Aarhus School of Architecture/Design School Kolding
Biannual evaluation
Name: / Evaluation no.:Platform: / Period of evaluation:
Main supervisor: / Project supervisor:
Date of enrolment: / Project title:
Submission date:
1. Account of the progression in the PhD project during the evaluation period:
A list the conducted activities asked for elsewhere in the template.
(Note for the 5th evaluation; a draft for the table of content with short elaborations for the final thesis – and Main supervisors proposals for assessment committee members shall also be submitted)
2. Is the PhD plan / A. approved B. enclosed
Are there any changes to the PhD plan? / yesno
- If yes, which ones?
3. Are you keeping to schedule / yesno
- If no, what is the reason?
- How will the schedule be adjusted?
4. aStay(s) in other research environments, during the evaluation period:
Institution / Period andpossible ECTS-points
4. bCourses, conferences, seminars during the evaluation period:
Title of courseand place / Dateand ECTS-points
Seminar – orconferencetitleand place / Dateand ECTS-points
1. semester / 2. semester / 3. semester / 4. semester / 5. semester / 6. semester / 7. semester / 8. semester
ECTS per semester
4. c. Planned activities (for the rest of your course of study)
Type and title / Expected ECTS-points
5. Teaching and other dissemination of knowledge (a total of 840 hours)
A. Titleofactivity / Hours spent
B. Publication – titleandjournal/context / Number of pages, hours spent
1. semester / 2. semester / 3. semester / 4. semester / 5. semester / 6. semester / 7. semester / 8. semester
Dissemination-hours per semester
Have the demands of the schedule been met? / yesno
If no, what is missing?
6. Supervisors hours
1. semester / 2. semester / 3. semester / 4. semester / 5. semester / 6. semester / 7. semester / 8. semester
Main supervisor
Possible secondary supervisor
7. Main supervisors comments(Mandatory to complete! Including possible comments from project supervisor and secondary supervisor):
As supervisor for the above-mentioned PhD student, I recommend that the studies continue as I evaluate that the course of study has been satisfactory so far. At the same time I can confirm that the student in question has during the last six months carried through the above-mentioned activities. Furthermore, I can approve possible corrections of the study plan as mentioned above.
Date / Main supervisor’s signature
I, the PhD student, am informed of this evaluation and agree (if necessary) to the stated changes in my study programme.
Date / Ph.d.-student’s signature
As Head of the PhD School I can confirm that this biannual evaluation is approved.
Date / Head of PhD School’s signature
Biannual evaluation – template Jan. 2017