In addition to the main duties and responsibilities set out below, the post holder is required to carry out the professional duties of a teacher as set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document, and to undertake the general responsibilities of a teacher at Alban Academy.

·  To be responsible for the general oversight of the work, welfare and behaviour of pupils in their class and to bring to the attention of the Heads of Key Stage any matters of concern relating to their class.

·  To support the means by which the school seeks to educate pupils by appreciating the aims of the whole curriculum, contributing to its development wherever possible.

·  To support Heads of Key Stage and Subject Leaders in any arrangements to ensure good educational practice in the school.

·  To be familiar with all individual members of their class, to acquire appreciation of their special needs, strengths, home background and academic progress.

·  To participate in training and continuing professional development.

·  To attend staff, curriculum and parents’ meetings.

·  To develop the working environment of the classroom keeping it organised effectively in a way which promotes and stimulates learning.

·  To implement whole school strategies consistently in order to raise standards across the school.

·  To plan and prepare courses and lessons for pupils and set and mark pupils’ work.

·  To assess, record and report on the development, progress and attainment of pupils and use the data available on pupils to inform planning, differentiation and monitoring of pupil progress.

·  To be responsible for the safe-guarding and promoting the welfare of all children.

·  To maintain confidentiality at all times in respect of school related matters and to prevent disclosure of confidential and sensitive information.

·  To practise and promote fair and equal treatment of all staff, parents and pupils throughout the course of performing all duties contained within this job description.

·  To be aware of the guidelines as laid out in the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Health and Safety policy requirements of the Governing Body and fire drill procedures.

·  To undertake other tasks as designated by the Headteacher when appropriate and necessary.