University System of Georgia’s

African-American Male Initiative (AAMI®)Start Up GrantEvaluative Report

Please complete this mandatoryAAMI program evaluation form and ensure that thenarrative report does not exceed the cited word limits. Including a cover letter and the one-page budget document, the total report should not exceed 10 pages. Reports should be typed using a 12-point font and submitted via e-mail.

Name of Institution: ______

AAMI Project Name: ______

Year Founded / Years in Existence: ______

AAMI Project Director’s Name/Title: ______

AAMI Project Address: ______

City/State Zip Code: ______

AAMI Grant Amount Awarded: ______Institutional Amount Matched: ______

Total Number of Young Men in AAMI Program Cohorts: ______

Pre-Freshmen: ___ College Freshmen: ___ College Sophomores: ___ College Juniors: ____ College Seniors: ____

Certification by Institutional President:
I certify to the best of my knowledge the information in this Evaluative Report is accurate.
Typed or Printed Name of Institution’s President
Signature of Institution’s President

USG’s african-american male initiative

start-up Grant Evaluation AND Narrative Report

Please check and complete as applicable.

The absolute deadline for submission of all final reports will be no later than July 31, 2014. If the work of the project/program is conducted during the summer of 2013, a final report must be submitted no later than October 31, 2013.

Final Report / Date Submitted: ______

Interim Report / Date Submitted: ______


  1. Please list the major objectives of the project as outlined in your proposal. Describe the progress you have made toward achieving these objectives within your proposed timeline. Note where activities have differed from what was originally anticipated. Indicate the current impact of the funding. (Limit 300 words)
  1. Which of the following interventions and support programs did your grant-funded project address at your institution? (Check all that apply)

_____ Expanding the number of African-American males enrolled at your institution

_____ Increasing African-American males’ graduation rates at your institution

_____ Targeted summer bridge program

_____ Campus learning-community program

_____ Programs that enhance African-American males’ successful orientation to the collegeexperience

and their subsequent retention

_____ Communications-driven initiatives, aimed at African-American males, their parents andother

influencers, which encourage college attendance by the target cohort of students

_____ Other: Please provide a one-sentence synopsis to describe the main goal of the project

  1. List the specific eventsand dates that your program activities where conducted. Note where activities have differed from what was originally anticipated(For Example: Summer Bridge Programon June24- June28, 2013). (Limit 300 words)
  1. Explain how the activitieslisted above helped you meet the proposed goals and objectives stated in the funding proposal(For example: Goal: To establish a Summer Bridge Program by working with external partners.Result: Smith Public School System worked collaboratively with our program to identify 50-males who became participants of the Summer Bridge Program).(Limit 300words)


  1. In your proposal, you provided a plan for how you intended to evaluate the grant project. Please provide an update with regard to the status of the evaluation.(Limit 300 words)
  1. List the barometer movements (measurable outcomes) that were achieved as a result of the program (For example:Compare the grade point averages, retention rate, and Student Affairs engagements of the Summer Bridge Program participants to their African-American Male counterparts who did not participate in the AAMI program and any other student cohort if desired) (Limit 300 words)
  1. All institutions are required to provide the following data for their African-American male students. Please specify the period or term.

Most Recent Institutional Data / Value / Reporting Period
Overall institutional enrollment / #
Number of African-American males enrolled at the institution / #
Percentage of the student enrollment which African-American males comprise at the institution / %
Number of African-American males enrolled in AAMI / #
Retention Rate of African-American males at the institution / %
Retention Rate of African-American males in the program / %
Graduation Rate of African-American males at the institution / %
Number of degrees conferred to African-American males at the institution / #
  1. Specify the evaluation and measurement strategies used to assess the effectiveness of the project/program.(For example:Graduation/Retention data from the institution’s Department of Institutional Research, Registrar, and Student Affairs, focus groups, survey, etc.) (Limit 300 words)


  1. Please provide an update on the status ofany project communication along with media coverage and products developed during this period (if applicable). Please submit no more than three (3) marketing/communication samples, preferably an AAMI program-related brochure, news release, media article, or any combination of the three. (Limit 300 words)
  1. How are your program's successes being shared with other USG Institutions?(Limit 300 words)


  1. Please describe any major changes or experiences that have had, or will have, an impact on the work supported by the grant. Describe changes occurring within your organization and/or outside your organization. How have you responded, or how do you plan to respond to these changes? (For example: At your institution, in the community, in your local school district, with your partnering entities, etc.). (Limit 300 words)


  1. What lessons have you learned so far that will help you in your continued efforts to achieve your intended goals? Describe any changes you have made or plan to make in light of what you have learned? (Limit 300 words)


  1. How do you plan to sustain the momentum of your project into the future (programmatically and financially). (Limit 300 words)
  1. List recommendations on how and at what cost the programs might be expanded/replicated

to have additional impact on the institution's and the System's AAMI goals.(Limit 300 words)


  1. Using the attached budget template (only), please account specifically for the use of these grant funds and indicate how these funds have been spent according to the categories submitted in the original proposal budget. Insert lines as needed to list budgeted staff members by their full title, percentage of time on the project, and wage. Itemize all travel expenditures in a separate budget narrative.

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