Approval of Minutes from January 30-31, 2014 Board Meeting
A motion was made by Gwendolynto approve the minutes; Correction of Gwendolyn’s
name on February 1; Motion was seconded by Addie; Minutes were approved with no
Old Business
Audit Report/Audit Management Letter
Audit has been completed; Do not need another audit for two years; Kelly shared
some adjustments were made; The adjustments were coding changes; No other
suggestions were made; Kelly indicated we need to do a better job of coding
Justin made a motion to accept the audit report; The motion was seconded by
Richard; Motion passed with no opposition
Annual Reports by Affiliates
Kelly indicated Hank will be sharing information; Google Docs may assist with
State Affiliates reports
June Boot Camp Update by Sandy Wachter
Attendees List
99 attendees to date; Record attendance
22 states are represented
Full Agenda
4 sponsors for Boot Camp
All presentations are on a flash drive; Cost of each flash drive is $4.00
Winter Boot Camp will be in Florida in January; Tampa or Orlando
Annual Conference updates for 2014 by Sandy Wachter
Currently, 19 attendees; Monthly Conference Calls with Oregon Planning
Discussion of Shirts for Board members
Fundraiser is a 5K walk/run
Minority Caucus can be moved from Thursday afternoon to Tuesday
afternoon; Will miss afternoon pre-conference session; Kelly will make
a contact to obtain some input; President-Elect is the liaison; Addie
indicated there needs to be communication about donations for Leon
Bradley Scholarship; Minority Caucus Group makes a group donation
Keynote Speakers
Wednesday: Mark Anthony Garrett: Leadership or Challenging Teachers
Thursday: Dave Weber: Power of Our Words
Friday: Hilda Rosselli: Topic is to be determined
Pre-Conference Sessions/Clinics
12 workshops: Attorneys have 6-7 sessions
President’s Reception
Bridgeport Brewery
Busses are being donated
Buffet Dinner
Suggestion for a receiving line
Induction at Award’s Ceremony
Picture of Past Presidents at Award’s Ceremony
Lifetouch may be photographer
Opening Night
World Forestry Center
Food Centers
Band on First Floor
Hands-On Activities
Desserts on Upper Level
First-Time Attendees
Mentors for first-time attendees
Meet Board
Meet Committee Chairs to Describe Committees
Meet Region Reps
Networking Event: Exchange of Business Cards
Sandy and Kelly will discuss and plan event; Hank will assist Kelly and
Activities to draw conference attendees to vendors
Shopping/Game: Vendors have money to distribute for drawings
6 Elite Sponsors
Cornerstone is a new sponsor
A number of smaller sponsors; Still looking for sponsors
Sold 41 Booths; 14 Remaining
Sandy indicated they are still searching for a mobile app; Expensive;
Sandy and Molly are checking on a free app
Discussion of providing WiFi/Internet Access
Sandy will explore costs; Check on bandwidth available; Download app
will eliminate bandwidth issue
Future dates/Locations
2015: Baltimore
2016: Orlando
2017: Phoenix or California
New Business
Financials and Budget Update by Kelly Coash-Johnson and Jason Louk
Goal is to make information useful
Current Situation
Financial situation is good; Ten months of expenses in reserve
Cash basis verses accrual basis accounting
Two checking accounts; One is a deferred account and won’t be
touched until after October 1
Budget Process/Draft
Work on a cash forecast; Plan ahead; Adjust budget when needed;
12-month forecast will help with projecting profit and losses
Profit/Loss Statement: Based on current
Decrease credit card fees; Want good customer service; Will all be
2.5 to 3%
Cleaning up some accounts; Quick Book
Kelly will conduct a comparison study of registration fees of other
national conferences
Kelly and Jason will analyze conference revenue and expenses
Review of Budget Proposals
Kelly presented two budget proposals
Non-profits plan for a “zero” budget
Goal is one webinar per month; Sponsors for webinars
Board recommended a conservative budget for next year; More
aggressive budget in 1-2 years
Fund Base Minimum
Jason recommended Board discuss and establish a minimum operating
Balance; Jason recommended 6-12 months operating costs in reserve;
Kelly will develop a policy and share with Board
New Member Database
Cost of upgrade is very expensive; New database (App Team) will be
Cost is $4,000 for first year; Conference registration will be linked to new
database; All members will need to enter data initially
AASPA is paying large fees for accepting credit cards; The new database
system will save some cost on credit card fees; Kelly will provide updates on
cost savings
HR Certification Institute
Some questions remain; AASPA may be promoting SHRM certification for
Question on how hours/credits are reported for SHRM credits; Codes distributed
day of and day after conference/Boot Camp; Should AASPA distribute
certificates for credits? John Taylor is a possible contact for SHRM; Kelly will
contact some SHRM Board members; Build a relationship with SHRM; Develop
a partnership with SHRM
Expand membership to college HR organizations
Discussion on Committee Chair Recommendations (Richard Valenta)
Committee chairs have not been rotated consistently; Some chairs have been
Committee chairs for a long time; Legislative Committee needs some guidance;
Outcomes and expectations need to be defined; All committees need to be
reviewed and discussed; Outcomes and expectations are needed; Get
committee chairs more involved; Add information to the website to promote
committees; Discussion of role of Legislative and Governmental Committee
Kelly will compile information on committees for Board input; Expectations and
Outcomes will be established; New Objectives for Committees discussed at
Approval of the 2014-2015 Office Calendar
Motion was made by Gwendolyn to approve the 2014-2015 office calendar; Motion was seconded by Jason ; Motion passed without opposition
Staff Reports
Membership/Finance Report (OhemaaWycoff)
Reminders two months prior expiration; Change is process is working well;
One month prior expiration date, Ohemaa sends an e-mail reminder; Kelly
sends e-mail reminders two weeks prior expiration
New process so focus can be on new members instead of renewals
Current membership is 1,512
Google Docs information will assist Region Reps
Professional Development (Sandy Wachter)
Marketing and Publications (Molly Hildreth)
Focus on increasing social media usage; Twitter (344), Facebook (155),
andLinkedin (857)
Most e-mails go to members only
Open Rate of e-mails is 25%; Click Rate is 13% (12% is average)
HR Focus goes to members only
Added 4 Books to Bookstore and added 2 publishers; McGraw Hill will give a
48% discount
Best Practices went out in June: Diversity
Sent out a call for articles for the August Perspective
Executive Director’s Report (Kelly Coash-Johnson)
Staff Updates
Tabled evaluations and salary discussions for October Board Meeting
Title Changes
Salary Update
New Position
Kelly will keep the Board informed of office staff situation; No recommendations
for increases at this time; Board concerned with liability of children coming to
work place
Motion was made by Gwendolyn and seconded by Addie for Board to go into
Executive Session
A motion was made byGwendolyn to adjourn the meeting until Saturday morning, June 21; Motion was seconded by Joe; Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 4: 15 PM
Saturday, June 21
Meeting was called to order by President Paul Hertel at 8:20 AM.
Board Members in attendance include: Kelly Coash-Johnson, Executive Director, Rick Arnett, Gwendolyn Conner, Cathy Donovan, Hank Harris, Paul Hertel, Jason Liewehr, Justin Schooley, Joe Strickland, Addie Swinney, and Richard Valenta.
Region/Committee Reports
Region Reports
Region1 (Hank Harris): Hank attended the Oregon Conference; Planning
Team is finalizing plans and details for the National Conference; Kelly has
Reached out to the Washington Executive Director; Washington is interested
in getting involved in AASPA again; Other states are developing an interest
Region 2 (Rick Arnett): New State Director in Michigan, Mary Weber. Several
Michigan AASPA leaders have retired. Illinois now has a State Affiliate Executive
Director; AASPA member; Focus on Indiana and Ohio; Kelly has been contacting
Leaders of State Affiliates; Michigan membership has increased; Conducted a
Support Staff Conference; Conference was well attended
Region 3 (Justin Schooley): Justin attended the Pennsylvania Conference;
Pennsylvania is dealing with similar issues such as teacher appraisal; Justin
Attended the Maryland Conference; Maryland is beginning to plan for the
National Conference; Massachusetts is dealing with background checks;
Justin will attend an event in July in Washington DC; Kelly has reached out
toNew Jersey; Delaware is small and has joined other organizations
Region 4 (Joe Strickland): Joe has been attending events; Kelly has connected
with California; California is excited about Portland; California will be able to get
involved again
Region 5 (Jason Liewehr): Jason has been attending summer conferences;
Mississippi would like to start an affiliate but seeking guidance; Kelly and Molly
will work with them; Jason visited with Mississippi
Region 6 (Gwendolyn Conner): South Carolina’s Executive Director is running
for Superintendent; Election is Tuesday, June 24
Conferences have gone well; Angela Bates was named Personnel Director of
theYear, Conferences included practical professional development sessions;
Kelly has visited with Alabama; Gwendolyn visited with some of the first time
Conference attendees; Kelly and Gwendolyn will attend Florida Conference;
Georgia wants AASPA presence in Georgia; Kelly has reached out to Georgia
Addie expressed appreciation for Gwendolyn’s State leadership.
Committee Reports
Constitution and Bylaws (Justin Schooley)
Attachment 10
Justin indicated committee membership is dwindling; Election of Jason to the
Board did not follow the bylaws; Vote was conducted online
Justin suggested more communication at Region meetings for changes in
Bylaws; Vote for changes should not be conducted online
Operational Handbook does not address timeline for special elections
Bylaws Committee suggested language change for presenting candidates
to the membership for vote; Wording changed from elected to slated;
Operational Handbook language will be reviewed; Kelly suggested a timeline
be developed
A motion was made by Gwendolyn and seconded by Addie to accept the proposed language change to the bylaws. Motion passed with no opposition.
Change will be presented to the membership.
Legislative and Governmental (Gwendolyn Conner): Discussed on June 20;
No additional discussion
Membership (Richard Valenta)
Strategic plan has been developed and implemented by AASPA office staff;
Committee feels comfortable with plan of Executive Director and Molly
Google Docs will be available to Region Reps
Ohemaa is setting membership goals
Kelly and Ohemaa are accessing information from websites
Nominating (Joe Strickland)
Dr. Long has been great to work with; Larry is running unopposed for
President-Elect; Cathy is running unopposed for Secretary; Gwendolyn
expressed concern with nominations for Region 6; Gwendolyn endorses
Darlene Faliz but not Melodee Parker; Melodee never returned phone calls
or e-mails; Board cannot endorse candidates so Melodee will remain on the
Recognitions (Rick Arnett)
Rick expressed appreciation for Beth Dalton’s work
Texas was selected for Arch S Brown Affiliate Award
Need ideas for next year’s CS Robinson Award; Innovation in area of teacher
selection and retention; Richard suggested a committee to share ideas with new
affiliates and members (Best Practices Committee)
CS Robinson Award will be presented to St. Charles Parish Public Schools
Herb Salinger Personnel Administrator of the Year Award will be presented to
Cathy Donovan
HR Specialist Award will be presented to Lori Thum
Committee is recommending the award description be revised to include
requirements of working in public education and a member of AASPA
William Hunter Point of Light Award will be presented to Guilford County Schools
from North Carolina: Recruitment of Teachers of Color
Professional Development (Jason Liewehr)
Amy has been sending monthly reports to the Committee
Seeking out help for obtaining articles for the Perspective and topic sessions
for the National Conference
Suggestion for a long-range plan for professional development
Kelly indicated more concrete sessions should be available by July
Gwendolyn suggested AASPA provide professional development
opportunities for support staff; Need to define support staff; Kelly suggested
one webinar per month for support staff; Addie suggested adding topics
outside of HR
Scholarship (Hank Harris)
Hank acknowledged Linda Mitchell’s work; Ten applicants; Two
applicants have been selected; Both are from Region1; Scholarship recipients are
Sobia Sheikh ($2000) and RevatiMadhira ($1000)
A motion was made by Rick and seconded by Gwendolyn to accept the Committee Reports as presented; Motion passed with no opposition
Other Discussion
Kelly will work with Molly to design a new AASPA logo
Kelly shared job description templates AASPA could sell for a revenue source
Kelly will have Molly explore the option of e-books for the bookstore
A motion was made by Joe and seconded by Jason to adjourn the meeting;
Motion passed
Meeting was adjourned at 11:10 PM